Red Worm (Grisaire Supplement)

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Red Worm[edit]

Price per dose: n/a
Type: Contact or Ingested

The red worm, so described for its appearance, is actually a parasitic organism used as a poison. Because it is allegedly a tiny fragment of the muscle fibers of Jjglo'ärogsh itself, it is incredibly rare to the point of being legendary, especially if people don't believe in the presence of the Uncreated. Due to its dangerous nature and rarity, only the innermost and the most powerful of The Ashen Face can really obtain and use this material, and it has to be one granted permission from Jjglo'ärogsh. Due to this, it is almost an unknown thing even among the Ashen Face. When it is used, it is always used to execute a high-ranking enemy of the Ashen Face, and is considered a high honor to die this way... if only death were so merciful.

This worm can be inserted into a host very easily. It latches onto skin and can seep into the host. In some cruel instances, it can be fed to a host. If a host has an injury, it can worm its way into it. At that point, the host is considered a lost cause. Being that this is a piece of a god-equivalent creature, the red worm does not have any saves that prevent its effects initially. Later saves only exist to try and mitigate the permanent symptoms.

Once infected with the red worm, the parasite begins to rapidly take over the host's body and mind. Because of this worm's ability to trespass limits of even flesh, it can be used on constructs. The infected host is considered permanently paralyzed as excruciating pain renders them unable to move save for grotesque spasms. Their very body begins to twist, malform, and contort in ways that would be impossible. The host remains wholly alive this whole time as their mind becomes flooded with pain and the deep murmurs of the Sleeping Goliath.

The host will remain this twitching and gibbering mass. They can make a Constitution save (DC25) at the dawn of each day after their 10th day of infection to garble out up 60 coherent words.

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