Super-Heavy Laser Cannon (5e Equipment)

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Super-Heavy Laser Cannon

Huge object
Armor Class: 21
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Hit Points: 1300
Damage immunities: poison, psychic

Super-Heavy laser cannons are incredibly powerful, extra-heavy laser cannons capable of pounding entire cities to rubble. Large vehicles, such as destroyers and cruisers, are typically equipped with them, and planetary fortresses, cities and space stations sometimes employ them for orbital defense. A super-heavy laser cannon can be aimed and fired in a single action; once it has fired 25 shots, it takes an action to replace its energy cell. Laser cannons even bigger than those are usually Gargantuan in size.

Laser Beam: Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 10 miles/30 miles., one target. Hit: 368.5 (67d10) radiant damage. Targets with natural armor or worn armor take a penalty to AC against the laser beam determined by referencing their AC against the following table:

AC AC Penalty
12-13 −1
14-15 −2
16-17 −3
18-19 −4
20+ −5

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