Skills and Feats (Tiberium Rising Supplement)

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Knowledge (Tiberium): This application of the Knowledge skill allows a hero to recognize an unfamiliar mutated organism (DC = 10 + Creature's HD); Grasp the use of Tiberium in a piece of equipment (eg. the fact Pital class weapons use Tiberium in the place of gunpowder) (DC = 25), accurately predict the growth of Tiberium in an area over the course of a week (DC = 30 + 1/additional day, failure by five or more gives false results) or attempt an operation that would stabilize uncontrollable Tiberium growth in a mutant and restore lost constitution points (DC = 30).

Knowledge (Technology): This skill lets someone identify a piece of unfamiliar technology (DC = Specified in device description), Fix an advanced device (DC = Specified in device description) or program a computer (DC = DM's decision, based on complexity).

Knowledge (Factions): This replaces the Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty). Typical applications are recognizing flags, leadership, general relations with other factions, technological capacity and opinions about Tiberium.


Brother of the Nod: You are now a member of the Brotherhood of Nod, and relate better with your fellow brothers.

Benefit: With this feat, you gain a +2 bonus to Charisma-based checks when dealing with fellow members of the Brotherhood, +1 when interacting with allies of the Nod and a -4 penalty when parleying with enemies of the Brotherhood.
Prerequisite: Member in good standing of the Brotherhood of Nod
Special: Penalities and bonuses only apply when the person your talking to knows you are a member of the Brotherhood. This feat is gained automatically when you join the Nod.

Knight of the Templar: You are now a member of the Knights' Templar, and relate better with your fellow knights.

Benefit: With this feat, you gain a +2 bonus to Charisma-based checks when dealing with fellow Knights, +1 when interacting with allies of the Church and a -4 penalty when parleying with enemies of the Knights' Templar.
Prerequisite: Member in good standing of the Knights' Templar
Special: Penalities and bonuses only apply when the person your talking to knows you are a Knight. This feat is gained automatically when you join the Templar.

Citizen of the Empire: You are now a member of the Empire of Lenin, and relate better with your allies.

Benefit: With this feat, you gain a +2 bonus to Charisma-based checks when dealing with fellow Citizens of the Empire of Lenin, +1 when interacting with allies of Lenin and a -4 penalty when parleying with enemies of the Empire.
Prerequisite: Member in good standing of the Empire of Lenin
Special: Penalities and bonuses only apply when the person your talking to knows you are a Citizen. This feat is gained automatically when you join the Empire.

The Black Hand: You inspire fellow brothers to the heights of greatness.

Benefit: Fellow members of the Brotherhood (not including yourself, or those within two levels of you) gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls and to all saves when you are in combat with them.
Prerequisite: Member of the Black Hand of Nod.
Special: This feat is gained automatically when you join the Black Hand. Brothers must know you are a member of the Black Hand and be able to see you for the morale bonus to apply.

The Steel Talons: Other Knights look in awe upon you. When you fight at their side, they know the battle must be won.

Benefit: Fellow Knights (not including yourself, or those within two levels of you) gain a +4 morale bonus to attack rolls when they are in combat with you.
Prerequisite: Member of the Steel Talons of Saint Cuthbert.
Special: This feat is gained automatically after you join the Steel Talons. Knights must be able to see you and recognize you as a member of the Talons for the morale bonus to accrue.

Firearms Proficiency: You are trained to handle Pitals with grace.

Benefit: You may now use Pitals without penalties.
Special: A fighter may choose this as one of his bonus feats.

Firearms Proficiency (Exotic): You have been taught to use a far more complex weapon.

Benefit: Choose an energy weapon or an advanced Tiberium weapon. You are now proficient with that device.
Prerequisite: Firearms Proficiency feat.
Special: This feat may be granted to a character, even when they wouldn't normally be able to choose a feat (DM's Decision). A fighter may choose this as one of his bonus feats.

Enduring Magic: Your magic can be enhanced to survive even in Tiberium radiation.

Benefit: Your magic can be tempered so it is no longer negated by Tiberium radiation. This feat does have its limits, though. Spells still cannot directly affect Tiberium crystals. When casting an enduring spell, the user does not use a higher level spell slot, nor do spell casters who prepare ahead of time need to declare a spell as enduring while they are choosing their daily spells. Instead, the player may declare that they are casting an enduring spell right before casting the spell. When casting the spell, the player must make a fortitude check of DC 10 + the spell's level. if the check succeeds, the spell functions normally despite any radiation. However, if the check fails, so does the spell, and the player becomes fatigued. If they fail another check while fatigued, they become exhausted. If they fail yet another check, they fall unconscious.
Special: If a mutant obtains this feat, they may cast magic. However, every spell they cast must be an enduring spell.

Craft CCMCD: You have learned the art of creating radiation-proof CCMCDs

Benefit: You may now craft Closed Circuit Magical Containment Devices, equipment which can carry magic through Tiberium radiation.

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