Martial Improvements (Grisaire Supplement)

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Martial Skill Specializations[edit]

Proficiency Ranks[edit]

Each skill, instead of simply having proficiency or expertise, now has 4 ranks of proficiency. Martial classes like fighter automatically start with 2 proficiency ranks in all their skills, while spellcasters like wizards start with only 1. This can be adjusted as needed, but the point is that martials will therefore have some help in boosting their skills over spellcasters to help with even non-combat stuff.

Proficiency Ranks
Rank Proficiency Bonus
1 0.5 ¼ of your proficiency bonus, rounded down
2 0.5 ½ of your proficiency bonus, rounded down
3 ¾ of your proficiency bonus, rounded down
4 Your whole proficiency bonus

So, for example, at level 1, a wizard doesn't get any bonus from their proficiency bonus to their skills, while fighters at least start with a +1. This sort of also reflects the diversity of foci when it comes to mundane and magical training. Arcane studies are arduous and time-consuming, meaning warlocks are too busy unlocking secrets of their arcanum and artificers are too busy with their toys. Fighters, monks, and barbarians have time to do other things and get better at them.

Double Proficiency

Adding double proficiency multiplies the current modifier of rank you have. So, a level 1 rogue that doubles their rank 2 in Stealth would have a +2 to stealth overall. Spellcasters still have trouble with this since 0 × 2 is still 0. Alternatively, you can add ranks to the above table (up to 8) to show incremental gains of proficiency as opposed to an automatic doubling. In that case, the ranks would have proficiency multipliers as follows: 5th Rank: 10.5 ¼, 6th Rank: 10.5 ½, 7th Rank: 1¾, 8th Rank: 2


When multiclassing, you usually would gain some proficiencies associated with the class. In this case, you gain 1 rank in the proficiencies given.

0 Rank Proficiency

If we want to get really gritty about it, you can have 0 rank proficiency as the base instead of proficiency rank 1. Rank 0 means you do not get any benefits from the proficiency, yet. However, you must have this rank before progressing in the proficiency in that skill or tool! So, martial classes in this case can still start with rank 1 or 2 proficiency, while spellcasters might get only rank 0.

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