Steve (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Medium humanoid (human),

Armor Class 30 (Unarmored Defense)
Hit Points (2x level d8 +2 X con)
Speed 50 ft.

30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 30 (+10)

Saving Throws Dex +12, Cha +12
Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +12, Medicine +8, Perception +8, Stealth +12
Senses passive Perception 29
Languages common
Challenge how strong you think the sheet is ( XP)

Cursed Energy. Steve has 113 cursed energy he can use to fuel his abilities. All of his cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest.

Evasion/Endurance. When Steve makes a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw, he takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on success.

Improved Reverse Cursed Technique: Steve has a Reverse Cursed Technique pool of 3000 hitpoints, he regains 10 hitpoints from it at the beginning of his turns, this cannot go above his maximum. If he is suffering from a physical effect injury such as a concussion, the poisoned condition or something similar, one of these effects can be healed for every 10 hit points healed with reverse cursed technique. His hitpoints healed also apply to lost limbs. Once his healing pool runs out he cannot use the reverse curse technique as it is in burnout.

Once per round, he may try to force his reverse cursed technique to come out despite being in burnout, forcing him to make a DC20 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, he will gain 1 level of exhaustion, which can be reduced upon taking a short or long rest instead of just upon taking a long rest. On a success, he regains half as many hit points as he normally would.

His healing pool automatically recovers to full at the end of a long or short rest.

Cursed Enhancement. Whenever Steve uses a damage dealing feature that utilizes cursed energy its damage dice will be increased by one tier,(d6->d8->d10). This feature does not apply to Cursed Strikes if you have the Dense Strikes option as that counts as an increase already for this feat. It also doesn't apply to Cursed Strikes cursed energy enhancement.

Cursed Armor. Dave can spend up to 10 Cursed Energy to give himself temporary hit points equal to the cursed energy spent times 20 for 1 minute. Whilst he has these temporary hitpoints, Steve has a damage reduction of 20 and a resistance to four damage types of his choice (starts off as slashing, piercing, bludgeoning and poison). These damage resistances may be changed during a long rest. He can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having his temporary hit points reduced to 0 (No action required).

While his Cursed Armor is active, he regains 9 temporary hit points at the beginning of his turns. These temporary hit points cannot go above 200.

Cursed Strikes. Steve can spend up to 9 Cursed Energy when making an Unarmed Strike in order to add 2d6 necrotic damage to his attack per Cursed Energy spent. This also adds +9 necrotic damage to the attack, he can spend 4 cursed energy to increase this to +18. Steve can also use this in response to rolling a natural 20 on an attack roll with an unarmed strike instead of beforehand. On a miss, the energy used remains until he hits a target or until 1 minute passes.

Creatures of his choice within 5 feet of the impact take a number of d12 of the same damage type equal to half of the cursed energy spent (rounded down). Objects take twice the damage from this effect.

Negative Flow. Whenever Steve is under the effects of the conditions frightened, berserked, bloodlusted, is under half of his maximum hit points, missing a limb or in an encounter that's total CR is higher than his; he will gain 5 temporary cursed energy at the start of his turns which cannot go above 1/4th of his cursed energy maximum.

Focused Rage. While under any of the circumstances listed in the Negative Flow feat, Steve can begin concentrating to increase the temporary cursed energy gained at the start of his turn to 10. When the circumstances listed in Negative Flow end, he can no longer concentrate on this feat. (This feat can be concentrated on even while under the bloodlust or berserk conditions)

Overpowering Cursed Energy. Whenever someone tries to track or feel Steve's cursed energy, they must make a DC 27 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are frightened for 1 minute and receive the following detriments:

  • Their ability checks, saving throws, attack rolls, and their Spell Save DC, Maneuver Save DC, and Cursed Energy Save DCs are reduced by -5.
  • They cannot concentrate.
  • They have disadvantage on saving throws against Steve's features, and Steve has advantage on saving throws against theirs.

A creature remakes this saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If the creature's CR or level is equal to or higher than 30, they make this saving throw with advantage. If the creature's CR or level is 27 or lower, they make this saving throw with disadvantage.

Once a creature passes this saving throw, they become immune to the effects of Overpowering Cursed Energy for 24 hours if Steve is 3 or more levels above theirs. However, if his level is equal to or lower than theirs, they remain immune to the feature.

When Steve rolls initiative, he can choose any number of creatures within a range equal to his current Cursed Energy divided by 2, multiplied by 10 (in feet). These creatures must make the Wisdom saving throw, as though they tried to track or feel his cursed energy.

The effects of Overpowering end on any creature that has 15 or more Maximum Cursed Energy than him, and such creatures automatically succeed on all saving throws against this feature.

Cursed Energy Tracker. Steve may make a Perception to see if there are any remains of cursed energy in the place he's at, and if he succeeds he knows exactly who the energy is from. In case he does not know who the person is, then he can only track down where the cursed energy trail leads him to. The DC is equal to the cursed energy DC of the creature he is trying to track.

Cursed Energy Concealer. While both Steve and his Cursed Energy are hidden, the benefit of being an Unseen Attacker also extends to his saving throws, forcing any creatures affected to roll their saving throw with disadvantage.

Additionally, he knows when any creature he can see spends cursed energy and how much they spend when doing so.

Cursed Enhanced Body + Cursed Energy Reinforcement. Steve gains the following benefits as long as he has at least 1 Cursed Energy:

  • When attacking with his unarmed strikes or weapons he is proficient with, Steve may add +5 to his attack and damage rolls.
  • When he makes a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution ability check, he may add +10 to it.
  • He may add +30 when calculating distance and modifier when calculating height. Additionally his jump distance and height are doubled.
  • He may add +30 when determining his carrying capacity. His carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is also doubled.
  • He gains +5 to his AC.
  • His Curse-Empowered Strikes class feature now inflicts an additional die of damage. The damage from Curse-Empowered Strikes may be either necrotic or bludgeoning.
  • He gains an extra reaction that he can only use for his Cursed Enhanced Body reaction.

Improved Cursed Energy Output. As apart of any feature which uses cursed energy, Steve can expend extra cursed energy on it equal to half of the feature’s original cost to amplify its output.

Amplifying a feature this way grants one of the following benefits, paying the feature's cost again allows him to select two instead:

  • The feature’s number of damage dice increases by +5. If the feature does not deal damage dice, it’s damage bonus increases by a quarter of the original amount.
  • The feature’s range increases by 110 ft. This range increase does not work with touch-based techniques.
  • The feature’s bonus to hit is increased by +2
  • The feature’s DC increases by +2
  • The feature’s duration increases by 11 rounds.

If a feature benefits from either Maximum Output or Chanting that is already benefiting from this feat, it’s total cursed energy cost is reduced by 14 to a minimum of 1. This cursed energy reduction does not apply for the purposes of the Flawless Fundamentals feat.

Divine Cursed Energy Output. Steve may spend 8 Cursed Energy while using any feature that uses cursed energy to enhance it. If the feature was an attack the targets AC is reduced by -5. If the feature was a save, the save may be changed to a different type.

Flawless Fundamentals. The Cursed Energy cost of any feature used by Steve is reduced by 18.

Additionally, as apart of short rest, he can begin to meditate for 30 minutes to replenish his expended energy. This allows you to regain 57 Cursed Energy after he finishes the short rest.


Multiattack. Steve can make three attacks.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d12 bludgeoning damage + 1d12 necrotic damage.

Cursed Energy Ray (1-20 Cursed Energy.) Steve launches a cursed energy ball in a line of 30ft. Once it reaches the end of the line, it will explode in a 15ft. circle, making every creature in that range make a DC 27 Dexterity, Strength or Constitution saving throw (his choice). On a failure, they take 2d6 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in necrotic damage, and half as much on a success.

This deals double damage to objects and structures.

Cursed Energy Explosion (1-20 Cursed Energy.) Steve can release a burst of raw Cursed Energy. Every creature within a (30 + 10 per Cursed Energy spent) ft. circle of him must make a DC 27 Dexterity save. On a failure they take 2d6 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in necrotic damage and are knocked back to the edges of the circle. They take half as much damage on a success and are not knocked back.

This deals double damage to objects and structures.

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (5 Cursed Energy). Steve surrounds himself with a 15 ft. barrier for 1 minute. The circle has 1000 hitpoints. Any cursed techniques or spells that target him or targets an area that overlaps with his simple domain, will now target the barrier instead, reducing its hit points by the damage it would cause. To use this technique, Steve must remain still without moving and must maintain concentration as if he was concentrating on a spell (If the character has vowless simple domain they can move). If he is in a Domain Expansion then he negates it's sure-hit effect on himself and any other people inside the area, as it only affects the barrier. The circle has a damage threshold of 250.


Martial Arts. Whenever Steve makes one unarmed strike on his turn, he can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.

Improved Reverse Curse Technique. Steve pays X Cursed Energy, healing 20 hitpoints per cursed energy spent.

Cursed Blast of Blows (1 Cursed Energy). Immediately after taking the attack action, Steve can make three unarmed strikes or two weapon attacks.

Cursed Patient Defense (1 Cursed Energy). Steve can take the Dodge action. He gains advantage on Constitution and Strength saving throws when he uses the Dodge action granted by this feature, as long as he benefits from the Dodge.

Cursed Wind Step (1 Cursed Energy). Steve can take the dash or disengage action as a bonus action on his turn. When he takes the Dash action granted by this feature, steve instead gains extra movement equal to twice his speed. Additionally, when he takes the Disengage action granted by this feature, he gains extra movement equal to his speed for the current turn.

Cursed Energy Tracker. Steve can focus on one creature for 1 minute, for that minute when that creature forces him to make a save using their cursed technique or makes a cursed energy attack roll against him using their cursed technique they must roll Stealth, using Charisma instead of Dexterity with DC 29. If he wins he gets advantage on the saving throw, or the attack roll is made with disadvantage.

Cursed Energy Concealer. Steve may Hide as a Bonus Action by making a Stealth check. For the next 10 minutes. Any person that tries to track or sense his remains during that time will need to be successful on a contested check against what he rolled + 10, if they have any ability or feature that would allow them to track his energy, and if not they can't track him at all.

Cursed Armor Modification. Steve changes the resistances he gains from his cursed armor. This may only be used once per round, including using it as a reaction.


Improved Reverse Curse Technique. As a reaction to taking damage, Steve pays X Cursed Energy, healing 20 hitpoints per cursed energy spent.

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain. In response to a cursed energy attack roll or saving throw, spell or domain expansion opening, Steve uses his Simple domain feature.

Cursed Enhanced Body. As a reaction to making a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw, Steve may spend up to 10 Cursed Energy to add the number of energy spent to the throw.

Cursed Armor Modification. As a reaction to using Cursed Armor, Steve may change the resistances he gains from it. This may only be used once per round, including using it as a bonus action.


Jujutsu Sorcerer.

Steve has 30 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class.

Brute Slam. Once per turn as part of an unarmed strike, Steve may make a grapple attempt against a creature. If he succeeds, he may pick up the creature and slam them against a solid surface within 10 ft. of him, such as the ground or a wall, dealing another roll of his martial arts die in damage. The surface takes twice as much damage as the creature, and if it breaks the creature takes another 2d6 damage of an appropriate type.

Heavy Slam. Whenever Steve takes the Multiattack action against a creature he is currently grappling with, he may forgo an attack to violently slam the creature into the ground. He makes a contested Strength (Athletics) check against the creature who contests via Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (Their choice). On a successful check the creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to two rolls of his martial arts damage dice and is knocked prone. Doing this ends the grapple. On a failure the creature escapes the grapple and moves 5 ft. away from him. If he scores a 20 on the Strength (Athletics) check whilst using this feature and it was a success, the creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to four rolls of his martial arts damage dice and gains disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks and Strength or Dexterity saving throws until the start of his next turn.

Black Flash

When Steve scores a critical hit (It must be a Natural 20 for it to count) with an unarmed strike that benefits from Cursed Strike or a melee weapon attack that benefits from Cursed Weapon Enhancement, he can choose to land a Black Flash. Before the damage calculation, roll a d6 to see how much additional Necrotic damage Steve's Black Flash will add onto the damage roll using the table below:

  • Number Rolled Damage Dealt
  • 1 1 damage
  • 2 6 damage
  • 3 15 damage
  • 4 32 damage
  • 5 56 damage
  • 6 88 damage

In addition, the amount of dice he rolls from a critical with this attack will increase by one additional damage die, and the Black Flash simply does not occur if the attack wouldn’t otherwise hit(such as if negated by an ability or the attack roll isn’t a crit and doesn’t hit the opponent’s AC).

Steve's next attack on the same turn will trigger a Black Flash on a Natural 15 or higher, known as a Black Flash DC. For every other Black Flash after the second, the Natural attack roll must be 1 higher than the previous. (Ex. Third Black Flash lands on a 16, the DC becomes 17. Fourth lands on a 17, the DC becomes 18.) Failing to land a consecutive Black Flash results in the DC being lost, requiring another Natural 20 to regain it, beginning at the starting DC.

In The Zone. Steve gains the following benefits for a number of minutes equal to the black flashes he hit in the turn; the benefits will last from during the turn he landed the Black Flash until those number of minutes after it:

  • Steve completely regain his reverse cursed technique pool, if he were already in the zone upon landing this black flash.
  • If Steve have used his domain expansion and become unable to use his cursed technique, he regains the ability to use his cursed technique once again even after In The Zone ends.
  • He receives a +2 to all his ability scores, including their maximums.
  • Steve's unarmed strike damage dice tier is increased by 1 (d8>d10>d12>2d6...)
  • Steve's cursed energy armor, if any, gives 5 more temporary hit points per cursed spent.
  • Steve's cursed energy attack rolls will be made with advantage, while other creatures will make his cursed energy saving throws with disadvantage (Unless they're also in In the zone).
  • His cursed techniques will add 10 damage dice.


New Shadow Style: Simple Domain.

Immense Cursed Energy, Overflowing Cursed Energy, Dense Cursed Energy, Overpowering Cursed Energy, Cursed Energy Tracker, Cursed Energy Concealer, Negative Flow, Focused Rage.

Cursed Energy Manipulator, Cursed Enhanced Body, Cursed Energy Reinforcement, Cursed Energy Ray, Cursed Energy Explosion, Improved Cursed Energy Output, Legendary Cursed Energy Output, Divine Cursed Energy Output, Flawless Fundamentals.

Reverse Cursed Technique, Improved Reverse Cursed Technique.

Improved Durability.

This creature uses the Improved Durability rule.

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