Talk:Boar (5e Equipment)

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Mount or Meat[edit]

I honestly believe the mount should be a tad little more expensive, to consider for the [Training] of the mount, and the fact that buying the boar, and slaying it for the meat, is virtually inexpensive. White Goat (talk) 18:21, 19 January 2021 (MST)

Creature or Equipment[edit]

Personally, I think that this should be incorporated into a creature description. That said, I'm not really an expert on 5E. Jwguy (talk) 07:10, 30 November 2015 (MST)

The PHB lists mounts in the equipment section, it doesn't go into details, just provides the cost, speed and carry capacity. If the mount is being used in combat instead of just a beast-of-burnden, you would use this in conjunction with the statblock. The boar statblock is also in the PHB. Marasmusine (talk) 08:38, 30 November 2015 (MST)