Ose (4e Deity)

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The two out-turned hands and the thorn vine

Chaotic Evil
Domains: Madness

The god Ose was formerly the first rakshasa to step foot onto the Old World from the outside. He achieved divinity through many heinous acts of magic, primarily of the sinister kind. Supposedly he was versed in a dark form of druidry which granted him many powers over nature. In return, he sacrificed many individuals for his gains. His powers are said to have fueled his ascent to power, but also his descent to madness. What he does is not with rhyme and reason. Pain and death do not scare Ose, and it is unclear if he even cares about his godhood. Like Egriori, Ose does not answer to the Four Deeds despite being one in their court. He is a callous and unpredictable individual whose mind is like a winding maze. Few know how to understand him, and it is unsure if he even comprehends anymore. He and his madness were swallowed by the Gorge. It is said that he seemingly rejoiced, laughing, as he was destroyed.

Ose's followers consist of a primary few who are directly in line with the god's ideal. They use a variety of spells to control others and convert them into followers. Like Ose, they perform grotesque rituals in, twisting nature in his name, and follow his tenets:

  • In nature, law does not exist. Ose held a strange, twisted reverence for nature, and particularly holds the seeming chaos close at heart.
  • Pride is meaningless to the lowest worm. Unlike the typical egotistic rakshasa, Ose was willing to act in a humiliating manner sometimes. Such things like appearances held no meaning for him.
  • Death is abhorrent and should be done away with. One of Ose's favorite uses of magic was necromancy, through which the limits of nature could be broken. It is, therefore, believed he initially sought godhood as a means to prolong his existence and make himself more impervious.


Ose still largely resembles a rakshasa, having the tell-tale two left hands. He has greyish-pale fur, though some say his true color is like a golden mountain lion pelt. His face is like that of a mountain lion rather than a bengal tiger, or just a white tiger. This leads to some speculation that he may have been an ak'chazar rakshasa initially. He is said to have three heads that rotate on and off his neck. He wears robes of arcane magic and amulets of primal power. Depictions of him commonly show prickly vines, which were said to be able to impale flesh and were manipulated as skillfully as his own hands.

Prayers and Rites[edit]


Heralds and Allies[edit]

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