Talk:Ancient One (4e Race)
Some Points[edit]
Here are some points that I want to: Incomplete: Your article is too short. Make it longer. Raical Power: Pne of the Racial powers is that Ancient Ones can't use weapons and impliments. That makes them useless, since all claases need either one or the other. Evil: Ancient Ones are all evil? Can't you give a reason how a Ancient One can be good? In my opian your race needs improving. Try to fix it. --chihuahua0 16:38, 24 April 2009 (MDT)
- no, classes that use implements can work without them easily and without penalty -- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Kocho (talk • contribs) . Please sign your posts.
- Without penalty? Are you crazy? Compare monster defenses to what you'll be doing attack-wise. You'll miss for the vast majority of your attacks at medium levels, and your damage will be pathetic compared to the other PCs. Not being able to use weapons and implements is bad design. In addition, making up a new damage type is bad design, as nothing interacts with it. Variable ongoing damage is bad design, as then things that add to damage rolls at to it - especially on an at-will. Not that you'll ever be HITTING with that at-will, because there's no proficiency bonus, it targets AC, and it requires strength or dexterity and you can't use weapons anyway so you won't play a class that uses strength or dexterity. And your daily gives penalties that have no duration. Not to mention the defensive bonuses given are way too high. But it doesn't matter, as you still can't HIT with anything, so you're worthless. This race is completely unusable. Dragon Child 00:10, 7 July 2009 (MDT)
- what are u talking about, the best ones give a +6 and even that is weak for those levels, and 6 damage doesn't do a lot, at medium levels a +3 doesn't do much either, though i guess a lot of classes would be useless without weapons -- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Kocho (talk • contribs) . Please sign your posts.
- It's the bonus to HIT that matters. A +3 bonus to hit is huge, especially in fourth edition. With no proficiency bonuses, no magical item bonuses, an inability to take Weapon Expertise or Implement Expertise, it's not unlikely that you literally will not be able to hit enemies except on a natural 20. In addition, you didn't address any of my other points. Dragon Child 11:41, 10 July 2009 (MDT)
- what about ability mods, those can give pretty big bonuses 2 -- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Kocho (talk • contribs) . Please sign your posts.
- Yeah. Only, so do everyone else. And even then, everyone else is likely only going around with 40% accuracy at high levels, which means when you lack your accuracy bonus from items, you're going to be at 20%, or less, and in some cases needing a natural 20. 4e characters are meant to use items. Have them use items, or else what you make is useless. Dragon Child 23:51, 11 July 2009 (MDT)
- To reiterate; the defenses of monsters are based on some assumptions—one of which is the assumption that the characters will have a weapon or implement with a sufficient bonus. Without those item bonuses, the character will have too much difficulty actually hitting. --
Sam Kay talk contribs email 07:12, 12 July 2009 (MDT)
- To reiterate; the defenses of monsters are based on some assumptions—one of which is the assumption that the characters will have a weapon or implement with a sufficient bonus. Without those item bonuses, the character will have too much difficulty actually hitting. --
- k, u win, needs implements, editing in 2 seconds
Amongst other things, I removed the arm-scythe-blade things. If you want the race to use them as a weapon, you need to make this an optional feat. Marasmusine (talk) 00:58, 12 October 2012 (MDT)
Okay, I changed "You gain a +1 bonus on your damage rolls when you hit good characters." - you could go through whole campaigns without fighting good-aligned monsters, and good NPCs are likely there to help you, so this trait ranges from useless to disrputive. It now reads "You have an aura 1 of necrotic breath. Enemies in the aura gain vulnerability 1 to necrotic damage. This vulnerability increases to 2 at 11th level and 4 at 21st level." - which of course synergizes with their encounter power. Marasmusine (talk) 01:28, 14 December 2014 (MST)