Talk:Bone Collector (5e Class)

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For some reason, I really don't like the Impostor feature. I don't know why. maybe it should be a spell :\ Arquebus (talk) 19:43, 26 January 2020 (MST) I have now removed the impostor feature, maybe I will like the class better.

I have reached a point in development where I am becoming open to suggestions and feedback. The spells still need construction, but the basic class seems to be in place. Arquebus (talk) 06:01, 27 January 2020 (MST)

Level 15 suggestion.[edit]

For 15th level, I suggest that the feature should be one that allows you to ignore all requirements for magic items, and advantage on saving throws imposed by cursed magical items. --Leíf (talk) 16:10, 28 January 2020 (MST)

I liked both of your suggestions, but I dropped handle cursed item to 9th level. 15th seemed a bit high. Thanks. Arquebus (talk) 14:38, 29 January 2020 (MST)

Minor Healing Suggestion[edit]

For minor healing, I love the feature, but why not just say that you can heal hit points equal to your Bone Collector Level? It is less to write and eliminates a column in the table that serves the exact same purpose. done. thanks. Arquebus (talk) 14:38, 29 January 2020 (MST)

Suggestions for Another Feature[edit]

I'm thinking of ditching the mimic ability feature. I think it is too powerful, and does not mesh well with the rest of the class idea Arquebus (talk) 22:58, 31 January 2020 (MST) OK, I figured somethimg out - Advanced Skeleton or something

Spell list analysis[edit]

-- -----------------------------------	------	------	------	------	------	-------	------
 1. Blade Ward						PHB-218	
 2. Combat Grab				[PRIME]	xmute	dndwiki	Self	action		disenge
 3. Force Whip				ok			Self				COMBAT
 4. Friends						PHB-244	
 5. Guidance				ok			Touch		
 6. Know Direction			ok			Self		
 7. Label				ok			Touch		
 8. Mage Hand				good			30 ft		
 9. Magic Stone						XGE-160	
10. Mending				ok			Touch		
11. Message (Variant)			ok			VT 120'	
12. Mold Earth						XGE-162	
13. Poison Spray			combat!			10 ft				COMBAT
14. Produce Flame			ok			Self,30'			COMBAT
15. Resistance (Variant)		ok			Touch		
16. Roll the Bones			ok			10'		
17. Shocking Grasp			good	evoke		Touch		
18. Spare the Dying			ok	necro		Touch	action
19. Thorn Whip (Variant)		ok		PHB-282					COMBAT
20. Toll the Dead (Variant)		ok		XGE-169	VT				COMBAT

-- -----------------------------------	------	------	------	------	-------	-------	------
 1. Absorb Elements			replace	abjure	XGE-150	self	react	round	
 2. Attract				ok	conjure		LoSight	sction	CNC	
 3. Bind Skeletal Familiar		ok	necro	dndwiki	10'	minute	N					
 4. Charm Person, Variant touch		ok	enchant	PHB-221	Vt 30'	action	1 hour	wisdom	COMBAT/ATTACK
 5. Compelled Duel, Variant touch	ok	enchant	PHB-224	Vt 30'	bonus	CNC 1m	wisdom	COMBAT/ATTACK
 6. Comprehend Languages, Variant touch	ok	div	PHB-224	Vt self	action	ritual				
 7. Detect Magic			ok	div	PHB-231	self30'	action	ritual	ld foil	
 8. Disguise Self			ok	illus	PHB-233	self	action	hour	int			
 9. Expeditious Retreat			ok	xmute	PHB-238	self	bonus	CN 10m		ESCAPE	
10. False Life				ok	necro	PHB-239	self	action	1 hour			
11. Heroism, Variant touch		ok	enchant	PHB-250	Vt Tch	action	CNC 1mn		SUPPORT	
12. Identify				ok	div	PHB-252	touch	minute	ritual	
13. Inflict Wounds, Variant touch	combat!	necro	PHB-253	Vt,tch	action	DAMAGE!	melee	COMBAT/ATTACK
14. Mage Armor				good	abjure	PHB-256	touch	action	8 hours	13+dex	COMBAT/DEFENSE
15. Missile Lore			good	div	dndwiki	touch	minute			
16. Peltskin				good	xmute	dndwiki	touch	action	1 hour	AC>=14	COMBAT/DEFENSE
17. Protection from Evil and Good	ok	abjure	PHB-270	touch	action	CNC 10m	disadv		
18. Skull Goblet			ok	necro	dndwiki	touch	1 day	1 year
19. Shield				ok	abjure	PHB-275	self	react	1 round	+5 AC	COMBAT/DEFENSE
20. Speak With Animals, Variant touch	ok	div	PHB-277	VT self	action	ritual		

-- -----------------------------------	------	------	------	------	-------	-------	------
 1. Acid Arrow, Variant touch		ok	evoke	OGL	Vt 90'	action	DAMAGE!	attack			
 2. Alter Self				ok	xmute	OGL	self	action	1 hr	melee	
 3. Animal Messenger, Variant touch	ok	enchant		Vt 30'	action	24 hr						
 4. Barkskin				ok	xmute		touch	action	CNC 1hr	AC>=16		
 5. Bone Lore				good	div		self	10 min	ritual		
 6. Bone Shield				ok	necro	dndwiki	self	bonus	10 m	6blocks		
 7. Coin Sending			good	enchant	dndwiki	touch	minute	varies		NEEDS WORK
 8. Combat Messaging			ok	evoke	dndwiki	touch	action	CNC 1m			
 9. Determine Lineage			ok	div	dndwiki	Vt 120'	45 min	ritual
10. Dragon's Breath, Variant touch	ok		XGE-154			
11. Enhance Ability, Variant touch	ok	xmute		touch	action	CNC 1hr	
12. Flame Blade				combat	evoc	OGL	self	bonus	CNC 10m	3d6	COMBAT
13. Hold Person, Variant touch		ok	enchant	OGL	Vt 60'	action	CNC 1m	vs wis	
14. Invisibility, Variant touch		ok	illus	OGL	Vt 0'	action	CNC 1hr			
15. Locate Object			[PRIME]	div	OGL	self	action	CNC 10m		
16. Magic Mouth				ok	illus	OGL	Vt 30'	minute	remote
17. Mirror Image			good	illus	OGL	self	action		10+dex
18. Shadow Blade					XGE-164				
19. Skeletal Warhorse			ok	necro	dndwiki	touch	minute					
20. Whispering Wind, Variant local	good	xmute	OGL	Vlocal	action	

-- -----------------------------------	------	------	------	------	-------	-------	------
 1. Animal Resurrection			ok	necro	dndwiki	touch	action	
 2. Animated Skeleton			good	necro	dndwiki						
 3. Boil Cistern			ok	xmute	dndwiki	5'	minute	ritual	1d6/r		
 4. Bone Crushing Hug			[FIGHT]	xmute	dndwiki	touch	react		8d6	COMBAT
 5. Bonesword				good	necro	dndwiki	self	action	CNC 10m	+Xd6				
 6. Clairvoyance, Variant local		ok	div	OGL	V.local	10 min	CNC 10m				
 7. Coin Lore				ok	div	dndwiki	self	10 min			
 8. Control Living Skeleton		good	enchant	dndwiki	30'	action	CND 10m		
 9. Counterspell			ok	abjure	OGL	60'	react		DC10+lv
10. Dire Charm, Variant touch		ok	enchant	dndwiki	Vt 200'	action	CNC 1m	vs wis	
11. Dispel Magic			good	abjure	OGL	120'	action		DC10+lv		
12. Haste, Variant touch		ok	xmute	OGL	Vt 30'	action	CNC 1m	AC+2			
13. Life Transference, Variant touch	ok		XGE-160								
14. Magic Fang, Greater			ok	xmute	dndwiki	touch	action	minute	UAS+1d8		
15. Meld Into Stone			ok	xmute	OGL	touch	action	8 hours			
16. Nondetection			ok	abjure	OGL	touch	action	8 hours			
17. Quiet Armor				good	illus	dndwiki	self	bonus	CNC 1hr		
18. Remove Curse			good	abjure	OGL	touch	action				
19. Sending, Variant remote		[PRIME]	evoke	OGL	remote	action	round			
20. Speak With Skull			ok	necro	dndwiki	touch	action	10 min			

Animal Resurrection (5e Spell)

-- -----------------------------------	------	------	------	------	-------	-------	------
1. Arcane Eye				ok	div	OGL	30'	action	CNC		
2. Awaken Skeleton			ok	necro	dndwiki	touch	hour	1week +
3. Charm Monster, Variant touch				XGE-151	Vt							
4. Death Ward				ok	abjure	OGL	touch	action	8 hours	vsdeath	
5. Dimension Door, Variant local	ok	conjure	OGL	V.local	action	4d6ouch		
6. Dominate Beast, Variant touch	ok	enchant	OGL	Vt 60'	action	CNC 1m					
7. Dowse Location, Variant remote	good	div	dndwiki	Vremote	action	24 hr					
8. Fire Shield				ok	evoke	OGL	self	action	10 min	2d8 vs	
9. Freedom of Movement			ok	abjure	OGL	touch	action	1 hr			
10. Greater Invisibility		ok	illus	OGL	touch	action	CNC 1m				
11. Locate Creature, Variant local	ok	div	OGL	V.local	action	CNC 1hr					
12. Pebble Blink, Variant local		ok	xmute	dndwiki	15'	action	<=1mile	wis/dex			
13. Phantasmal Killer, Variant local	combat!	illus	OGL	120'	action	CNC 1m	4d10					
14. Remote Comfort			[PRIME]	evoke	dndwiki	Vremote	minute	[BONE COLLECTOR ONLY]			
15. Secret Chest			good	conjure	OGL	touch	action	action			
16. Shadow of Moil			ok		XGE-164						
17. Stone Shape				ok	xmute	OGL	touch	action	5x5x5		
18. Stone Tell				ok	div	dndwiki	self	10 min			
19. Stoneskin				ok	abjure	OGL	touch	action	CNC 1hr		
20. Transfer Ability, Variant touch	ok	xmute	dndwiki	V.touch	action	CNC 1hr		

-- -----------------------------------	------	------	------	------	-------	-------	------
 1. Animate Objects			ok	xmute	PHB-213	120'	action	CNC 1m		
 2. Awaken Self				ok	xmute	dndwiki	self	10 min	week		
 3. Creation				ok	illus	PHB-229	30'	minute			
 4. Dominate Person, Variant touch	ok	enchant	PHB-235	Vt 60'	action	CNC 1m	wisdom	COMBAT/ATTACK	
 5. Dream, Variant remote		ok	illus	PHB-236	Vremote	minute		wisdom	
 6. Enervation, Variant touch		good	necro	XGE-155	Vt 60'	action	CNC 1m	dex	COMBAT/ATTACK
 7. Geas, Variant touch			ok	enchant	PHB-244	Vt 60'	minute	30 days	wisdom	
 8. Greater Restoration, Variant touch	ok	abjure	PHB-246	Vtouch	action			SUPPORT	
 9. Hold Monster, Variant touch		ok	enchant	PHB-251	Vt 90'	action	CNC 1m		COMBAT/ATTACK
10. Legend Lore, Variant remote		good	div	OGL	Vremote	10 min			
11. Mislead				ok	illus	PHB-260	self	action	CNC 1hr		
12. Modify Memory, Variant touch	ok	enchant	PHB-261	Vt 30'	action	CNC 1m	wisdom		
13. Passwall				ok	xmute	PHB-264	30'	action	1 hour		SUPPORT
14. Reincarnate Skeleton		good	necro	dndwiki					
15. Remote Casting, Variant remote	good		dndwiki	Vremote					
16. Scrying, Variant remote		good	div	PHB-273	Vremote	10 min	10 min		
17. Skill Empowerment			good		dndwiki					SUPPORT
18. Telekinesis				ok	xmute	PHB-280	60'	action	CNC 10m		COMBAT
19. Telepathic Bond, Variant local	good								
20. Xenae's Bubble Prison, VariantTouch	ok		dndwiki					

1. Create Homunculus			good							
2. Disintegrate (Variant touch)		ok								
3. Dragon's Skin			ok							
4. Find the Path			ok							
5. General Inventory			ok							
6. Group Mind Meld			good							
7. Investiture of Flame			ok							
8. Locate Remains			good							
9. Tenser's Transformation		ok								
10. True Seeing				ok						
11. Soul Cage (Variant)			ok							
12. Word of Recall (Variant)		good								

13. Crown of Stars
14. Mirage Arcane (Variant local)
15. Plane Shift
16. Project Image (Variant)
17. Resurrect Skeleton
18. Sequester
19. Simulacrum
20. Teleport, Variant

Arquebus (talk) 16:55, 2 February 2020 (MST) Arquebus (talk) 15:18, 25 February 2020 (MST)

Play Testing[edit]

I think this class is ready for play testing. Arquebus (talk) 17:14, 2 February 2020 (MST)

I ran a character about a week ago. I think the magic system needs to be revamped a bit. Maybe it should be more like a cleric or sorceror than a wizard. Arquebus (talk) 16:22, 24 February 2020 (MST)

Advanced Skellies?[edit]

The ability to change one of the skeletons into one of the choices is odd because a good deal of those options are actually races, not creatures. So they do not have set stat blocks.--Yanied (talk) 08:54, 8 February 2020 (MST)

I just went around the homebrew pages looking for skeletons. Perhaps the races don't fit. On the other hand, where did the races come from? A Bone Collector started them? :) Arquebus (talk) 12:17, 11 February 2020 (MST)

Perhaps, though I think most of them have the generic histories of being risen by necromancers. My main concern is that if you use races, you will need to determine their stats like one would a player, since they do not have stat blocks. And the spells don't have stat blocks associated with them, just changes to an existing one. So, if I made an onyx skelly, I'd have to roll the dice to make it? I was thinking it might be easier to change it to something like the UA bard's College of Creation's dancing item. Just a long delayed two cents, sorry for the incredibly late response.--Yanied (talk) 13:09, 20 May 2020 (MDT)


I keep feeling I should remove the second story work feature. If the player really wants that they should multiclass Arquebus (talk) 14:00, 25 February 2020 (MST)

54 Spells, One for Each Bone of the Hands[edit]

I have run my bone collector twice now, and I think I need to make some adjustments. I at first thought that a bone collector is a kind of wizard but the more I work with it the more it seems to be a new kind of caster. For one thing, a bone collector is sort of a complex class with lots of moving parts. So the bone collector actually need more spells than others in order for it to 'hang together' So I am making it so a bone collector knows 54 spells, one for each bone in the hands and wrists. Second the bone collector is a close combat caster, so they need to be able to concentrate on two concentration spells at a time, one for defense and one for offense, or technically, one controlled by the right hand and one by the left hand. In order to keep this balanced, a bone collector won't be able to cast any additional spells while concentrating on two unless they drop concentration on one. As a result, dexterity becomes a very important ability. To make things simple, a bone collector will know 6 cantrips, all first and second level spells at first level, and two spells of each level from 3rd to 6th (not that they will be able to cast spells above first, but they will know them). Then a bone collector gets to swap out up to 10 spells each time they go up one level, one for each finger. Arquebus (talk) 15:08, 9 March 2020 (MDT)