Talk:Animated Armor (5e Race)
--ConcealedLight (talk) 02:30, 19 March 2018 (MDT)
Are you immune to poison damage, the poisoned condition, or both? Judging from past constructs, I'd say both. Why are the ability score increases limited to when you wear armour? Aren't you already a suit of armour? You also mention that the armour does not need to eat, but what about drinking, sleeping and breathing (mentioned in immunity to gas, but should be clarified into not needing to breathe), things that constructs don't need to do? Maybe a sleep substitute where you become inactive for a few hours. SirSprinkles (talk) 22:28, 12 April 2016 (MDT)
"condiotion". Also, I think that the immunity to disease should just be immunity to disease, as I'm unaware of any diseased condition. SirSprinkles (talk) 18:01, 12 June 2016 (MDT)
Does recharge alter the duration of a rest, or is it intended to only be a replacement for sleep, as with an elf's trance? --Kydo (talk) 16:29, 20 September 2016 (MDT)
I think that being a construct rather then a humanoid would be very difficult on how you would heal, since spells like cure wounds and healing word don't work on constructs or undead. I also think that being blind past the blindsight radius could be pretty bad for exploration, since you will not be able to see we're your destination is past 60 ft. But I also think blindsight is strong and I know you are trying to remain true to the animated armor creature.
This page has had a lot of hands in it, and I think it's lost it's way somewhere. I will go through the traits and in parenthesis my rating (should aim for 4.5)
- Age: No old age, so immune to aging attacks such as those from ghosts (0.5)
- Size: Has the option of being Large. You need to explain the ramifications of being Large. Can they use Large-sized weapons, for example (which would be a significant benefit)
- Steel Trap. "Charm" isn't a damage type, so you can't be resistant to it. Psychic isn't a common damage type, so I'll rate this (0.5)
- Empty inside. Useful, immune to starvation, dehydration, poisoned gases, can stay underwater, etc. (0.5)
- Technical Immunity. Immunity to a common damage type (1.5) ["gas effects" isn't a useful description. What if it's a corrosive gas? And already covered by "doesn't breathe", above.]
- Armor Adjustment, lightweight, middleweight, heavyweight. AC designed to be a function of class, so this trait needs some examination.
- First of all, "the same as light armor", "the same as medium armor", "the same as heavy armor" doesn't mean anything, as armor categories have no inherent AC. Should this be saying you can choose a specific type of armor (e.g. "half-plate"?).
- If so, this goes all the way up to Plate armor, AC 18, which is a big deal, especially for a wizard.
- You only adopt the AC, so the normal armor detriments (Strength prerequsiite, stealth disadvantage, cost, weight) do not apply.
- This is versatile and powerful, so I rate it (2)
- The movement/swim effects seem to balance out more or less.
- Heavy-Handed was changed from modifying armor slam, to all unarmed attacks, so now we have a 1st level monk with AC and dealing 1d4 + Dex + Str over two or more attacks per round. (1)
- Armor Slam, doesn't deal more than a martial weapon, can be useful for classes without such weapons (0.5).
Overall: 7.5 (or more, depending on Large size)
- What's missing
- Currently seems to have the default type, Humanoid, perhaps this should be Construct? Although, this would grant immunity to some spells.
- Background. Very few of the PHB backgrounds make sense for this race. Marasmusine (talk) 03:56, 2 October 2016 (MDT)
- I have made several balance changes and exchanges in the animated armor, which can be viewed here and here. I will also summarize here, going from the top of the trait list to the bottom.
- It is the DM's decision of if a large sized armor can wield large weapons. I did not see much way to further balance it beyond just removing the ability to be large sized.
- Resistance to psychic damage and advantage on saving throws against being charmed removed. This starts to make the assumption that Anarmors, or at the player's, have a degree of intelligence and sapience. It is otherwise for balance reasons.
- Trait spot for Steel Trap replaced with Constructed. Details the Anarmor not needing food, breathe and regular sleep as well as clarifying that they are a construct. Whatever spells, which includes a lot of them, no longer affect them may need exceptions to rules. Further balancing is wanted.
- Immunity to poison clarified and lack of immunity to acid and corrosion clarified. It just needed to happen for the sake of cleanliness.
- Added the trait 'Empty Armor'. Very experimental, not tested or balanced very much. Summarized, the Anarmor can be willingly worn by someone, giving the wearer the armor of the appropriate type and giving the Anarmor resistance to damage and splitting melee damage taken between the armor and wearer. Opinions are greatly appreciated.
- Added a way of forcing anarmor to switch from one set of armor to the next using an Arcana check. In the works, meant to add some downside and making the anarmor able to be crippled somehow, beyond disease.
- If the anarmor is not proficient in the type of armor they are, they receive a -2 to AC. Mostly for addressing the issue with low armor classes being high AC armors. Thinking of how to explain in character, suggestions/additions appreciated.
- Allows Medium subrace to ignore it's own armor benefits, including the -2 for lack of proficiency, to use a class benefit or spell instead. Also to address AC issues with classes, so that Barbarians and Monks can use their respective modifiers like they are normally able to.
- As always, comments and additions are very welcome, I just thought the race as a whole needed cleaning up. There were also 2 minor edits inbetween the two I linked to. I also added the horizontal line at the start of my talk section right here so that it is easier to differentiate between Maramusine's comment and mine, as his bullet points raise his text quite a bit. --Ruceris (talk) 17:34, 13 December 2016 (MST)
- There's at least a couple problems I think need to be noted in regards to AC and hit points alone:
- With the race as written, there is nothing mechanically preventing Animated Armor from itself wearing armor.
- The various AC increasing traits do not work the way official AC-related traits do. E.g., "your AC becomes 18" or "your AC becomes 10 + Dex mod + Con mod." Unless a DM specifically intervenes, this allows a character for example to use a barbarian's already powerful unarmored defense and increase it by 6 with the "Ring Mail" trait.
- In official rules, the highest score a player-character can start with outside of racial bonuses is 18. Because this race allows such huge Con increases, a player-character can start with as much as 21 or 22 Con, which shouldn't be possible given 5e's "soft cap" on an ability scores being 20. Ideally these Con increases should be reduced, but if not then they should specify that they can't increase an ability score over 20.
- This race has huge bonuses to hit points. Going from d10 -> d12 Hit Dice normally increases hp gained per level by 1 (excluding the first level), so why does already increasing "beyond a d12" get an extra 2 per level instead? Why is this listed as an ability score increase instead of elsewhere? Why is this on TOP of getting as much as +4 Con per level? An animated armor barbarian of any subrace is ridiculously good, especially considering its unarmored defense and the previously mentioned AC exploit.
- The original author seems to be long gone and I'm not sure if an active user is watching this page, so I might end up revamping it a bit in light of the preceding remarks... - Guy (talk) 22:09, 6 May 2017 (UTC)
- There's at least a couple problems I think need to be noted in regards to AC and hit points alone:
Let's see if there's something we can do about this. I propose we spread some of these features over a 5 level racial class, which the PC must complete before taking levels in other classes. I can take a crack at rewriting this if there is interest. Marasmusine (talk) 22:01, 7 May 2017 (UTC)
- I'd like to see that. I think playable animated armor is an interesting and fun idea in of itself. - Guy (talk) 03:06, 8 May 2017 (UTC)
- I would also be very interested to see this race cleaned up a bit. There seems to be a lot of potential for cool mechanics and ideas but balancing seems to be the biggest issue. This page really just needs an experienced author to rewrite it.CrankyFish (talk)
- Aight. I'll see what I can do. ConcealedLight (talk) 06:15, 14 January 2018 (MST)
I've done quite a bit of work on it and I'd say it has a score of 7 on the Musicus Meter(My own individual scores are encoded). There are a number of benefits the race has that are counteracted by some pretty harsh detriments such as the lack of healing/reviving magic they can receive from magical sources, their antimagic susceptibility, not having normal sight, only a +2 total asi, which are evened out by some strong features such as spell immunities, blindsight, the construct trait and non-magical physical damage resistance. I'd like to get some more opinions on this before I claim it is complete and User:ConcealedWife will be working on the lore element. ConcealedLight (talk) 13:14, 14 January 2018 (MST)
- I'd say the race looks good. Is it intentional that Heavy Armor subrace doesn't add strength to unarmed attacks? And how does False Appearance work? I worry it'd fall into the realm of DM discretion if one looked just like any other armor. Would a Performance check be appropriate? Or Deception check? If no one thinks a check is necessary then cool beans, I'd say it is complete. BigShotFancyMan (talk) 10:58, 26 February 2018 (MST)
- Melee weapons and also unarmored strikes automatically add your Strength modifier on their damage rolls, just like ranged weapons automatically add your Dexterity modifier to your damage rolls(see alter self and 5e SRD:Melee Attacks). It is redundant to add it, unless the attack had some special property(if a unarmed strike uses your Dexterity modifier for example). I am also unsure of giving a race the False Appearance trait, but there is a precedent for a similar effect it in 5e, the gray ooze has a trait of the same name that makes it look like an oily pool or wet rock. Also, in most situations, only the dumbest of creatures wouldn't suspect armor in the upright position that is carrying a bunch of things not being a creature, so I am of the opinion that this trait should be removed.--Blobby383b (talk) 11:45, 26 February 2018 (MST)
- Yeah, it would be redundant. I've always read "+ str/dex modifier" in my read. I swear I'd seen it this way but apparently not. What if the armor wasn't carrying or holding anything? Would it be possible to misconstrue it as any set of armor? I've seen mannequins with backpacks? Would it be feasible to have a mannequin inside your armor and others not know the difference. I love the trait for roleplay applications. I'm not fighting for it per se, just someone decided they wanted it. Is there a way to keep it and be flavorful & mechanically make sense? BigShotFancyMan (talk) 12:32, 26 February 2018 (MST)
- You are correct, in certain situations the trait does make sense, but if the trait is kept, it needs to do something that makes it make sense in more situations. I would at least start with making it not work on creatures with truesight, since it seems unreasonable that many higher CR creatures can't tell that your a creature since you are a magical shapechanger/bodyswitcher. Besides that, maybe making it only work on creatures that are at least X feat away from you would be good as well. There should also be a bunch of other ways to make it work, but those two are what I came up with for now.--Blobby383b (talk) 13:39, 26 February 2018 (MST)
- Looking back on it, the Solid Resistance trait is a trait no race should ever have. This kind of trait is what some classes get at 18th level and is considered really strong, plus the MM scoring does not hold up for resistance to any of those damage types.--Blobby383b (talk) 18:18, 18 March 2018 (MDT)
- Agreed. Though at 18th level or 20th in the case of some paladin subraces its normally full resistance rather then just non-magical, and though the barbarian gets full resistance they have limits to it that make it ok. I've reavaluated the blinsight rating and updated the MM score. --ConcealedLight (talk) 02:30, 19 March 2018 (MDT)
Forgive me, I'm new at this. I recently became a DM, and this page was the first one I ever edited. I'm not the original author, but I set the framework for the lore. I have since drummed up my own version of the Animated Armor Race for use in my own campaign, which is my first. Some of the names for the traits have changed, and I've added some new ones. Most of the changes I have made to this page have been clarification and grammar fixes, but I would like to try running some of the other changes I've made to this race by anyone willing to listen.
For one thing, I do like the idea of making the False Appearance trait subject to a skill check. I agree that, if the trait stays, a creature with truesight would have no trouble figuring out what's what. That said, I don't want the trait to go away, as it is a trait for Animated Armors in the Monster Manual and a really cool mechanic in my opinion. Imagine a rogue pulling off a stealth check using False Appearance! I've tweaked the trait a little myself, but I'm open to suggestions. I will be testing it out by making some NPCs that are Animated Armors as well, so wI'll see what happens and report any concerns.
For another thing, I have a trait in mind that might be fun. It requires two tables, but it could make being an Animated Armor a little more...hazardous. The trait would look like this:
I’m Invincible! You are a construct created by magical means. If enough damage is done to your armor, an entire limb is liable shut down or separate from your body entirely. Roll a d4. That number is known as your Low Point Threshold. For every level after first, roll a d4 and add that number to your Low Point Threshold. Any time your hit points are reduced to this number in combat, you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw before 10th level or a DC 15 Constitution saving throw after 10th level. If you succeed, a random limb or extremity will cease to function until you use an action to repair it. If you fail, a random limb or extremity will be completely separated from your body until you can reattach it. (See the Shutdown and Separation Tables for more information.) These rules and the DC of the saving throw are subject to DM intervention.
The tables in question list out the d20 rolls you can make, and what each one means. For example, in the Shutdown Table, if you roll a 1 through 4, your headpiece shuts down. You are considered blind. You automatically fail any ability check that requires sight. Attack rolls against you have advantage, and your attack rolls have disadvantage. On your next turn after your headpiece shuts down, you must take an action to reactivate it. Alternatively, you can heal the number of hit points needed to surpass your Low Point Threshold. This will cause your headpiece to reactivate without fail.
There are entries like this for the head, arms, hands, legs, and feet. If it's the Shutdown Table, the limb is disabled and must be reactivated. If it's the Separation Table, the limb shuts down and falls off. And in case you're wondering, I chose a d4 for the Low Point Threshold because the lowest hit die for classes in D&D 5e is a d6 (Sorcerer). I would enter this trait in, but I don't quite understand how to format tables on this wiki. If anyone likes this idea and thinks it's worth implementing, let me know.
Lastly, I think there should be some discussion about what exactly Animated Armors can be affected by. I like the idea that mending replaces things like lay on hands, and the fact that physical food is useless, but what about things like hero's feast? Does magical food and drink count? I'd say it does. I actually have a trait for it. It goes like this:
Subject to Magic. Despite being a construct, your magical essence and semblance of sentience make you subject to the effects of certain types of magic. You can utilize healing potions, and you can be affected by certain spells, magic items, and magic food and drink. You are also able to use magic in your own right, and are able to feel the effects of magic to the extent that other races do. This means that you can be charmed and affected by similar spells, but because you are a construct, you have advantage on saving throws relating to spells such as these. This and other rulings regarding magic are subject to DM intervention.
In any case, I have completed my own version of the Animated Armor Race, all bells and whistles added, and mean to test it in my campaign. I have friends who like to break game mechanics, so I have some good test subjects. I'll report my findings here, as well as discuss fixes and balances. I'm open to discussing what changes on the Animated Armor page here on the wiki. I really enjoy the concept, and I want it to be balanced and fun. --ElgadreshkTheLordofGrammar (talk) 18:04, 27 April 2018 (MDT)
- I'd recommend you read the 5e Race Design Guide and Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize before making edits to pages. I've reverted a few things that were unesscary or broke from standard. Both the traits you mentioned seem unnesscary given the state of the race. Also, every ruling official and otherwise is subject to DM ruling and or intervention so you don't need to add that copy paste on the end. --ConcealedLight
(talk) 20:43, 27 April 2018 (MDT)
- Aha! Instructions! I love instructions! I honestly had no idea about any of the guidelines and protocol for any of this wiki stuff. My sincerest apologies if things got out of hand. I'll read up on the things you recommended, and I look forward to seeing what becomes of Animated Armor. --Elgadreshk, The Lord of Grammar (talk) 20:44, 29 April 2018 (MDT)
- As it stands, is the wiki's version of the Animated Armor race viable? It has a MM score of 8, which I can only assume means its on par with the Dwarf race from the actual game. Like I said previously, I do have my own version of this race, crazy traits and all, but if the majority of the people who have helped make this race viable consider it to be viable and balanced, I want to use the balanced version in my own campaign. What's the consensus? Is there anything we're missing? --Elgadreshk, The Lord of Grammar (talk) 20:57, 29 April 2018 (MDT)
- Oh, and one more thing. I've been looking it over, and I just realized something. How would an Animated Armor Ranger work? If they have blindsight, they would be at a serious disadvantage. I'd like to think that maybe blindsight is only granted to an animated armor when they are in 'sentry mode', that is, when they are in the Inactive State described in the Construct section. Maybe this is something that can be changed? I'd like to think sentience (or some form of it) grants animated armors, at the very least, normal vision. Perhaps darkvision can also be a thing, though this would likely tip the balancing a bit. I say grant them normal sight save for when they are inactive. Perhaps the inactive state can tie into the False Appearance trait? I plan to test some of these things in my own campaigns with some NPCs, but I'm open to any thoughts on the matter. --Elgadreshk, The Lord of Grammar (talk) 21:22, 29 April 2018 (MDT)
- The Help:Portal is filled with a trove of information not just in regards to the wiki but in regards to site wise consensuse on everything from balance and formatting to how to approximate the lifespanof your homebrewed race. The high Musicus score is due to how heavily the meter values the living construct and blindsight traits. While living construct wouldn't be an issue in most games given the mendable trait, blindsight is considered one of the big no no's to give races. However, due to the fact they can't see via normal means and animated objects in the MM have such a trait it makes sense to add it here. To answer your question, I'd say yes, in the hands of a good player this race would serve a great roleplaying opptunity, however, I can see issues with players acting on knowledge they don't have. I'd say a ranger with a shortbow and two shortswords would be fine, they would just need to be closer to the fight. --ConcealedLight
(talk) 08:46, 30 April 2018 (MDT)
- The Help:Portal is filled with a trove of information not just in regards to the wiki but in regards to site wise consensuse on everything from balance and formatting to how to approximate the lifespanof your homebrewed race. The high Musicus score is due to how heavily the meter values the living construct and blindsight traits. While living construct wouldn't be an issue in most games given the mendable trait, blindsight is considered one of the big no no's to give races. However, due to the fact they can't see via normal means and animated objects in the MM have such a trait it makes sense to add it here. To answer your question, I'd say yes, in the hands of a good player this race would serve a great roleplaying opptunity, however, I can see issues with players acting on knowledge they don't have. I'd say a ranger with a shortbow and two shortswords would be fine, they would just need to be closer to the fight. --ConcealedLight
I don't have an account here, but I have several suggestions for the page. I request they be reviewed and the page be edited accordingly if approved.
- The "Living Weapons" section says that anarmours can use healing potions, yet the Construct trait implies that anarmours cannot eat or drink. If anarmours can perhaps use potions by pouring them on themselves, the Construct trait should explicitly mention that.
- The Size trait says it depends on the size of the race your armour was designed for, then turns around and says you have to be Medium. Add "or Small" to the end.
- The Mendable trait is currently useless, as the Mending cantrip has a casting time of 1 minute and a creature on 0 hit points will stabilize on its own, or die, in a maximum of 30 seconds. Perhaps add "If Mending is cast on you, it has a casting time of 1 action."
- Anarmours have no sex and so there's not much point having the names divided so.
- The Speed trait is inaccurate for two thirds of characters of this race. Change it to "Speed. Your base walking speed depends on your subrace, as shown below." and put the 30ft in the medium armour section (and change the "increases to" and "decreases to" of the other two subraces to "is").
- The second part of Mendable could do with having its wording tightened up. Currently it reads like a level 1 spell, including the 'casting at higher levels' part, even though it never specified a 1st-level spell slot to begin with. Perhaps "Alternatively, as part of the casting of mending the caster may expand any number of spell slots (minimum 1) to cause you to regain a number of hit points equal to 1d8 per level of the expended slots, plus their spellcasting ability modifier." Maybe even change the "any number of spell slots" to 'a spell slot' – I don't think I've heard of any other ability that can spend more than one slot at a time.
- The Flexible trait of medium armour is not overly useful as a medium-armour character is unlikely to have a Dex modifier of more than 2. Also, it's an ability that monks and rogues get anyway.
- The "Dormancy" section uses "stimuli" (plural) where it should have "stimulus" (singular).
- The Alignment trait can stand to lose the last six words, ie. ending on "anarmors are typically lawful." (dragonborn and half-elves both mention only one alignment axis, so stating each of the three lawful alignments individually is unnecessary here)
- The Mendable trait switches the caster from 'them' to 'you' in the last sentence.
- The Languages trait has a superfluous "in" ("as well as in the language").
- The source for the image used is from ARTurkel
—Michyrr 2001:8003:6F8C:F900:45FE:4449:55EA:B41 08:51, 25 June 2018 (MDT)
- Good eye picking up on all of that and producing such an eloquent response. I've gone through the page and corrected all the issues you've brought up. However, in regards to the Flexible trait you haven't made a suggestion for it, just that it's bad and redundant. Do you have any suggestions beyond that? —ConcealedLight
(talk) 21:50, 25 June 2018 (MDT)
- Hey, thanks for the prompt response. I'm an editor by trade so I tend to pick up on things like this, but am not so good with my own ideas. I also didn't suggest a replacement for Flexible because I didn't know if it was intentionally of limited use for balance reasons, and so I wasn't sure of the power level any replacement trait should be. I've tried to think of one, but medium armour doesn't have as much of an identity as light or heavy. =S Ideally it'd be something useful for rangers and clerics, who're the most common users of medium armour. If you don't have anything more appropriate either, maybe just change the limiter from Dex mod to proficiency bonus?
- As for corrections to your additions go, the Alignment trait has a comma splice, ie. "will of their creator, because of this" which should be "will of their creator. Because of this". The Size trait's "Regardless of the race, your armor was design for" should be "Regardless of the race your armor was designed for" (Although I would like to again stress allowing Small as an option. Otherwise it excludes characters that were built for gnomes/halflings or want to pass as one). The Mendable trait is now missing an 'and', ie. "a casting time of 1 action, if you have" should be "a casting time of 1 action, and if you have". Though I originally suggested putting the casting time in a separate sentence because a possible ambiguity arises over whether the slot-based casting takes 1 action as well. —Michyrr 2001:8003:6F8C:F900:5955:54EF:9D1B:9 00:16, 26 June 2018 (MDT)
- I can relate to that. Often most ideas are already on the wiki in some way or another and just need some tender love and care to bring up to playability. Some of my best contributions have been reworking old or abandoned pages, as well as a number of the sites, featured articles, but I digress.
- The wiki's a collaborative space so feel free to get in there and make any edits you need, though this page, in particular, has been hit with a lot of vandalism so you'll have to make an account if you want to it is.
- For the Flexible trait the definition of flexible is "to be capable of bending easily without breaking" so maybe something like they can move through spaces as if they were one size smaller or, have advantage on Dexterity checks made to escape grapples and other restraint? Next, I'm going to disagree with Small or Medium option for size as it suggests that you can be whatever size your armor is and I can imagine a player getting armor made for an orc for example and then swinging their 4d6 large greatsword around and breaking bounded accuracy principles. Lastly, I've made those grammatical/wording fixes as you suggested. —ConcealedLight
(talk) 01:50, 26 June 2018 (MDT)
- Oh, I thought that since it said "protected" rather than "semi-protected", only admins could edit it.
- Maybe we're going about the medium armour feature the wrong way. The features of the other two just boost a certain stat (speed and unarmed damage respectively). Maybe instead of Flexible or something in its place, we should just have both STR and DEX increase by 1 instead of having to choose between them. You may say that an extra ASI is too much, but in my experience, medium armour is used much less often than light or heavy, so perhaps this could incentivize its use a little.
- As for the Large issue, it was already possible to get Large armour made and Soul Transfer into it. Or commission armour with four arms. Armour with horns and a tail. With the head on backwards. With a huge codpiece. All of these are things the player should be proposing to the DM, as they're outside the scope of the players' rules and that of the race as written. Yet it is perfectly within the PHB rules to be Small, and I doubt a reasonable DM would turn down a player who asked to be a Small anarmour. Michyrr (talk) 06:39, 26 June 2018 (MDT)
- Heck, since magical armours are usually thought of as being able to change size to fit the wearer, I was thinking of asking my DM for the ability to change from Small to Medium to Large at will after transferring into a magical armour. Wouldn't hold it against him if he said 'no', though. But restricting the size of the starting armour is just stifling creativity IMO. Michyrr (talk) 06:45, 26 June 2018 (MDT)
- Sure, I don't mind that and I'll make that edit. However, I not budging on size, being a Large or larger player character grants tremendous benefits that when compared to what they race already gets in comparison to the standard first-party races. —ConcealedLight
(talk) 09:57, 26 June 2018 (MDT)
- And if you were a DM who got asked by a player to be Large, you'd be well within your rights to say 'no'. But some DMs will say 'yes'. Anyway, you're the one that brought up Large characters to begin with. I doubt most players would even think of trying to be Large, even if the anarmour article mentioned you could be Medium or Small. All you're doing is breaking verisimilitude here by insisting that even Small races would never build a Small anarmour, or that you transfer into a nonmagical armour and it inexplicably changes size to Medium. Michyrr (talk) 16:58, 26 June 2018 (MDT)
- If you would like to play a Small anarmor then make sure to ask your DM. —ConcealedLight
(talk) 21:40, 26 June 2018 (MDT)
- If you would like to play a Small anarmor then make sure to ask your DM. —ConcealedLight
- And if you were a DM who got asked by a player to be Large, you'd be well within your rights to say 'no'. But some DMs will say 'yes'. Anyway, you're the one that brought up Large characters to begin with. I doubt most players would even think of trying to be Large, even if the anarmour article mentioned you could be Medium or Small. All you're doing is breaking verisimilitude here by insisting that even Small races would never build a Small anarmour, or that you transfer into a nonmagical armour and it inexplicably changes size to Medium. Michyrr (talk) 16:58, 26 June 2018 (MDT)
- Sure, I don't mind that and I'll make that edit. However, I not budging on size, being a Large or larger player character grants tremendous benefits that when compared to what they race already gets in comparison to the standard first-party races. —ConcealedLight
Armor Class[edit]
So I wanted to play a class like this and play a character like Alphonse from FullMetal Alchemist, but I noticed that the highest AC you can get at the start is 16. I am 100% aware that starting out with plate armor to emulate "classic" animated armor would be "overpowered" on most guidelines. normally, I would just ignore the class and start with the plate armor, but sometimes my DM is a bit iffy on that sort of thing. I know it's not possibly to start with plate armor if you follow the 5e character creation to the letter, but I have a hard time believing that +2 AC would really have that much impact on gameplay. I get that the race is technically one of the more powerful races, so I know changing it is going to be a stretch. Still, I would love to here what others think about this. ~~ PickleJarPete (Talk) 19th september 10:37 Pm, Thursday.
- Take chainmail but reflavour it as plate that's less effective in some way. My DM gave me plate that offered only 17 AC rather than 18, and explained it as being rusty due to being dormant and unmaintained for hundreds of years.
- Or you could go in the opposite direction, if your character has only recently been transferred into the armour, and say that they's not used to their new body yet and so isn't as effective at protecting themself as a veteran wearing the same armour. That way you could even gradually increase the AC back up to the default value as you level up and get used to the armour. Michyrr (talk) 23:22, 19 September 2019 (MDT)
- You may want to look into Warforged and reflavor that as well. Technically speaking, Warforged is the stronger option between it and this race. Warforged eventually gets higher AC, has similar features, but loses the blindsight. As another trade, Warforged can see normally, and isn't blind beyond 60ft. They can also be affected by healing spells like Cure Wounds as normal. My DM has had to rule on the anarmor race to allow a Cleric to use Mending without spell slots, at a d6, AND one that still levels as a cantrip would AND takes the Life Cleric bonus, to keep me alive in the front-line as anarmor. I might be fresh for every fight, but since I'm the only one in the party drawing attention and tanking, I needed the extra help. It all depends on your setting and circumstances, really. If my DM can be slowly turning me human, doing things like modifying the cantrip efficacy or extending my blindsight range, then taking away my ability to transfer bodies and so on, the same can be done for you. It's a wonderful, versatile idea, this race. --Max7238 (talk) 11:04, 22 September 2019 (MDT)