Races (Theous)

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Races of Theous[edit]

Theous is a world shaped by divine forces, magical calamities, and ancient bloodlines. The beings that inhabit this land are remnants of divine design, natural evolution, and arcane manipulation. Below are the known intelligent races of Theous.

Core Races[edit]

These races form the backbone of Theous’ civilizations and cultures.

  • Humans – Adaptable, ambitious, and historically dominant. Their legacy is equal parts triumph and tyranny.
  • Dwarves – Hardy mountain folk known for craftsmanship, honor, and deep ancestral pride.
  • Eladrin – Fey-touched elves that shift with the seasons, deeply attuned to the magic of the world.
  • Fairy – Tiny fey creatures full of whimsy and mischief, often underestimated but never ignored.
  • Mushlings – Strong Willed Creatures that live in small community's throughout Theous.
  • Myceteum – Sentient fungal colonies that form humanoid hosts to interact with the world. Wise and eerie.
  • Owl Folk – Nocturnal, reclusive beings with deep wisdom and high magic traditions passed through generations.
  • Arkons – Constructs born by the earth itself, wandering the lands.


  • This list contains only the confirmed intelligent races of Theous.
  • Races marked as “(Theous)” may have altered traits or lore compared to standard 5e SRD content.
  • For setting context, visit: The World of Theous

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