Saqqara (Dominaria Supplement)

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Power Center
Conventional/Religious, Calipha Halima al-Wahasi, Imam Mojos al-Yunqani min Selan
Lawful Good
Adult Population
70,000 Permanent
Gold Limit
X gp
Language & Diversity
Caliphi (X)
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Southern Caliphate
Caliphi Cities
Numadi Cities

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Ajayib, City of Wonders

Calipha Halima al-Wahasi rules Ajayib by right of Enlightened Law under the Council of Imams and as Warden of the East by the grace of Caliph Nurah al-Din. Imam Mojos al-Yunqani min Selan is her chief adviser

Government: Calipha Halima al-Wahasi rules the city with a deft hand, although she is a zealous warrior at heart. Imam Mojos al-Yunqani min Selan is her chief adviser, but the Genie Zaheb al-Zidq is never far from her side. The genie is either a gifted adviser or a consort, none can say for sure.

Guilds and Orders:

Military: 2,000 men-at-arms of the City Watch, 1,000 mounted men-at-arms of the City Watch, 6,000 men-at-arms of the Holy Militia, 1,000 mounted men-at-arms of the Holy Militia, 300 Farisan Guard (clerics and paladins) for the Calipha and the Imam. A six-ship navy.

Judicial System:

City Relations:


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