Sallet Helm (5e Equipment)

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Sallet Helm[edit]

Medium Armor
Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
50 gp +2 (partial armor) 14 Disadvantage 8 lb.

The sallet is a piece of lightweight, partial armor designed for flexibility and ease of movement. It offers decent protection while allowing the wearer to remain agile and able to see their surroundings. Ideal for those who prefer a combination of armor and sight, the sallet is a practical choice for various adventurers.

Partial armor only grants its AC bonus if you are wearing light or no armor. If you are wearing only one piece of partial armor, you are still considered to be wearing your base armor type (e.g. no armor or light armor). If you are wearing two or three pieces of partial armor, you are considered to be wearing the heaviest type of partial armor worn (e.g. medium or heavy armor). You cannot wear four or more pieces of partial armor.

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