Strong-Willed Fighter (5e Feat)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: A feat is balanced against increasing one ability score by 2, and this feat currently offers several times more than that. Consider either a considerable nerf, or changing this to an epic boon instead of a typical feat.

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Strong Willed Fighter

You have been dealt a bad hand at life, but with it wisdom and willpower.

  • Your Wisdom and Charisma increases by 2, to a maximum of 20.
  • While not wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.
  • Your hit point maximum increases by 1. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 1 hit point.
  • You may add your Wisdom or Charisma to your attack and damage rolls.

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