Early Artificial Experiment (5e Race)

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Early Artificial Experiment[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Early Artificial Experiments looks varies from model to model. Such things include augmented pre-existing species, genetic experiments, cyborgs, robots, androids and constructs.


Generally, Early Artificial Experiments were created after civilization started coding in DNA as skillfully, as modern humans code in computer programming languages; cybernetics were researched and were advanced; true AIs were invented. Different models required different technologies. Most are created and optimized for specific purposes. Some are created their transhumanist creators as superior replacement/modernization of naturally evolved species. At that point of time, all or most of population is composed of Early Artificial Experiments - with exception of more expensive, powerful and rare super-experiments of different types.


Generally, Early Artificial Experiments do what they are made to do. Usually, they live in caste society, with each caste specializing in it's own task, specialty and field of work.


Early Artificial Experiments personality varies from model to model, and from specimen to specimen. Generally, they love to do what they were created and optimized for.

Early Artificial Experiment Traits[edit]

Early Artificial Experiments have so diverse looks, what they can't be shortly summarized. They are whatever their creator needs, and can be anything within reasons.
Ability Score Increase. Customized, see "Customized Physiology"
Age. Due to advances in various technologies, Early Artificial Experiments are biologically immortal - meaning, they can live forever, or until someone kills them. They never suffer any negative effects from old age. Rate of aging for purposes of benevolent aging is varies from model to model. Most Early Artificial Experiments don't have any undeveloped "child"-like stages, and are born as Adults. Some are designed to be born as fully-able-bodied Adults, but with smart and wise Venerable mind.
Alignment. Varies from model to model. Can be chosen at creation.
Size. Customized, see "Customized Physiology"
Speed. Customized, see "Customized Physiology"
Customized Physiology. You and your creator can choose absolutely any combination of racial characteristics and qualities. However, your Musicus_Meter_(5e_Guideline) must not exceed 8 - as experiments with Musicus_Meter_(5e_Guideline) bigger than 8 aren't "Early" artificial experiments.
Languages. Customized, see "Customized Physiology". At the very least, you can speak, read and write Common.

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