Slice of Life Mechanics (Modified Helluva Boss Setting)

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Slice of Life Mechanics[edit]

This campaign has two major mechanics to add "realisim" and "extra layers of simulation" to Hell, An in-game calendar and mundane life responsibilites/abilities

In Game Calendar mechanics[edit]

Each and every hour of the day is accounted for, and acts as a currency for players to spend on sleep, their job, and out of work activities. Each player has 24 hours to spend that they are given when a new day starts.


Despite what college or high school would have you believe, a minimum of about 7 to 8 hours of sleep is required to function healthily.

Getting the recommended amount of sleep Player character has completed long rest.

Days without Recommended Sleep
Days Effect
1 No adverse affects
2 Player character gains level one exhaustion
4 Player character gains level two exhaustion
6 Player character gains level three exhaustion


Players are required to spend a minimum of 8 hours working at I.M.P. or you will be fired. Out of a cannon. On the other hand, players can spend additional time at I.M.P. to earn potential rewards.

Out of Work Activities[edit]

Players can choose a wide variety of activities with their left over 8 hours in the day to improve their abilities or explore the world.

Social Interaction

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