Mei Mei (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Mei Mei[edit]
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral Armor Class 18 (Unarmored Defense)
Saving Throws Dex +9, Cha +11 Cursed Energy. Mei Mei has 56 cursed energy which she can spend on her features. All cursed energy spent by Mei Mei is regained at the end of a long rest. Cursed Attacks. Mei Mei's unarmed strikes are considered magical and silvered. Cursed Energy Recovery. While in combat, Mei Mei regains 1 Cursed Energy per turn, up to her maximum. The combat must be one where her life is at risk. Great Weapon Fighting. When Mei Mei rolls a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack she makes with a melee weapon that she's wielding with two hands, she can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for her to gain this benefit. Evasion/Discernment/Brawn. Whenever Mei Mei has to make a Dexterity, Wisdom, Charisma or Strength saving throw, she will take half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success. Cursed Ravens. Mei Mei's innate technique Black Bird Manipulation allows her to control and see through their eyes. Mei Mei has 20 raven's at her service, they're all charmed by her and will obey Mei Mei's orders no matter what. Enhanced Senses. Mei Mei cannot be surprised while she has at least one raven within 30ft. of her. Raven's Eyes. Mei Mei gains a +1 to her passive perception per raven she currently has(it's already added to the passive perception in the sheet). Cursed Enhanced Body. As long as Mei Mei has 1 cursed energy or more, she may add 2 to her attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes or weapons she is proficient with (already applied). ACTIONSMultiattack. Mei Mei makes 3 attacks with her Cursed Battle Axe or Unarmed Strikes. Cursed Battle Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2119 (1d12 + 15) slashing damage + 15 (2d10 +5) necrotic damage. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 14 (1d12 + 8) bludgeoning damage + 6 (1d12) necrotic damage. Exorcise Mei Mei automatically destroys a cursed spirit within 30ft. of her that has a CR of 3 or lower. Bird Strike. As an action for 10 cursed energy, Mei Mei launches a crow at a target within 50ft. of her, forcing said target to make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 12d10 force damage and the limb rolled in the attack will be reduced to 0 hit points and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and their limb isn't reduced to 0 hit points and they aren't knocked prone. BONUS ACTIONSMartial Arts. When Mei Mei uses the Attack action, she can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. Cursed Blast of Blows. After Mei Mei uses the Attack action, she can spend 1 Cursed Energy to perform two unarmed strikes as a bonus action. Cursed Patient Defense. Mei Mei can spend 1 Cursed Energy to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on her turn. Cursed Wind Step. Mei Mei can spend 1 Cursed Energy to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on her turn, and her jump distance is doubled until the end of her turn. However, Mei Mei's dash action triples her movement speed instead of doubling it, and if she uses the disengage action her movement speed doubles. Cursed Weapon. Mei Mei can spend up to 6 cursed energy to add a +2 for the damage rolls of a weapon she's holding per energy spent for 1 minute. In addition, half of the energy spent will be added to the weapon's attack rolls. Heavy Stance (2 Cursed Energy). Mei Mei enters a stance until the beginning of her next turn that uses the weight of her weapon to help her defense. For the duration, she gains a +2 to her AC and has advantage against Strength saving throws and any other effects that would move her against her will. The duration ends early if she moves willingly or unwillingly, but she is only moved half as much if unwilling. REACTIONSPerfect Parry (5 cursed energy). As a reaction to a weapon attack roll while wielding a melee weapon, Mei Mei can add a +6 to her armor class. In case the attack still hits, Mei Mei reduces the damage by the melee weapon's damage die.
Cursed Enhanced Body (1-5 Cursed Energy). Whenever Mei Mei makes a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw, she may add the number of energy spent as a bonus to the saving throw. |
Some years after training Utahime Mei Mei started focusing on her own carrer as a sorcerer, becoming a very greedy person who fully believes a full paycheck brings happyness. Mei Mei was one of the sorcerers who helped on the 100 yokai parade event caused by Suguru Geto, destroying various cursed spirits. She was also one of the many sorcerers at the shibuya incident, going there with her younger brother Ui Ui and slaying a special grade curse while pursuing Pseudo-Geto. After the shibuya incident has ended, Mei Mei prepared herself and her finances for the new era that was coming to the jujutsu world. Jujutsu Sorcerer. Mei Mei has 20 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class. Weapon MasterMei Mei specializes in the usage of weapons, and has the following features: Ascending Strike. Once per turn when she is prone, as part of standing up Mei Mei can make one melee weapon attack with a weapon she is holding against a creature within her reach.
Mei Mei's Cursed Battle Axe is the one she is most comfortable with and excels when using it. While she is wielding it, it gains the following benefits:
Immense Cursed Energy, Cursed Enhanced Body, and Cursed Energy Tracker. Improved Durability. This creature uses the Improved Durability rule. |
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