Saint Universe Stand Archetypes (JJBA Supplement)
Steel Ball Run Archetypes[edit]
In a Silent Way[edit]
- Stand of Sound
Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Sound Storage
At 3rd level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point, or at will for 2 spirit points, when a willing creature within your Stand's reach would deal damage to a creature or object, you may instead store the damage inside the target as a sound. When a creature touches a creature or object with sound stored within it, the sound is released, causing the creature to be targeted by the damaging effect. Your Stand may have a number of sound-based creations from this Archetype active at a time equal to your proficiency bonus, and may unstore a sound without releasing it at will.
- Sound Construct
Starting at 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, or as a reaction for 2 spirit point when you are targeted by a damaging effect, your Stand may convert noise around it into a three-dimensional representation. Sound constructs are objects with your size category, have hit points equal to your Stand's Constitution score, can be moved as if they are your Stand. This counts as a sound-based creation, and you may destroy a sound construct at will.
- Sound Homunculus
At 7th level, when your Stand stores a sound inside an object, you may spend 3 additional spirit points to turn the object into a sound homunculus. A sound homunculus can take the form of any Tiny beast, but its type becomes Monstrosity, it acts on your turn and is controlled by you, it is blinded but has 30 ft. of blindsight that can not be used if it can not hear, and can release their sound as an action causing every creature within its reach to be targeted by the damaging effect. You may end this effect at will and causing it to no longer be a sound homunculus.
- The sound that it creates will tear your body to pieces with one blow...
At 9th level, when your Stand creates a sound homunculus, it may transform a willing creature instead of an object, causing it to gain the effects of being a sound homunculus other than taking the form of a Tiny beast.
- My tribesmen call me "He Who Creates Sound"
At 11th level, when you create a sound construct, you may spend 3 additional spirit points to empower it, doubling its hit point maximum, granting it a damage reduction of 10, and allowing it to be up to 60 ft. from you.
- I feel sorry for you two, but I do not feel guilt
Starting at 14th level, all features from this Archetype cost 1 fewer spirit points to use.
- In a Silent Way Requiem
While Requiem is active, any creatures of your choice within 50 miles of your Stand fall away from it. If such a creature comes within 45 ft. of your Stand, they must attempt a Charisma saving throw at the end of each of your turns. On a failure, they permanently become a sound homunculus with a sound of your Stand's unarmed strike that does not count against your maximum sound effects.
Hey Ya![edit]
- Stand of Cheers
Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Wisdom modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Cheers
At 3rd level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may cause your Stand to whisper encouragement to one creature within your reach, who loses the charmed, frightened, and stunned conditions.
- Poccoloco is the lucky guy after all!
At 5th level, you gain the Lucky feat. If you already have the Lucky feat or if you gain it another way after gaining this feature, you gain 3 additional luck points.
- UH OH!
At 7th level, when your Stand whispers encouragement to another creature, you may spend 1 luck point to grant them 1 temporary luck point, which can be spent as if they had the Lucky feat but is not regained at the end of a long rest.
- This is awesome!
At 9th level, you gain 1 luck point, and your Stand may whisper encouragement to another creature as a reaction for 1 spirit point immediately before they make an ability check or saving throw. As a bonus action for 1 luck point, you may cause random occurrences to aid you in one of the following ways:
- you gain a climbing speed or swimming speed equal to your movement speed and you ignore difficult terrain until the end of your next turn.
- you gain one Common item of your choice.
- any damage you take is decreased by 1d6 until the end of your next turn.
- one creature within 30 feet takes 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.
- your critical threshold increases by 2 until the end of your next turn.
- the critical failure threshold of one creature within 30 feet increases by 2 until the end of your next turn.
- I’m counting the clouds in the sky.
At 11th level, you can rely on your luck. You can spend 1 point of luck to replace any d20 roll, including attack rolls, with 15. Additionally, you gain 1 luck point.
- I really do have ‘one out of one-hundred-thousand luck’!
At 14th level, as a free action, you may spend 2 spirit points to regain 1 luck point, or 2 luck points to regain 1 spirit point, and you may cause random occurrences to aid you as a free action.
- Hey Ya! Requiem
While Requiem is active, you regain 1 luck point at the end of each minute, and you may use any features from this archetype as at will. When you cause random occurrences to aid you in gaining an item, its rarity may be up to Legendary.
Tomb of the Boom[edit]
- Stand of Magnetic Destruction
Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 45 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Magnetism
At 3rd level, when your Stand successfully hits a creature with an unarmed attack, you may spend 1 spirit point to force them to attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, any metal objects are attracted toward them. Objects are attracted from twice as far as the range listed and move at the beginning of each of your turns. If an object is attracted to the target but does not touch them for at least 2 rounds, it makes an attack roll using your Stand's Constitution modifier against the target, dealing the listed damage on a hit. This effect ends if the effected creatures leave a 60 ft. radius of your Stand.
Weight (lb.) | Distance (ft.) | Damage Die | |
1-4 | 70 | 1d6 | |
5-9 | 60 | 2d6 | |
10-29 | 50 | 3d6 | |
30-49 | 40 | 4d6 | |
50-99 | 30 | 5d6 | |
100-199 | 20 | 10d6 | |
200+ | 10 | 20d6 |
- We're such a blessed family
At 5th level, you gain one of the following:
- As an action, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, as a free action action for 2 spirit points, or at will for 3 spirit points, you may change you or your Stand's surface-level appearance, grant the target's unarmed strikes a +1 bonus to damage rolls, and cause the target's unarmed strikes to deal slashing damage.
- Your Stand's Strength score becomes equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and its unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + its Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
- As an action for 3 spirit points, you may pull iron sand to your Stand, granting it a hit point maximum equal to your own. While your Stand has at least 1 hit point, you do not take damage when it is damaged and your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force
- Do I look like a stork?
At 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, your Stand may transform a number of lbs. of iron equal to half your proficiency bonus within its reach not being worn, held, or inside a creature into any iron object of equal weight.
As a reaction when a creature within your Stand's reach is targeted by an attack with a magnetic weapon, your Stand may grind its magnetic material together. When you do so, the damage the target takes from the attack is reduced by your proficiency bonus.If your proficiency bonus is higher than the weapon's weight, the weapon is destroyed unless it is a magic item.
- I always let the girls strangle me
At 9th level, when a creature touches any exposed part of your body with any exposed part of their body, you may target them with your Magnetism feature.
- I'll tear through your arteries!
At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, you may force one creature under the effects of Magnetism to attempt a Constitution saving throw as you draw iron from them. On a failure, you gain ¼ lbs. of iron and they gain 1 level of exhaustion.
- Can we get a new intestine record??
At 14th level, attack rolls from Magnetism have advantage against creatures within 15 ft. and deal twice as much damage to creatures within 5 ft., and drawing iron from a creature costs 1 fewer spirit points if the target is within 15 ft., and 2 fewer spirit points if the target is within 5 feet.
- Tomb of the Boom Requiem
While Requiem is active, you gain any benefits from this Archetype you did not pick at 5th level. Magnetism no longer costs spirit points to use normally, and you may target every creature within 45 ft. of your Stand with Magnetism as an action for 3 spirit points. If a creature dies while under the effects of Magnetism, you may to control them as if they were your Stand, but they reflect damage to the corpse instead of you, and each corpse has 20 hit points. You may have a number of creatures controlled by this effect equal to your spirit point maximum. This effect ends if the corpse leaves a 60 ft. radius of your Stand.
Oh! Lonesome Me[edit]
- Stand of Rope
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Depending on the situation, I have the right to execution
At 3rd level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may incorporate up to 50 feet of rope into your body. You may manifest incorporated rope from anywhere on your body and use it like any other rope, but it must remain in contact with it until you unincorporate it, which can be done as an action, or cut it. Additionally, incorporated rope counts as a magic item, you have proficiency, or expertise if you already had proficiency, in any checks and saving throws related to using this rope, and its AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- I was never expecting to die on a bed
At 5th level, you can manipulate your incorporated rope as if it was a prehensile part of your body, and you can move any of your body parts to anywhere on your rope as a bonus action, as a free action for 1 spirit point, or at will for 2 spirit points. If your rope is unincorporated or cut, any body parts no longer connected to your head (eyes) are destroyed.
- My only fear is losing you
At 7th level, your AC is equal to your rope's, and when you attempt to grapple a creature using a body part on your rope you may use your Stand's Dexterity modifier and you have proficiency on the check, or expertise if you already had proficiency.
- I consider myself lucky…
At 9th level, when your rope would take damage, you may take the damage instead. While all of your body parts are on your rope, you you may use your Stand's Dexterity modifier and you have proficiency on Dexterity (Stealth checks, or expertise if you already had proficiency.
- Now, to shut your mouth forever
At 11th level, while you have at least 10 feet of rope incorporated, climbing, swimming, and crawling does not cost additional movement, and you are immune to the effects of the prone condition. When you would take damage, you may lose feet of rope to decrease the damage taken by an equal amount.
- Rope Transfer
At 14th level, as an action for 2 spirit points, you can incorporate up to 25 feet of rope into a creature within your reach, granting them Archetype's features, not including the ability to incorporate rope, this feature, or Requiem, for 1 minute.
- Lonesome Requiem
While Requiem is active, you regain your maximum incorporated rope at the end of each of your turns. As a bonus action or in place of an attack when you take the Attack action, one creature you touch must attempt a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are paralyzed as their entire body is strung along an inanimate rope until a creature reassembles them as an action, you end this effect at will, or Requiem ends. You may also do so as a reaction to a creature targeting you with a melee attack, but it must target the attacker, and you may spend 1 spirit point immediately after a creature makes this saving throw to regain you reaction.
Additionally, when you enter Requiem, you may choose one 5 ft. space you can visualize to be your home. As an action, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, as a free action action for 2 spirit points, or at will for 3 spirit points, you may instantly teleport to your home.
Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure[edit]
- Stand of Destruction
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Contact Bomb
At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand may plant a bomb in one creature or object that is its size category or smaller within its reach. A targeted creature must succeed a Dexterity saving throw to avoid this effect. You may a number of bombs planted at a time equal to your Dexterity modifier, and planting an additional bomb causes your first bomb to disappear. 1 minute after being planted or when a creature touches a bomb, and every creature within a 10 ft. radius of the bomb must attempt a Dexterity saving throw as the bomb detonates. On a failure, they take 2d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier bludgeoning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. If the creature that set off the bomb succeeds this saving throw, they may stop the bomb from detonating by holding it in at least one hand.
- I won't allow anyone to race for the king of Naples!
At 5th level, your Stand may have a number of bombs planted equal to your Stand's Dexterity modifier.
- I take this as a mission from God!
Starting at 7th level, your Stand may plant bombs within liquids and gasses that are not air.
- There is no weakness to God's will
At 9th level, when your Stand plants a bomb, it may plant a number of bombs equal to your proficiency bonus, spending 1 spirit point for every additional bomb planted.
- You're out of options
At 11th level, you can not be damaged by bombs planted on you or your Stand, and you automatically succeed saving throws against your own bombs that you don't have disadvantage on.
- You can't even breath
At 14th level, when a creature holding one of your bombs moves more than half their movement speed, takes an action, or takes a bonus action and reaction on the same turn, they must succeed a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check or the bomb detonates anyway as the movement causes it to slip free.
- Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure Requiem
While Requiem is active, you can have any number of bombs active at a time. Additionally, you are aware of the location and identity of every creature within 10 ft. of you, your Stand, and your bombs, you have advantage on saving throws caused by such creatures, and attack rolls against you from such creatures have advantage as you are able to read their soul.
- Stand of Spin
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- ACT1
At 3rd level, your Stand naturally utilizes the Spin. You gain one Unique Spin benefit of your choice. The effects of Spin User benefits granted by this Archetype, not including Self Spinning and features that requires Self Spinning, apply to your Stand's unarmed strikes instead of steel ball attacks.
- This story is the tale of me starting to walk
Starting at 5th level, you gain an additional Unique Spin benefit of your choice, or Nail Ride if you chose Self Spinning. Additionally, you may use the Unique Spin benefit chosen with ACT1 without spending spirit points once, regaining use at the end of a short rest.
- ACT2
At 7th level, your Stand evolves to utilize the Spin more efficiently. You gain one Advanced Unique Spin benefit of your choice.
- ACT3
At 9th level, your Stand evolves once again. You gain one Advanced Unique Spin benefit of your choice. Additionally, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may double the damage of any attacks you or your Stand make that benefit from a Spin User benefit granted by this Archetype until the end of your next turn.
- ACT4
At 11th level, your Stand is able to direct the infinite power of the Golden Spin. As an action for 12 spirit points, or for 6 spirit points immediately after moving 45 ft. in a straight line on a horse at its maximum hit points or being hit by a critical hit from a horses hooves, any attacks you or your Stand make that benefit from a Spin User benefit granted by this Archetype are immune to any effects of your choice and you gain one of the following until the end of your next turn:
- Ball Breaker
- As an action, you may make an attack with a steel ball. On a hit, the target begins to age rapidly, causing their maximum hit points to be halved. If this reduces their maximum hit points below your proficiency bonus, they age to dust, killing them instantly.
- Infinite Rotation
- As an action, you may make an attack with a steel ball. On a hit, the target can not be move from their location by any means, and takes 1d4 force damage that can not be reduced at the end of each of their turns. At the end of each of their turns, they may attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the end of their next turn. If anything touches them, it is targeted by this effect as well. This effect only ends if the target is targeted by an effect from this Path.
- It’s truly, truly been… a very long roundabout path…
At 14th level, while you are benefiting from ACT4, your Stand's Strength score becomes equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and its unarmed strikes deal 2d6 + its Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
Additionally, you may take the Attack action as a full turn action, allowing you to spend spirit points to make an equal number of additional attacks to a maximum of half your level, rounded down. At the end of your turn, the target must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are thrown a number of feet equal to 5 times the number of attacks that hit them on your turn and are knocked prone. On a success, they are pushed half as far.
- Tusk: Absolute Murder
While Requiem is active, your Stand becomes the embodiment of the Spin, constantly generating the Golden Spin with its own movements. Using ACT4 as an action costs no spirit points, using ACT4 immediately after moving 45 ft. in a straight line on a horse at its maximum hit points or being hit by a critical hit from a horses hooves causes you to regain 6 spirit points, you may use ACT4 as a bonus action for 6 spirit points, and you may use any of the options ACT4 grants.
Scary Monsters[edit]
- Stand of Prehistory
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Dinosaur Infection
At 3rd level, when you hit a creature that is not an elemental or construct with an unarmed strike, you may spend 1 spirit point to infect the target with your Stand. At the end of each of their turns, the target must succeed a Charisma saving throw or become a dinosaur of the same size category that is charmed by you. While charmed in this way, dinosaurs act on your turn and are controlled by you. This feature can affect a number of creatures up to your proficiency bonus and lasts until you lose concentration.
- Are you greater than this gracious Earth?
At 5th level, when one of your dinosaurs hits a creature with a bite, swipe, or bash attack, you may spend 1 spirit point to infect them with your Stand as if you had hit them with an unarmed strike.
At 7th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may transform yourself into a dinosaur with a size category equal to or one higher than your own, though you gain your Stand's ability scores and retain this class's features and your hit point maximum and proficiency bonus.
At 9th level, you learn to transform into a much more humanoid state rather than fully turning into a dinosaur. While you are transformed into a dinosaur, you may choose to retain any of your features, languages, proficiencies, and ability scores while you are transformed into a dinosaur.
- Kkoo! Kkoo!
At 11th level, as an action, you may fossilize one of your dinosaurs, causing them to become paralyzed but indistinguishable from a vaguely dinosaur-shaped stone and gain a damage reduction of 6.
- The wound of your slit throat is the line of the wretched world I was part of!
At 14th level, while you are transformed into a dinosaur, you may take the Attack action as a full turn action, allowing you to spend spirit points to make an equal number of additional attacks to a maximum of half your level, rounded down. At the end of your turn, the target must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are thrown a number of feet equal to 5 times the number of attacks that hit them on your turn and are knocked prone. On a success, they are pushed half as far.
- Scary Monsters Requiem
While Requiem is active, any creature that is not an elemental or construct within 5 miles of you must succeed a Charisma saving throw or become a dinosaur of the same size category. If a creature is a dinosaur in this way for a number of minutes equal to 3 times their Charisma score, they completely transform into a Requiem alien. As a bonus action or in place of an attack when you take the Attack action, you may cause a Requiem alien to become charmed by you. While charmed in this way, Requiem aliens act on your turn and are controlled by you.
Cream Starter[edit]
- Stand of Flesh
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Flesh Spray
At 3rd level, as a bonus action, you may summon your Stand in your hand as a small spray canister or desummon it. Your Stand has a number of charges equal to your proficiency bonus, all of which are regained at the end of a long rest. As an action while wielding your Stand, a creature may spend 1 charge to regain 1d8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier hit points or lose 1 level of exhaustion.
- I will now hang you both from this tree
At 5th level, you may make attacks with your Stand as if it was a simple ranged weapon with a range of 10/40 ft. that has advantage on attack rolls against targets within 5 feet of you, but you must spend 1 charge each time you make an attack with it. On a hit, the target is restrained as they are wrapped in fleshy bindings. A creature may escape these binds as an action by succeeding a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
- I didn't soil your good name... I soiled your face with my meat spray
At 7th level, as an action, you may cause a creature within your reach to gain 1 level of exhaustion and cause your Stand to regain 1 charge. An unwilling target may cause this effect to fail by succeeding a Dexterity saving throw.
- There's no need for you to die shamefully
At 9th level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, for 1 charge while wielding your Stand, you may change the appearance of a creature that is not a construct or elemental. This lasts until a creature removes the disguise as an action.
- You two aren’t bad people. If you were, I’d already have killed you
At 11th level, on a hit with your Stand, you may cause the target to begin suffocating or take acid damage equal to your Stand's Constitution modifier instead of becoming restrained. You may spend 1 spirit point to cause the target to become restrained as well, or 2 spirit points for the target to be affected by all three effects.
- The only thing that can soothe and cleanse my sin is that corpse
At 14th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may convert your entire body into your spray, becoming resistant to all damage except fire damage and cold damage and able to squeeze through any space.
- Cream Starter Requiem
While Requiem is active, you may spend 1 spirit point at will to regain 1 charge of your Stand. As an action for 3 spirit points and 6 charges while wielding your Stand, you may resurrect any dead creature in a new body with their maximum hit points. Any creatures resurrected in this way gain your Stand's ability scores unless theirs was already higher, and you may control any of them as if they were your Stand and cause them to be unable to take their own turn until the beginning of your next turn as a bonus action.
- Stand of Reversing
Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Time Rewind
At 3rd level, your Stand is activated through an otherwise mundane motion. As an action for 3 spirit points, you may undo every event that has happened since the beginning of your previous turn, not including the spending of spirit points and the forming of memories.
- Mere self-defense will not be enough to defeat me
At 5th level, when you rewind time, other creatures must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the beginning of their next turn. On a success, they are immune to this effect until the end of their next long rest.
- A murder attempt for the darkest of intentions will raise me toward sacred heights
At 7th level, you may rewind time as an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 3 spirit points.
- You are still merely a conformist!
At 9th level, as a reaction for 3 spirit points when you are hit, but not critically hit, by an attack, you may cause the force of the attack to cause the motion to activate your Stand, rewinding time to the beginning of your previous turn.
- This is ‘The True Man’s World’.
At 11th level, as a reaction immediately after you rewind time, you may make an attack against a creature that is stunned using your Stand's Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
- Find the path of light! The shining path that one must tread
At 14th level, you can rewind time as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, or as a free action during your turn for 3 spirit points.
- Mandom
- Lovers of the World
While Requiem is active, you constantly better yourself through fair fights. When you kill a creature with a CR or level equal to your level in an outright fight, you gain a +1 bonus to any d20 rolls you make and your spirit point maximum until Requiem ends. If you kill a creature benefiting from Requiem in an outright fight, this becomes a +3 bonus.
Catch the Rainbow[edit]
- Stand of Rain
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Rain Walking
At 3rd level, you may stop any water droplets, such as raindrops, that you touch, causing them to float in mid-air until the end of your next turn, until they are evaporated, or until you end this effect at will. You can stand and walk on stopped water as if it were normal terrain.
- Can you see my 'mask'?
At 5th level, as a reaction when an attack is made against a target in an area with stopped water, you may cause the attack to target a different target within 5 ft. of the original, and you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction.
- Yes... I'm so-sorry...
At 7th level, as a reaction when a creature moves through an area with stopped water, you may form them to make a Dexterity saving throw as the water digs into their skin. On a failure, they take 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. After using this feature, you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction.
- Your existence is 'sin'!
At 9th level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, while you are within an area of stopped water, you may plug your wounds with stopped water, granting you temporary hit points equal to twice your proficiency bonus until the end of your next turn.
- Humans all have a 'purpose'! It transcends the limitations of the flesh!
At 11th level, when you would stop water, you may spend 3 spirit points to instead meld with some of the water, allowing it to carry parts of your body down with it harmlessly. Until the end of your next turn, or until you end this effect at will, the area you occupy extends as far downward as the water can fall, any damage you take is halved, you have advantage and may use your Stand's Dexterity modifier instead of your own on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and your movement speed is doubled. When this feature ends, your body is harmlessly returned to its original size anywhere within the area it occupied.
- I must dispose of you!
At 14th level, you may take an additional reaction that can only be used to take reactions granted by this Archetype and is regained at the beginning of each of your turns. When you cause water to dig into the target's skin, you may cause it to deal no damage on a success and twice as much damage on a failure as the raindrops become slow blades.
- Catch the Rainbow Requiem
While Requiem is active, when you stop water it does not automatically become unstopped at the end of your next turn, and merging with water lasts for up to 1 minute with concentration. As a bonus action, you may instantly teleport to any water you have stopped, and you may see and hear from your stopped water.
Tatoo You![edit]
- Stand of Bodies
Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Body Slide
At 3rd level, you split into a number of identical bodies equal to your level. Each body has a hit point maximum of 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier that does not change as you gain levels, has all of your features, and shares a single pool of spirit points equal to your level. Your bodies act as a traditional Stand, but are not affected by the Invisible Force feature. If one of your bodies dies, it splits from one of your remaining bodies at its maximum hit points at the end of your next long rest.
- Phasing
At 5th level, your bodies can phase through each other, allowing them to occupy each others' space and to move through each others' spaces without a penalty to their movement speed. When two bodies are occupying the same space, they decide which of them gets targeted by any effect.
- Teleportation
At 7th level, while one of your bodies is occupying another's space, it may teleport to occupy the space of any other body as a bonus action, as a free action for 1 spirit point, or at will for 2 spirit points.
- Quick Resuscitation
At 9th level, at the end of a short rest, you may spend hit dice to cause an equal number of your dead bodies to split from one of your remaining bodies at its maximum hit points at the end of your next long rest.
- Eleven Men
At 11th level, when one of your bodies makes an attack from within another one of your bodies, any creature that can see the attacker must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the beginning of their next turn. On a success, they are immune to this effect until the end of their next long rest.
- Twelfth Man
At 14th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may spread your Stand to one creature within your reach, allowing them to phase through and teleport between your bodies as if they were one of your bodies until the end of your next short rest.
- Tatoo You! Requiem
While Requiem is active, teleporting between your bodies costs no spirit points. As a bonus action, or as a reaction to the beginning of the turn of a creature your Stand is spread to, for 1 spirit point, you may force a creature your Stand is spread to to attempt a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are paralyzed for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of your turns, ending this effect early on a success. If they are paralyzed in this way for 1 minute or if they critically fail this saving throw, they become one of your bodies permanently.
Tubular Bells[edit]
- Stand of Balloon Animals
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Metal Blowing
At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may transform a metal object you are wielding into a balloon. Your balloons act as traditional Stands, but are not affected by the Invisible Force feature and are Tiny constructs. Your balloons' AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your balloons may be any distance from you. Your balloons has a hit point maximum equal to your Stand's Constitution score, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. You may have a number of balloons at a time equal to your proficiency bonus.
- My president... permission to execute the traitor if found?
At 5th level, when one of your balloons hits a creature with a melee attack, you may cause the balloon to revert to its uninflated form inside the target, causing the attack to become a critical hit and killing the balloon instantly.
- You've put me in a world where my name as the president's guard has been soiled...
At 7th level, when you create a balloon, you may increase its size by 1 category for every spirit point spent above the initial cost, increasing its maximum hit points by your Stand's Constitution modifier and the damage it deals on a hit with its unarmed strikes by 1d4 for every size category above Tiny.
- I will be putting you in a world of terror!
At 9th level, as an action while a balloon is within your reach, you may twist it into a balloon animal, granting it any features and actions of any one generic beast of your choice.
- Your sentence to torture is now repealed! Now! Immediately! You are to be executed!
At 11th level, as an action, you may cause a Medium or larger balloon to revert into its uninflated form, causing it to drop like a guillotine. Any creatures below the balloon must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are critically hit by one of the balloon's unarmed strikes. On a success, they take half as much damage.
- Sturdy Balloons
At 14th level, your balloons gain a damage reduction of 6, and they gain a +6 bonus to damage rolls when they revert to their uninflated form. Additionally, the cost of creating a balloon is reduced to 1 spirit point.
- Tubular Bells Requiem
While Requiem is active, you may have any number of balloons at a time. When a creature you can see attempts to deal damage to a creature, you may cause the effect to instead target themself. A creature that can see you may attempt a DC 25 Perception check as part of the Search action to discover that their shadow is always away from you regardless of any light sources, and thus that there is a "soul light" that has 12 AC and 12 hit points behind your head that only they and their Stand can attack. When it is destroyed, they become immune to this effect.
20th Century BOY[edit]
- Stand of Invulnerability
Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Absolute Defense
At 3rd level, as an action while you are prone, as a bonus action while you are prone for 1 spirit point, or as a reaction when you become prone for 1 spirit point, you may take up a kneeling pose, activating your Stand. While your Stand is activated, any damage you take is reduced to 0. Your Stand deactivates if you are no longer prone, if you lose concentration, if you move, or if you take an action, bonus action, or reaction.
- People who don’t have anything to lose are the scariest types
At 5th level, while your Stand is activated, you can not gain levels of exhaustion or suffocate, though time spent while your Stand is activated still counts toward effects that would cause you to gain levels of exhaustion or suffocate, such as not eating or breathing.
- Do you ever, you know, have Fun?
At 7th level, while your Stand is activated, you can not be moved against your will.
- Electric Warrior
At 9th level, as a reaction when you would take damage while your Stand is active, you may disperse the energy around you, dividing the damage you would have taken among every creature within 10 ft. of you, and you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction. This reaction does not deactivate your Stand.
- Bolan's Zip Gun
At 11th level, as a reaction when an attack is made against you while your Stand is active, you may redirect the energy, causing the attack to target a different target within 10 ft. of you, and you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction. This reaction does not deactivate your Stand.
- Angel of the Ages
At 14th level, while your Stand is activated, you may spend 1 spirit point when you take an action, bonus action, or reaction to cause doing so to not deactivate your Stand.
- 20th Century BOY Requiem
While Requiem is active, your Stand activates and can not be deactivated. Additionally, dispersing and redirecting energy can be done with a range of 5-30 ft., and when you are targeted by any effect, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause the effect to fail.
Civil War[edit]
- Stand of Retribution
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Wisdom modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Wisdom modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Guilt Materialization
At 3rd level, as an action, your Stand may create a specter anywhere within 10 ft. of it out of one regret of a creature it can see. A creature can have a number of specters equal to half their Charisma score. Each specter acts as a traditional Stand, but is not affected by the Invisible Force feature. Your specters' AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your specters may be up to 45 ft. from you. Your specters have a hit point maximum equal to the Charisma score of the creature it was born from, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. Your specters are taunted by the creature they were born from.
- Let’s play it fair
At 5th level, as an action, a specter may transform into a membrane around the creature it was born from while they are within its reach, forcing the target to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they gain 1 level of exhaustion. Exhaustion gained in this way can only be removed by you desummoning the specter, and when a creature passes through running water they lose 1d4 levels of exhaustion gained in this way.
- Alternate Feature: Limp Bizkit
At 5th level, your specters are not taunted by the creature they were born from and are invisible to Stand users. Additionally, you may create a single specter out of a dead creature.
- A Stand battle requires a degree of fairness, even if that means you have to to divulge your weakness
At 7th level, if damage reduces one of your specters to 0 hit points, it may make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant damage or from a critical hit. On a success, it drops to 1 hit point instead.
- People must sacrifice something in order to advance
At 9th level, at the beginning of a creature's turn, if a specter has touched their body since the end of their previous turn, they must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are frightened by the specter until the beginning of their next turn as they are overcome with guilt.
- I have been completely purified!
At 11th level, when a creature within 45 ft. of you is killed by another creature within 45 ft. of you, including yourself, the killer must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, their guilt over killing the creature brings them back to life with hit points equal to the killer's Charisma score.
- I live within your sins! And that’s why you’ll never be able to kill me!
At 14th level, when a creature is brought back by their killer's guilt, the killer can not deal damage to the creature while either of them are within 45 ft. of you, and specters can not be born from them as their guilt is transferred to their killer.
- Civil War Requiem
While Requiem is active, you can not be charmed, frightened, or stunned. As an action for 5 spirit points, you may resurrect any dead creature in a new body with their maximum hit points. Any creatures resurrected in this way gain your Stand's ability scores unless theirs was already higher, and you may control any of them as if they were your Stand and cause them to be unable to take their own turn until the beginning of your next turn as a bonus action.
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap[edit]
- Stand of Dimension Hopping
Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Travel Between Parallel Worlds
At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point while you are squeezing between two objects, you and up to two willing creatures you are touching may travel to a near-identical alternate dimension within 10 ft. of where you left the previous dimension from. As a reaction when you travel to an alternate dimension, a creature may make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by your Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, traveling with you on a success if you are within their reach.
If the same creature or object from two different dimensions come within 10 ft. of each other, they are killed instantly and reduced to nothing. This does not apply to yourself, though you are the only version of yourself with this Archetype.
- Dojyaaa~~n!
At 5th level, when you travel to an alternate dimension, instead of taking a willing creature with you, you may force an unwilling creature you are touching to attempt a Strength saving throw, traveling to the alternate dimension with you on a failure.
- I have 'feelings' of 'patriotism'
At 7th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, when you travel to an alternate dimension with an unwilling creature, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause them to become restrained as they only partially travel to the alternate dimension. A creature touching the target, or the target themself, may attempt a Strength saving throw as an action, ending this effect on a success.
- Every action I have performed was because I judged it to be 'absolutely' for this country's sake
At 9th level, you may take the hide action as part of traveling to an alternate dimension, and you may travel to an alternate dimension as a bonus action for 3 spirit points.
- My heart and actions are utterly pure…!
At 11th level, you may take the Attack action as a full turn action, allowing you to spend spirit points to make an equal number of additional attacks to a maximum of half your level, rounded down. At the end of your turn, the target must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are thrown a number of feet equal to 5 times the number of attacks that hit them on your turn and are knocked prone. On a success, they are pushed half as far.
- Everything I do is for justice!
At 14th level, as an action, or as a reaction immediately before you die, if an alternate dimension's version of you is in the same dimension as you, they become statistically identical to you, they gain your memories, and you gain control over them, while the opposite happens to you.
- D4C: Love Train
While Requiem is active, calamity automatically flows away from you. You can not take damage from any source not related to warping or piercing space-time such as Requiem Stands, Golden Spin, and the Star, Cream, World, Hand, and C-Moon Archetypes, and hits with your Stand's unarmed strikes automatically become critical hits as their damage is applied to the most advantageous place. Any damage negated by this feature gets karmically applied to another random humanoid in the same dimension as them (i.e. they will not suffer the same damage in the same manner, but they will die when they otherwise wouldn't've).
- Alternate Feature: Ultimate D4C
Whilel Requiem is active, you do not need to be squeezing to travel to an alternate dimension, and when you do so, any creatures of your choice touching you are transported to the alternate dimension, and creatures not of your choice can not travel with you. Additionally, you leave behind an invisible portal that any creature of your choice can use to travel to the same alternate dimension in the same way.
Chocolate Disco[edit]
- Stand of Manipulation
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Directional Teleportation
At 3rd level, while your Stand is summoned, you project a 20 ft. square grid of 5 ft. squares, with you in a corner of your choice. As a reaction when a ranged attack passes through the grid, you can teleport the incoming projectile to a different square in the grid, where it continues traveling. If the attack would target a different target, it uses the attack and damage rolls of the original attack.
- Object Teleportation
At 5th level, as a bonus action, or as a free action for 1 spirit point, you may teleport any objects in a 5 ft. space within your Stand not being worn or carried by a creature to another 5 ft. space within your Stand. If it would appear in a space occupied by a creature, you may make an attack with one of the objects using your Stand's Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
- Quick Manipulation
At 7th level, when you teleport an object with your Stand as a reaction, you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction.
- Velocity Redirection
At 9th level, you may use Directional Teleportation or Object Teleportation once without using your reaction or bonus action, regaining use at the end of each of your turns.
- Innate Gauntlet
At 11th level, you may use Directional Teleportation or Object Teleportation at will for 1 spirit point.
- Creature Teleportation
At 14th level, as an action, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, or as a free action for 2 spirit points, you may teleport one creature in a 5 ft. space within your Stand and anything they are wearing and carrying to another 5 ft. space within your Stand.
- Chocolate Disco Requiem
While Requiem is active, your Stand covers a 100 ft. grid, and all creatures within your Stand are blinded, deafened, and unable to perceive with any other senses.
Jojolion Archetypes[edit]
Soft & Wet[edit]
- Stand of Stealing
Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Bubble Generation
At 3rd level, as an action, your Stand can create a bubble. Your bubbles act as your Stand, but are not affected by the Invisible Force feature, are Tiny, can not take actions, bonus actions, or reactions, and may be up to 30 ft. from your Stand. Each bubble has a hit point maximum equal to your Stand's Constitution score, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. When a bubble drops to 0 hit points, it pops. You may have number of bubbles at a time equal to your proficiency bonus, and may pop one of your own bubbles as a bonus action.
As a reaction for 1 spirit point when one of your bubbles is popped within 5 ft. of an object no larger than the bubble, you can choose to reform the bubble around the object. If the object is being held or worn by a creature, they may succeed a Strength saving throw to keep the object.
- Who the hell am I?
At 5th level, when you create a bubble, you may increase the bubbles size by 1 category for every spirit point spent. When you reform a bubble around an object, you may instead reform it around a creature within 5 ft. of it. The creature must succeed a Strength saving throw or be restrained until the bubble pops. They may retry this saving throw as an action, no longer being restrained on a success, though they remain in the bubble until it is popped.
- Fusion Power
At 7th level, you gain one of the following:
- Plunder
- When you reform a bubble, instead of trapping the creature or object inside the bubble, you may spend 1 spirit point to instead trap one of the target's senses or sensation inside the bubble until it is popped. A creature may succeed a Dexterity saving throw to keep the physical property. Examples of stolen sense include:
- Examples of a stolen sensation include:
- Light: the target is invisible.
- Sound: the target can not make sound in any way.
- Explosive Pop
- When one of your bubbles containing a creature or object pops, you may make thrown attacks with your bubbles dealing the damage of one of your Stand's unarmed strikes to the target and any creatures or objects inside the bubble on a hit.
- As a bonus action for 3 spirit points, you may prime your bubbles to explode. When you miss a thrown attack with one of your bubbles while they are primed, the target and any creatures or objects inside the bubble must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the attack still deals half as much damage, and the bubble pops.
launch the creature or object in a 20 ft. line. If a creature or object interrupts this line of movement, both the launched and interrupting creatures may attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take the damage of one of your Stand's unarmed strikes. On a success, they take half as much damage.
- Absorption
- When one of your bubbles containing an object pops, you may instantly attach the object to another object within 5 ft. of the bubble. Removing the previously-contained object from the targeted object without containing either in a bubble requires breaking at least one of the objects.
- That's my precious image of happiness
At 9th level, you gain one of the following:
- Diverse Power
- You gain one 7th level benefit from this Archetype of your choice.
- Conceptual Plunder
- Requires Plunder. When you reform a bubble, instead of trapping the creature or object inside the bubble, you may instead spend 3 spirit points to trap a physical property of the target inside the bubble until it is popped. A creature may succeed a Dexterity saving throw to keep the physical property. Examples of stolen physical properties include:
- Moisture: the target gains 1 level of exhaustion.
- Friction: the target is prone and slides 20 ft. in a random direction at the beginning of each of their turns.
- Gravity: if the target's Wisdom score is 18 or higher, they gain a flying speed equal to their movement speed, otherwise they can only move with their climbing speed. If their Wisdom score is below 10, they are confused for 1 minute, and may attempt a Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this condition on a success.
- Examples of non-physical phenomenon that can not be stolen include a creature's life, Stand, and consciousness.
- Explosive Spin
- Requires Explosive Pop. While under the effects of Explosive Pop, you may add your proficiency bonus to your bubbles' damage, and their damage can not be reduced in any way.
- As a reaction for 3 spirit point when one of your Tiny bubbles is popped within 5 ft. of a creature that is not Tiny, you may form the bubble inside the target. When this bubble pops, the target must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
- Perfect Absorption
- Requires Absorption. When one of your bubbles containing an object pops within 5 ft. of a creature or object, you may spend 3 spirit points to instantly and harmlessly incorporate the item's substance into the creature or object. If the object is made of the same general material as the target (i.e. flesh, metal, wood), they regain 3d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier hit points. If the object is made of a different general material as the target, it gains an equal amount of temporary hit points, which are lost after 1 minute.
- I'm the one that came from the soil
At 11th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, you gain one 9th level benefit from this Archetype of your choice.
- Soft & Wet: Go Beyond
At 14th level, you learn to utilize your Stand's bubbles in their truest forms; as infinitely-small lines that spin infinitely quickly, effectively existing outside of space. As an action for 5 spirit points, you may create a Go Beyond bubble. A Go Beyond bubble is invisible, can be any distance from you, can not be controlled by you, moves in 60 ft. in a random direction at the end of each of your turns, and is immune to any effects of your choice. When a Go Beyond bubble pops, any creatures within 5 ft. of it must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d12 + your Stand's Strength modifier force damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
- Soft & Wet Requiem
While Requiem is active, all features from this Archetype cost 1 fewer spirit points, and you gain all benefits from this Archetype. Additionally, you can perfectly recall any moment from your past, even if you would not be able to remember it such as being unconscious. As a bonus action, you may ascertain the location of any specific creature or item and the fastest way to get to it.
Fun Fun Fun[edit]
- Stand of Control
Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Body Puppeteering
At 3rd level, as an action, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, or as a reaction for 1 spirit point when the target takes damage, when you are standing directly above a creature, you may place a mark on one of their body parts that is below its maximum hit points. As a bonus action while you are standing directly above a marked creature, you may control their marked body parts until the beginning of your next turn or until they are no longer directly below you. If you are not standing above them at all, if you become unconscious, or if you end this effect at will, they lose any marks on their body.
- I strategically rented out the room above this one
At 5th level, you decide how a creature spends their walking speed while you are controlling all of their legs, their climbing speed while you are controlling all of their arms, and their swimming speed while you are controlling all of their arms and legs, and they spend the relevant movement speed on your turn. If you are controlling half of the required body parts, they may make a Dexterity saving throw at the beginning of their turn. On a failure, you decide how they spend half the relevant movement speed.
- I haven't even killed anybody
At 7th level, as a free action, or at will for 1 spirit point, while a creature with a marked body part is prone, you may transform the mark into a pin, causing them to be unable to stand up until the beginning of your next turn.
- All night long, on and on...
At 9th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, you, or your Stand if it has a traditional form, may mark one of a creature's body parts on a hit with an unarmed strike and as a bonus action while grappling them.
- I'm fresh outta business cards, but... nice to meet you
At 11th level, while you are controlling a creature's arm or leg, you may make unarmed strikes with the body part as if it were your Stand. On a hit, the creature you are controlling takes bludgeoning damage equal to the difference between their Strength score and your Stand's Strength score.
- Right now is the beginning of the end
At 14th level, when you mark a creature's body part, you mark the same body part on their Stand if applicable.
- Fun Fun Fun Requiem
While Requiem is active, creatures no longer lose their marks by not being below you, and you may control the marked body parts of any creatures directly below you or that you can see. Additionally, you can not be charmed, frightened, or stunned, and you may mark one body part of a creature you can see as an action for 1 spirit point, as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, as a free action for 3 spirit points, or at will for 4 spirit points.
California King Bed[edit]
- Stand of Memories
Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Intelligence modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Intelligence modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Memory Theft
At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may set a rule for 1 creature for 1 hour or until you end this effect as a bonus action. This rule must be something they can reasonably avoid, they understand the rule is set even if they do not know the consequences or share a language, and you can not deliberately cause them to break this rule. When a creature breaks this rule, you may roll 1d4 as a bonus action before the end of their next turn, stealing one of their memories in one of the following ways:
- On a 1, their Charisma score is decreased by 1 and they lose 1 memory of a specific person.
- On a 2, their Wisdom score is decreased by 1 and they lose 1 memory of a specific object.
- On a 3, their Intelligence score is decreased by 1 and they lose 1 memory of a specific event.
- On a 4, you may reroll. You may spend 1 spirit point to reroll twice, taking both results.
Stolen memories are randomly chosen, and rarely major unless the target has few memories. Each stolen memory becomes a Tiny object that can fit in the palm of your hand easily that is part of your Stand, but can not be de-summoned. If this object is destroyed, that memory is returned to the creature. Within each object is a visual image of the stolen memory. The ability score decrease can be ended, but the memory is not regained by doing so.
When you come within 5 ft. of a creature whose memory you have stolen, you must attempt a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw if they are unaware of this feature, or contested by their Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a failure, you touch their shadow, causing all instances of this feature affecting the creature to end.
- Caaaaalifoooooorniaaaaa!
At 5th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, when holding an object created by Memory Theft, a creature may view the contents of the memory in its entirety.
- Fairness is rules, and rules are power
At 7th level, when an object created by Memory Theft takes damage, you may deal an equal amount of damage to the creature whose memory it was, and you do not take damage. Each object created by Memory Theft has hit points equal to your Stand's Wisdom score, and if the object is destroyed the memory can not be returned to the creature.
- Happiness is to share memories with someone
At 9th level, when you steal a creature's memory, you may spend 1 spirit point to decide the result instead of rolling, though you can not choose to reroll, and you may choose what memory was stolen, and you may spend 1 spirit point to force them to make a Charisma saving throw, your choice. On a failure, you dominate their remaining memory, causing them to be charmed. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.
- Don't fuss over me... that's your job
At 11th level, as a bonus action, you may control a creature that is charmed by you as if they were a traditional Stand and cause them to be unable to take their own turn until the beginning of your next turn.
- I'm all you know...
At 14th level, when you steal a creature's memory, their ability score is decreased by 1d4 instead of 1, and you do not need to spend 1 spirit point to choose to reroll twice when you roll a 4 when you steal a creature's memory, and you may spend 2 spirit points to choose to reroll twice instead of rolling.
- California King Bed Requiem
While Requiem is active, you gain 60 ft. of truesight. While a creature is within your truesight, you can view any of their memories and you may steal their memories at will when they break a rule.
Paisley Park[edit]
- Stand of Guidance
Your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Wisdom modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Wisdom modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Guidance
At 3rd level, your Stand may take the Help action as a bonus action as it subtly guides the creature, even if you do not know exactly how to help.
- Shapeshifting
At 5th level, as a bonus action, your Stand can change the shape of its entire body, though it is still clearly a Stand and it can not change its size category be larger than you. You may spend 1 spirit point when you use this feature to transform your Stand into any object of the same size category, including weapons with enough ammunition to be completely loaded once, for 1 minute. It may end this effect early as a bonus action or by making an unarmed attack.
- This is a story about breaking a curse...
At 7th level, when your Stand sees a creature or container, it knows every item it has in or on it, how many hit points it has, and any effects currently effecting it. Additionally, when your Stand takes the Help action, you may spend 1 spirit point to grant the target advantage on any saving throws it makes until the beginning of your next turn.
- There were 4... I'm sure of it
At 9th level, when your Stand takes the Help action, you may spend 1 spirit point to designate a path from the target to a destination within 60 ft. of your Stand in a straight line. Until the beginning of your next turn, moving 2 feet along this path costs 1 foot of speed for the target, and opportunity attacks against the target automatically fail if the movement that provoked the opportunity attack was along the path. If the path is obstructed, such as by a Small or larger creature or object other than the target entering the path or by the ground the path is on moving at least 5 ft. in any direction, the obstruction becomes the destination.
- Even before memories, there may be something we'd call dreams
At 11th level, when your Stand takes the Help action and grants the target advantage on saving throws, you may spend 1 spirit point to grant the target advantage on attack rolls for the same duration. A creature may end the effects of your Stand's Help action at will to grant themself a 1d4 bonus to any d20 roll they make before the effects of the roll's failure are declared.
- Electronics Manipulation
At 14th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand may partially enter an electronic device, allowing it to fully manipulate every part of the device until you lose concentration.
- Alternate Feature: Les Feuilles
At 14th level, when your Stand may designates a path, any creature that enters the path is instantly teleported to the furthest end of it.
- Paisley Park Requiem
While Requiem is active, when your Stand takes the Help action, it may end one effect affecting the target, and when your Stand designates a path there is no maximum distance the destination can be. Additionally, your Stand can correctly answer any question it is ask that has an answer.
Born This Way[edit]
- Stand of Pursuit
Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Summon Through Opening
At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may bind your Stand to a creature you touch. Whenever that creature opens an object that is not part of their body (i.e. opening a door, opening a pen, not opening their hand or opening their eyes), your Stand is summoned in an open space within 5 ft. of them until it is summoned again, you de-summon it, or the opened object is closed. When summoned in this say, your Stand has a traditional form, its AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, its unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + its Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit, and your Stand may be up to 60 feet from the target.
- That family has secrets
At 5th level, your Stand is summoned if the target's actions cause an object to open, even if they themself did not do so (i.e. a creature opening a door due to the target approaching it, a pen opening due to hitting the target).
- Icy Blast
At 7th level, as a reaction when your Stand is summoned, every creature in a 30 ft. cone originating from the opened object must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d4 + your Stand's Strength modifier cold damage, are thrown 1d4 x 5 ft. from the opened object. On a success, they take half as much damage and are pushed half as far. You may spend 1 spirit point immediately after using this feature to regain your reaction.
- I'm sure of it, your true identity is...
At 9th level, your Stand sits atop a vehicle that, while part of its body, does not reflect damage to you. Your Stand has a hit point maximum equal to your own, and you do not take damage when it is damaged unless it is at 0 hit points.
- Freezing Wind
At 11th level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, if you used Icy Blast or this feature on your previous turn, you may cause every creature in a 30 ft. cone of the opened object to be targeted by Icy Blast again. If you use this feature twice on a single area, it becomes difficult terrain as it is covered in snow and creatures that fail the saving throw are blinded until the end of your next turn.
- Going Underground
At 14th level, while your Stand is above 0 hit points, its movement speed is doubled. Additionally, the first time critical hit that targets your Stand becomes a normal hit as it knocks off your Stand's helmet, regaining use at the end of a short rest.
- Born This Way Requiem
While Requiem is active, as an action, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, as a free action for 2 spirit points, or at will for 3 spirit points, you may cause one creature within your Stand's reach to regain their maximum hit points and cause any effects affecting them to end.
Nut King Call[edit]
- Stand of Joints
Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Nuts and Bolts
At 3rd level, on a hit with one of your Stand's unarmed strikes, you may spend 1 spirit point to forgo dealing damage and create an artificial joint on one of the target's body parts if they are a creature, rolling as if you had scored a critical hit, or anywhere on an object for up to 1 hour with concentration or until the target is at least 60 ft. from you. As a bonus action, or at will for 1 spirit point, you may force a creature with a joint to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the joint undoes itself, causing the body part to count as destroyed until the joint disappears. You may disassemble an object at will without spending spirit points.
- Why~~ How could this happe~~n?
At 5th level, when an undone joint disappears, you may spend 1 spirit point to force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the body part reattaches itself incorrectly, causing the body part to lose 1 tier of hit points.
- I don't even have that kind of talent, do I...?
At 7th level, you do not need to concentrate on your Stand's joints, you may end any joints at will, and you may choose not to forgo dealing your Stand's unarmed strikes' damage when you create a joint.
- I'm not gonna be a disgrace anymore
At 9th level, when you create a joint on yourself, the body part remains usable while it is detached from your body, though it can not move from where it was detached.
- I'm gonna save everybody!
At 11th level, as a bonus action, or at will for 1 spirit point, immediately after you hit a creature with a joint with an unarmed strike, you may bolt the creature to another target within 5 ft. of them with a joint. If this is another creature, the other creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the two creatures are bolted together. They can not leave a 5 ft. radius of each other, and they become restrained save for having a movement speed of 10 feet. They may attempt an Acrobatics check as an action, using the other creature's reaction. If they both succeed, they regain the lowest movement speed between the two. You may also attach objects to each other by creating a single joint while holding both objects.
- Just... choose one
At 14th level, your detached body parts gain your Stand's ability scores and can move up to half your movement speed as an action.
- Nut King Call Requiem
While Requiem is active, creating a joint no longer costs spirit points. Additionally, when you enter Requiem, you may choose one creature to be your obsession, whom calamity automatically flows away from. Your obsession can not take damage from any source not related to warping or piercing space-time such as Requiem Stands, Golden Spin, and the Star, Cream, World, Hand, and C-Moon Archetypes. Any damage negated by this feature gets karmically applied to another random humanoid in the same dimension as them (i.e. they will not suffer the same damage in the same manner, but they will die when they otherwise wouldn't've).
Paper Moon King[edit]
- Stand of Artwork
Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Living Origami
At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may transform a piece of paper you are wielding into an origami animal. Your origami act as traditional Stands, but are not affected by the Invisible Force feature and are Tiny constructs. Your balloons' AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your balloons may be any distance from you. Your balloons has a hit point maximum equal to your Stand's Constitution score, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. You may have a number of balloons at a time equal to your proficiency bonus.
- It's made of origami, and the power of my heart and mind.
At 5th level, your origami gain the features and actions of any one generic beast of your choice that is the same size as it. Additionally, you may fold origami out of any Tiny object (i.e. a phone, a ceramic plate, etc.).
- Sensory Manipulation
At 7th level, when a creature touches one of your origami, they must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you may choose one type of object (i.e. faces, blocks of text, faces). Whenever a creature observes an object of the chosen type, they instead observe a single example of that type of your choice.
- It's a forbidden move, but it was kill or be killed...
At 9th level, when a creature fails Sensory Manipulation's saving throw, you may spend 1 spirit point to choose an additional type of object to appear as a single example.
- The land is the curse...
At 11th level, when a creature fails Sensory Manipulation's saving throw, you may spend 3 spirit points to cause one type of object to be observed as a single example of a different type of object.
- We'll always have enemies out there, but we'll always win.
At 14th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, when two of your origami of the same size category are within 5 ft. of each other, you may combine them as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, causing their size category to increase by 1, gain each others' features, and gain the features and actions of any one generic beast of your choice that is the same size as it.
- Paper Moon King Requiem
While Requiem is active, creating an origami or causing one type of object to be observed as a single example of a different type of object costs 1 spirit point. Additionally, as a reaction, or at will for 1 spirit point, when you would gain a condition or gain an effect with a duration longer than 1 round, you may cause one creature you can see to gain the condition or effect instead.
I Am a Rock[edit]
- Stand of Acceleration
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Selective Attraction
At 3rd level, when your Stand successfully hits a creature with an unarmed attack, you may spend 1 spirit point to force them to attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, any objects of one type of your choice (i.e. flower pots, chestnuts, cans of pesticide) are attracted toward them. All creatures under this effect must have the same type of object attracted to them. Objects are attracted from twice as far as the range listed and move at the beginning of each of your turns. If an object is attracted to the target but does not touch them for at least 2 rounds, it makes an attack roll using your Stand's Wisdom modifier against the target, dealing the listed damage on a hit. This effect ends if the effected creatures leave a 60 ft. radius of your Stand.
Size (lb.) | Distance (ft.) | Damage Die | |
1-4 | 70 | 1d6 | |
5-9 | 60 | 2d6 | |
10-29 | 50 | 3d6 | |
30-49 | 40 | 4d6 | |
50-99 | 30 | 5d6 | |
100-199 | 20 | 10d6 | |
200+ | 10 | 20d6 |
- So you came all the way here... to die a second time...?
At 5th level, you may target yourself with Selective Attraction, and may end its effects on yourself at will.
- Your king and rook are forked...
At 7th level, when an object is destroyed while it is attracted to a creature, its pieces continue to be attracted to the creature and may make an attack against the creature as if it had not touched them for 2 rounds if they are touching them.
- I am an island
At 9th level, if an object equal in size to a creature it is attracted to is attached to them, they become restrained, save for having a movement speed of 10 feet. If this is another creature, they may attempt an Acrobatics check as an action, using the other creature's reaction. If they both succeed, they regain the lowest movement speed between the two and they must move together. If an object one or more size categories larger than them is attached to them, they are fully restrained.
- The one born from stone is... you!!
At 11th level, when a creature that is restrained by an object attracted to them ends their turn, they must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take your Stand's unarmed strikes' damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
- The one whose actions are correct...
At 14th level, creatures automatically fail the saving throw to suffer the effects of Selective Attraction.
- I Am a Rockuiem
While Requiem is active, creatures under the effects of Selective Attraction may have different types of objects attracted to them, Selective Attraction's range is doubled, and you may regain 1 spirit point as a bonus action immediately after putting a creature under the effects of Selective Attraction. Additionally, while a creature is under the effects of Selective Attraction, you may cause their soul to be attracted to your own instead of a type of object, causing them to become charmed by you until they are no longer effected by Selective Attraction, even if they are immune to the charmed condition. When this effect ends, a creature is frightened of you until the end of their next turn as their soul recoils from you.
Doobie Wah![edit]
- Stand of Breath
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 120 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Pursuing Vortex
At 3rd level, your Stand is Tiny. When you physically touch a creature or their Stand, you may spend 1 spirit point to bind your Stand to them until you lose concentration. At the end of each of the target's turns that they are breathing, your Stand appears anywhere within 15 ft. of them or gains 2 Breath to a maximum equal to twice your proficiency bonus if it is within 15 ft. them. When your Stand would gain at least 1 Breath if it were within 15 ft. of a bound creature, you may summon it at that location. Your Stand gains a bonus to its damage rolls to its Breath. Your Stand loses 1 Breath at the end of each of your turns.
- Can they keep holding their breaths?
At 5th level, while your Stand is bound to a creature, it must be within its range of you or the target. Additionally, your Stand gains a bonus to its AC equal to half its Breath and a bonus to its size category equal to one-quarter of its Breath.
- Just try to run away
At 7th level, your Stand can pass through gaps as small as half an inch regardless of its size without squeezing, and your Stand gains a bonus to its attack rolls equal to half its Breath. Additionally, each time your Stand gains Breath, it gains temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level.
- There's always going to be a risk for anything great it does...
At 9th level, when your Stand makes an unarmed strike, it attacks every creature within range, including those within its space. Additionally, it can pass through and occupy other creatures' spaces without spending additional movement, and opportunity attacks against it have disadvantage.
- I should really dispose of them first...
At 11th level, while your Stand is bound to a creature, you may bind it to an additional creature you are touching the body or Stand of for twice as many spirit points as creatures your Stand is bound to.
- The entire world outside these fingers...
At 14th level, while your Stand is grappling a creature, they are suffocating and your Stand gains 1 Breath at the end of each of their turns unless they would be suffocating from another source.
- Doobie Wah!
- Da Da Da Da Da!
While Requiem is active, your Stand automatically grapples any creatures within its space and creatures begin suffocating even if they do not need to breath as your Stand draws out the very essence of their life or unlife. When a creature dies from this feature, it is resurrected as a Requiem alien at the end of your next turn.
Schott Key No. 1[edit]
- Stand of Synergy
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Handy Transfer
At 3rd level, at will, you may instantly transfer a Tiny object that you are holding in one hand to another hand.
- It seems we won't be able to stay in this town long, either...
At 5th level, when you make an ability check or attack roll using Dexterity with your hands, you may use your Stand's Dexterity modifier instead of your own. Additionally, while you are grappling a creature with your hands, moving the creature costs no additional movement as you transfer parts of them to more advantageous positions.
- Give me the ball back!!
At 7th level, when you transfer an object, you may spend 1 spirit point to instantly manipulate the object in any way (i.e. uncuffing a handcuff, wrapping a chain around a creature within your reach).
- We're changing the order
At 9th level, as a reaction when an attack misses you or you succeed a Dexterity saving throw, you may cause a creature within your reach to be targeted by the attack or saving throw instead, and you may spend 1 spirit point immediately after to regain your reaction. Additionally, when you make a Strength or Constitution saving throw to avoid, but not end, an effect, you may spend 1 spirit point to instead make a Dexterity saving throw.
- Kinda similar, isn't it?
At 11th level, you may spend 1 spirit point to transfer an object that is your size category or smaller, 1 spirit point to transfer a Tiny creature that you are grappling, or 2 spirit points to transfer a creature that is your size category or smaller that you are grappling.
- Powerful Stand
At 14th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. If your Stand does not have a traditional form, you gain your Stand's ability scores.
- Schott Key No. 7
While Requiem is active, you can transfer any object or creature that is your size category or smaller that is touching you in any way to anywhere within your reach. Additionally, as a full turn action, you may cause anything that touches you to be instantly teleported away from you, causing you to become unable to be targeted by any effect that you do not cause and unable to touch objects or grapple creatures until you lose concentration.
Schott Key No. 2[edit]
- Stand of Synergy
Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 25 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Gas Generation
At 3rd level, your Stand becomes Tiny and can only attack Tiny targets, and it gains expertise in Stealth checks. At the beginning of each of your turns, your Stand fills a 5 ft. square area it or its gas can touch with gas that lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it, causing the area to become lightly obscured.
- Toxic Gas
At 5th level, any creatures that spend any amount of time in your Stand's cloud must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns until the cloud disperses. On a failure, they take 1d4 + your Stand's Constitution modifier poison damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
- Dense Gas
At 7th level, while a creature is within your Stand's gas, they can not breath.
- Start with this guy
At 9th level, when a creature fails the saving throw against your Stand's cloud, they become poisoned until the end of their next turn. Additionally, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause your Stand's cloud to deal acid damage instead of poison damage until the beginning of your next turn.
- Personal Immunity
At 11th level, you become immune to poison and acid damage and the poisoned condition.
- Powerful Stand
At 14th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice.
- Schott Key No. 7
While Requiem is active, when your Stand creates its gas, you may cause the gas to appear anywhere you can see, and it deals twice as much damage. Additionally, any creatures of your choice are immune to your gas.
Vitamin C[edit]
- Stand of Hands
Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Organic Softening
At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, or as a free action for 2 spirit points or at will for 3 spirit points, immediately after your Stand hits a creature with an unarmed strike, you may cause the target to become elastic until your Stand is not within 50 feet of your Stand. While a creature is elastic, it is restrained and able to squeeze through spaces as small as 1/8th of an inch.
- Fingerprints
At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand may place a Tiny fingerprint anywhere within its reach until your Stand is no longer within 50 feet of it. A creature must succeed an Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check to notice a fingerprint. When a creature touches a fingerprint, it is counted as having been hit by an unarmed strike for the sake of Organic Softening. You may have a number of fingerprints placed equal to your Intelligence modifier at any moment, and may cause any number of fingerprints to vanish at will.
- I did the same kind of thing with a 1000-yen bill
At 7th level, while a creature is under the effects of Organic Softening, they are vulnerable to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
- Everything is a composite
At 9th level, Organic Softening costs 1 fewer spirit points, minimum 0.
- Organic Liquefaction
At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 2 spirit point or as a free action for 3 spirit points, you may cause a creature under the effects of Organic Softening to be liquefied, becoming paralyzed and able to squeeze through any space.
- That day on the yacht...
At 14th level, Organic Softening and Fingerprints costs 1 fewer spirit points, minimum 0. Additionally, creatures under the effects of Organic Liquefaction become vulnerable to all damage.
- Vitamic C Requiem
While Requiem is active, your Stand may have any number of fingerprints placed at a time, Organic Softening and Fingerprints no longer have a range limit, you may use Fingerprints at will, and any creatures of your choice are immune to Organic Softening's effects. Additionally, you gain a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed that can move through any material as it liquefies on touch.
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