Religion (Biscore-Zabbet Supplement)
Religion on Biscore-Zabbet[edit]
On both planets, Religion isn't as important as it used to be. Due to the Weave Tear, many Gods have stopped appearing in the lower realms, and influences of the Gods have stopped for the most part. As such, people have mainly worshipped Gods less and less. This doesn't mean all belief has stopped, however, it's just mainly an unspoken taboo to practice religion. This is split into two sections; Major and Minor Dieties. Many, but not all, have markings to go along with them.
Major Gods/Dieties[edit]
The most well-known god of Modern times, was once not even a God at all. Bolezemut was a Human Paladin, whom in days long past, saved the world from an abomination known as Zaliz, along with his compatriots. Despite all three helping the same amount, only Bolezemut sought for fame from the act, leading to his praise worldwide. Bolezemut is now sought to as "The Truest God", and is the least stigmatized against God to worship and pray to. Many believe he is the only real God, and thus is worshiped as a monotheistic God.
God of?: Paladins; Light, Arcana
Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: A sword in the earth, with the symbols (top-down, left to right) meaning "Heroism", "Intellect", and "Power".
Weapon of Faith: A longsword, whom Bolezemut named "Purity".
Zaliz, the Great One[edit]
Zaliz is less of a God, and moreso a monster to fear. The great, mountain-sized heap of everchanging flesh, this being was called many things: "Ship-Wrecker", "Abberation of Death", "Chaos Incarnate", among others. Some even argued if Zaliz were evil, wondering if the destruction the beast caused were even known by itself. "Are humans evil because they step on an Ant Hill which hosts hundreds of living beings?", some questioned. Few even appreciated Zaliz's chaotic nature, as they helped even out a good portion of Zucris to help with modern construction. Those who believe in Zaliz are bound to be either lunatics or dedicated cultists. It is said that Zaliz will be willing to offer Warlocks a modicum of power, if they can find a piece of Zaliz's essence abound the universe, similar looking to a moving piece of albino flesh, about a pound's worth in a non-shapen form.
Patron Type?: Great Old One
God of?: Death
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Symbol: An eyeless, cracked human skull.
Weapon of Faith: Bare fists, teeth, or likewise flesh.
Boxidon, All-Mighty Giver of Containers[edit]
The newest god to have been believed in, is mainly believed in to make fun of religion as a whole. Almost as tolerated as Bolezemut himself, Boxidon was a joke started by Gil'lar the Insane, a crazy old dwarf who claimed during his near-death experience with a magically-infused Giant Crab, a being with a cardboard box covering it's head saved his life. This has lead to people jokingly praying with him to Boxidon, the Lord of Boxes. Many churches have sprouted up in his name, and almost act as social gathering places to relax and laugh. Due to this strong belief, His Boxiness resides as a popular, albeit stupid, God.
God of?: Comedy, Order, Boxes
Patron Type?: The Box
Alignment: Chaotic Stupid
Symbol: A box, with a marking on it.
Weapon of Faith: Many say that Boxidon has no favorite weapon, but Gil'lar the Insane believed he wielded an Ultra-Greatsword, nearly the size of himself.
Minor Gods/Dieties[edit]
Zodotis, Life Bringer[edit]
What used to be the end-all be-all of Gods in the Galaxy, now is relegated to a forgotten being who hardly appears in any religious tomes. Zodotis was the ancestor of all life, bringing about all sentience into existence, all plants and animals alike. Zodotis, alongside Ilianim and Machinim, helped seal away Zaliz alongside the Heroes. However, history had forgotten about that, leaving them overshadowed by Bolezemut.
God of?: Life, Nature
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Symbol: A sapling, showing the roots ingrained in the earth.
Weapon of Faith: A quarterstaff, made from the finest Oak.
Ilianim, the First Light[edit]
Borne from the power of Zodotis, Ilianim was the first to bring light, warmth, and flames into the Galaxy. Some believe Ilianim were the one whom brought the Sun into existence, others say all heat and seasons were due to Ilianim. These are all rumors, for none know what was and wasn't caused by any Gods. Whatever the case, like Zodotis, he were forgotten in sake of Bolezemut, which is ironic, considering Bolezemut always strove to be righteous like Ilianim.
God of?: Light, Order
Alignment: Lawful Good
Symbol: An eye with a sun as the pupil.
Weapon of Faith: A mace, with a completely spherical head.
Machinim, the Swordsmith[edit]
Borne from the will of Zodotis, Machinim was brought into existence to help development of the World. While mainly known for bringing about the first sword, Gaelicsden, he also taught people to create armors and tools, such as pickaxes and shovels. Some even see Machinim as a harbinger of wrath, citing weaponry and armor as the tools of a War. While not made a War god, these thoughts shifted him into one.
God of?: Forge, War
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: A sword lacking a guard or handle.
Weapon of Faith: A greatsword, similar to Gaelicsden in that it has very little or no guard.
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