Magical Game, Jumanji (3.5e Other)
Magical Games are games that are played by those who are not faint of heart, and who crave a more adventurous challenge than a simple game of chess. In Magical Games, spells, effects, and encounters occur that can up the stakes of merely rolling dice, playing cards, moving a board game piece, etc. Jumanji - the wondrous item here described - is such a Magical Game. All Magical Games are Wondrous Items and Artifacts (since they are unique and never mass-produced, often amounting to very limited or rare numbers in existence).
Jumanji is a 1982 illustrated children's book by author Chris Van Allsburg, which was then adapted to screenplay and produced as a 20th Century Fox film starring Robin Williams and others. In the book, two children must finish the game to rid the manifestations of the game before their parents come home from the opera. In the adapted screenplay, the story is much more complex, expansive and convoluted and affects space-time itself in game terms. Both instances are used as inspiration for this wondrous item. Here, the game itself appears and plays as the movie game was portrayed; it is hard and easy to quickly open, close, move, and be heavily jostled, as well as safe from all possible physical manifestations of environmental and extraordinary harm, including its own effects. All effects produced here are developed as shadow conjurations - physical effects produced by an incorporeal magical substance made to produce a real or seemingly-real effect. All manifestations and changes produced by the game are considered Greater Shadow Conjurations, as cast by a 35th-level sorceror, and are not subject to antimagic effects or dispelling.
Example Game Use & Implementation, Item History:
Hybrid Interplanar, Deific/Outsider-oriented, SF, High Fantasy Usage - Nym (Omarka, or "the Beastlands" Campaign Setting) Jumanji is a game developed by Nymian Royalty for a suitable challenge for elite tribal warriors which would test their resolve, survival abilities, war/hunting capacity, leadership, and cooperation with other players. It was created as a gift for a well-respected king who gifted it to another, and often trades hands. It may be found hidden, such as buried by the last unprepared participant, seeking to hide its existence.
Jumanji is a simple board game which utilizes dice rolls (2d6: two cubic, six-sided dice), board game miniatures, and a closed-box board game platform which functions as board, container, rules list, and rolling platform. Players choose a miniature as their board game token, which moves along a twisted path of square tiles to reach the center, a large gem-like crystal dish which magically reveals the secret challenges of the tiles and the winning phrase when a player may win by calling the finishing word, "JUMANJI". The rules are simple, and appear on the inside of the covering planks of the wooden box structure which shelters and houses the game and its components. The box, a masterwork magical wooden wondrous item, is waterproof, self-containing, immune to fire, acid, electricity, cold, sonic, polymorph effects, and once begun playing - employs methods that keep its internal pieces from being lost, moved, knocked off, etc.
Materials / Components
Board/Container, two six-sided dice, eight player tokens (trinkets: elephant, tiger, snake, flower, zebra, lizard, hunter, drum)
Rules & Goal
Players & Strategy
D&D Stats:
Magical Game, Jumanji (Board Game) Wondrous Item (Magical, Artifact)
A player (any living creature with an Int and Wis scores both of 6) chooses a miniature token, which they place at any of a series of starting points around the external edge of the playing section of the game board. If they have not placed their token at a beginning point by the time they roll the dice to begin playing, their token moves to the nearest starting place, and is affixed to that space on the board until it begins moving, when the player's dice roll is complete. When a player rolls the two dice, they are considered to have taken their turn and are subject to the rules and effects of the game in its entirety.
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