Psychic Abilities and Magic Interact (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Psychic Abilities and Magic Interact[edit]

In this option, psychic abilities and magic interact for the most part. Spell resistance acts such as psychic shielding and protection against mind-influencing spells also works against mind-influencing psychic skills and vice versa. A dimensional anchor spell prevents psychic teleportation as well as magical teleportation, and so forth.

This option means that spellcasters are generally as well prepared to deal with psychics as they are with other spellcasters or creatures with magical abilities. Magical defenses against psychic abilities exist, and overall, psychics are no more than one more type of spellcaster, at least as far as the magic-types are concerned. While a psychic has somewhat different abilities and limitations than a spellcaster, their abilities have a similar impact on the campaign.

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