Ryu Ishigori (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Ryu Ishigori[edit]

Medium humanoid (Cursed Vessel), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 24 (unarmored defense)
Hit Points 720 (40d8 + 560)
Speed 85 ft.

22 (+6) 24 (+7) 22 (+6) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 24 (+7)

Saving Throws Dex +13, Cha +13
Skills Acrobatics +13, Arcana +7, Investigation +7, Performance +13, Persuasion +13
Proficiency Bonus +6
Senses passive Perception 29
Languages Common
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP)

Cursed Energy. Ryu has 71 cursed energy that he can use to fuel his abilities. All of his cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest.

Curse Energy Recovery. Ryu regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of his turns.

Cursed Energy Armor. Ryu may use up to 7 Curse Energy on this feature. For every 1 Curse Energy he spends he gain 25 temporary hit points for 1 minute. Ryu can use this feature again either after 1 minutes passes or it’s temporary hit points are reduced to zero (no action required)

Soul Learning. Ryu gains 1 Soul Knowledge at the end of every long rest and cannot gain Soul Knowledge above 50 with this feature.

Soul Experience. Whenever Ryu makes a Charisma saving throw to gain Soul Knowledge, he does not have disadvantage on the save.

This Body Is Mine. Ryu gain advantage against effects that would alter his form.

Cling on to Life. Whenever Ryu is reduced to 0 hit points, Ryu may choose to be reduced to 1 hit point instead. Ryu may only do this once per long rest.

Evasion. Whenever Ryu makes a Dexterity saving throw, he takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success.

Cursed Empowered Strikes. Ryu’s unarmed strikes are considered magical

Redirective Blasts. once per turn, you can spend 1 cursed energy to reroll a missed ranged cursed energy attack roll. Additionally, when using cursed energy ray you can force a creature that was in its range to reroll their saving throw. you can now do this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per turn. In the case of the cursed energy ray, you can make a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier to reroll the save.

Cursed Enhanced Body. As long as Ryu has 1 cursed energy or more, he may add 3 to his attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes or weapons he is proficient with (already applied).


Multiattack. Ryu makes 3 attacks.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (1d12 + 10) bludgeoning damage and 7 (2d8) Necrotic damage.

Granite Blast (10 Curse Energy) Ryu releases a shining beam in a 100ft. Line thats 10ft in width forcing every creature within range to make a dexterity save. On a fail they take 10d10 force damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. Ryu can add additional cursed energy up to Ryu Charisma modifier added twice, adding 10ft. to the line's range and 1 additional damage dice.

Curse Energy Ray(1-14 Curse Energy) Ryu can spend cursed energy up to his Charisma modifier, Ryu can launch a cursed energy ball in a line of 30ft. Once it reaches the end of the line, it will explode in a 15ft. circle, making every creature in that range make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d12 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in necrotic damage, and half as much on a success.Whenever Ryu is using this feature, he may choose to divide his ray into small beams with longer range. For every dice his cursed energy ray had, an equal number of beams will be created. These beams have a 90ft. range, and he must make a cursed energy attack roll for each one of them. On a hit, they deal 1d12 necrotic damage.

Exorcise. Ryu automatically destroys a cursed spirit within 30 ft. of him that he can see that has a CR of 2 or lower.


Martial Arts. After using the Attack action, Ryu can make one unarmed strike.

Cursed Blast of Blows.(3 Curse Energy) After Ryu uses the Attack action, he can perform two unarmed strikes.

Cursed Patient Defense.(3 Curse Energy) Ryu can take the Dodge action on his turn.

Cursed Wind Step.(3 Curse Energy) Ryu can take the Disengage or Dash action on his turn, and his jump distance is doubled until the end of his turn.


Cursed Enhanced Body (1-7 Cursed Energy). Whenever Ryu makes a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw, he may add the number of energy spent as a bonus to the saving throw.

Jujutsu Sorcerer.

Ryu has 20 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class.

Feats. Ryu's feats are:

Immense Cursed Energy, Cursed Enhanced Body, Overflowing Cursed Energy, Human Wall, Strong Body Dense Curse Energy, Improved Curse Energy Output, Athlete History

Domain Expansion: Deadly Artillery

Ryu’s Domain Expansion is a giant warzone full of canons filled with giant missiles. At the beginning of the round, every creature of his choice inside the domain must make a Dexterity saving throw as the canons start to shoot out their missiles. On a failure, they take 20d12 force damage + 30d4 fire damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone.

Refiniment Points

Ryu’s domain refinement points are 300.

Domain Durability. his domain has 1200 hit points.

Technique Efficiency. While inside his domain, Ryu may use Curse Energy Ray for 0 Cursed Energy.

Increased Potency. While inside his domain, his cursed techniques deal 7 additional damage dice.

Improved Durability.

This creature uses the Improved Durability rule.

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