Prop-Plane, Transport (Metal Gear Supplement)
Cost: Rare Multi-engine propeller planes were the biggest aircraft around short of an airship at the time of their invention, and have stood the test of time nearly as well as one-seater prop-planes. These giants made up the world's first cargo planes, being able to quickly fly thousands of pounds of mail, freight, and even military hardware anywhere in the world in a matter of days. Size: Huge Variants[edit]Airliner[edit]With advancements in aviation came advancements in how people traveled, turning these massive marvels of mechanics into ultra-fast mass transportation. Much of this plane has been reworked into seating, increasing its crew to a pilot, a copilot, a steward/stewardess, and 14 passengers. Additionally, the plane's maximum carrying capacity is reduced to 10,000 lbs. Superfortress[edit]Bombers could fly into enemy airspace and obliterate emplacements, fighters could quickly gun down enemy aircraft, but a superfortress could do both, even if they were a bit expensive. A superfortress is Very Rare, and its crew is reduced to a driver, a bomber, and 8 passengers. There are 9 heavy machine guns across the superfortress' hull, and the bomber can drop bombs. The bomber's magazine can be filled with any combination of bombs under 5,000 lbs. If the total weight is above 4000 lbs., the pro-plane's maximum speed drops to 2000 feet (20 MPH). Machine Gun: +X to hit, range 60/600 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (3d6) piercing damage 1d4 times. Must be reloaded as a bonus action after 20 shots. 100 lb. Bomb: Ranged Weapon Attack: +X to hit, range 5-foot wide cylinder originating from the center of the bomber, extending towards the ground. Hit: The target is not allowed a saving throw to reduce the damage taken. Each creature within 30 feet of the impact point must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 42 (12d8) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Objects and structures take double damage from the bomb. 500 lb. Bomb: Ranged Weapon Attack: +X to hit, range 5-foot wide cylinder originating from the center of the bomber, extending towards the ground. Hit: The target is not allowed a saving throw to reduce the damage taken. Each creature within 30 feet of the impact point must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (20d8) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Objects and structures take double damage from the bomb. 1,000 lb. Bomb: Ranged Weapon Attack: +X to hit, range 5-foot wide cylinder originating from the center of the bomber, extending towards the ground. Hit: The target is not allowed a saving throw to reduce the damage taken. Each creature within 30 feet of the impact point must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 110 (20d10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Objects and structures take double damage from the bomb. 2,000 lb. Bomb: Ranged Weapon Attack: +X to hit, range 5-foot wide cylinder originating from the center of the bomber, extending towards the ground. Hit: The target is not allowed a saving throw to reduce the damage taken. Each creature within 60 feet of the impact point must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 165 (30d10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Objects and structures take double damage from the bomb. 4,000 lb. Bomb: Ranged Weapon Attack: +X to hit, range 5-foot wide cylinder originating from the center of the bomber, extending towards the ground. Hit: The target is not allowed a saving throw to reduce the damage taken. Each creature within 80 feet of the impact point must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 248 (45d10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Objects and structures take double damage from the bomb. 10,000 lb. Bomb: Ranged Weapon Attack: +X to hit, range 5-foot wide cylinder originating from the center of the bomber, extending towards the ground. Hit: The target is not allowed a saving throw to reduce the damage taken. Each creature within 120 feet of the impact point must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 330 (60d10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Objects and structures take double damage from the bomb. |
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