Modified Helluva Boss (5e Campaign Setting)

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Rating: Not-Rated / 5
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Modified Helluva Boss Campaign[edit]

Howdy Everyone! This is my attempt at making a campaign setting based primarily on Helluva Boss - an animated show where demons are hired by freshly arrived souls in hell to kill mortals, but will modify the setting with elements from various other franchises such as Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, Donkey Kong and so on that will HEAVILY modify the plot of the show.

This campaign setting will likely take a while to develop and need a lot of revision, as I am new to this sort of thing.

Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide

Races Races
The various Hellborn and other denizens of hell players can play as
Slice of life
Rules and mechanics used to simulate the passage of time and mundane aspects of living in Hell

World of <!-Setting->

Dungeon Master's Guide

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