Sorcerous Spellkeeper (5e Feat)

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Sorcerous Spellkeeper

Prerequisites: At least one level of wizard, at least one level of sorcerer
Achieving a fundamental understanding of arcane theory in conjunction with your own natural gifts, you've entered a niche neither a full sorcerer nor a full wizard would ever have.

  • Increase your Intelligence or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you add spells to or prepare them from your spellbook as a wizard, or when you learn or replace spells as a sorcerer, the spells with which you can do so can be of a level as high as 1/2 (your sorcerer level + your wizard level) rounded down.
  • You can copy your sorcerer spells known into your spellbook and prepare them as if they were wizard spells. When you prepare your wizard spells during a long rest, you can replace one of the sorcerer spells you know with a spell in your spellbook.

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