Scholar of Byrgenwerth (Bloodborne Supplement)
Scholar of Byrgenwerth[edit]
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A scholar of Byrgenwerth, [1] |
Byrgenwerth was once the pinnacle of knowledge and enlightenment, a place where scholars sought the truth hidden within the ancient tombs beneath Yharnam. It was here that the line between knowledge and madness was blurred, where the pursuit of higher understanding led many to the eldritch and the unknown. You were one of those scholars, trained in the ways of academia, deciphering ancient texts, and perhaps even delving into the arcane truths that led to the schism between Willem’s followers and the Healing Church.
Whether you remain devoted to Willem’s philosophy of wisdom and restraint or have embraced a more radical approach to knowledge, your mind is forever shaped by what you have learned. The insights you have gained grant you both great understanding and the ever-present risk of madness.
Skill Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in Arcana and History.
Tool Proficiencies: You gain proficiency with Calligrapher's Supplies or Alchemist’s Supplies.
Equipment: A set of scholar’s robes, a worn journal filled with cryptic notes and eldritch symbols, a quill and ink set, and a pouch containing 15 blood vials (potions that restore a small amount of health).
Feature: Eyes on the Inside[edit]
Your time in Byrgenwerth exposed you to truths that most mortals cannot comprehend. You have an easier time deciphering ancient texts, especially those related to eldritch beings, Great Ones, or lost civilizations. You can read and understand esoteric writings that would normally take weeks to translate in mere hours.
Additionally, your knowledge allows you to recognize signs of eldritch influence in the world. When encountering unnatural phenomena, strange dreams, or whispers from the beyond, you may make an An ability score was not entered for this template! (Arcana) check to determine their source and potential dangers.
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I am obsessed with uncovering forbidden knowledge, no matter the cost. |
2 | I speak in riddles and cryptic phrases, often referencing eldritch texts. |
3 | I meticulously document everything I see, believing it may hold a deeper truth. |
4 | I avoid speaking of Byrgenwerth’s past, fearing the implications of my research. |
5 | I have spent so much time studying the unknown that I struggle to relate to common folk. |
6 | I am deeply skeptical of those who claim to understand the cosmos without proof. |
7 | I collect small trinkets and artifacts, believing they may contain hidden secrets. |
8 | I cannot resist reading any book or scroll that appears to hold lost knowledge. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Truth. The only path to enlightenment is through the pursuit of knowledge. (Neutral) |
2 | Restraint. Knowledge without caution leads to destruction. (Lawful) |
3 | Progress. To understand the Great Ones is to ascend beyond humanity. (Chaotic) |
4 | Preservation. Some knowledge is too dangerous and must be hidden away. (Good) |
5 | Power. Forbidden knowledge is the key to true strength. (Evil) |
6 | Madness. To learn the truth is to accept that sanity is an illusion. (Any) |
d6 | Bond |
1 | I studied under Master Willem and seek to honor his teachings. |
2 | I possess a relic of Byrgenwerth that others would kill to claim. |
3 | I uncovered knowledge so terrible that I cannot bear to speak of it. |
4 | I lost a friend or colleague to madness while studying the eldritch. |
5 | My research led me to a forbidden place—I must return to uncover the truth. |
6 | I am haunted by visions of the Great Ones and feel drawn to their call. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | My mind is fractured from exposure to eldritch truths, and I often speak nonsense. |
2 | I am convinced that the Great Ones are watching me at all times. |
3 | I fear sleep, for my dreams are plagued with visions of unspeakable things. |
4 | I am willing to take reckless risks in the pursuit of knowledge. |
5 | I trust no one, for I believe they seek to steal my discoveries. |
6 | I have witnessed horrors beyond comprehension and am barely holding on to my sanity. |
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