Magic (Kingdom Hearts)

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Keyblade Spell list[edit]

Here is the spell list for each of the Keyblade classes, as well as for the Empty Being.


Booming Blade, Control Flames, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Eldritch Blast, Firebolt, Frostbite, Green Flame Blade, Guidance, Gust, Light, Lighting Lure, Mending, Message, Minor Illusion, Mold Earth, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Resistance, Sacred Flame, Shape Water, Spare The Dying, Sword Burst, Thaumaturgy, Thunderclap, Vicious Mockery

1st Level

Absorb Element, Alarm, Animal Friendship, Arcane Weapon, Burning Hands, Chaos Bolt, Chromatic Orb, Comprehend Languages, Create or Destroy Water, Cure Wounds, Detect Good and Evil, Detect Magic, Detect Poison and Disease, Disguise Self, Divine Favor, Earth Tremor, Feather Fall, Frost Fingers, Guiding Bolt, Healing Word, Hellish Rebuke, Heroism, Hex, Ice Knife, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Protection From Good And Evil, Purify Food and Water, Searing Smite, Shield, Shield of Faith, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Thunderous Smite, Thunderwave, Wrathful Smite, Zephyr Strike

2nd Level

Aid, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Arcane Lock, Branding Smite, Calm Emotions, Detect Thoughts, Enhance Ability, Find Steed, Find Vehicle, Flame Blade, Flaming Sphere, Gentle Repose, Gust Of Wind, Healing Spirit, Hold Person, Icingdeath's Frost (UA), Knock, Lesser Restoration, Levitate, Locate Animals or Plants, Locate Object, Mind Spike, Misty Step, Prayer Of Healing, Protection From Poison, Scorching Ray, Shatter, Snilloc's Snowball Storm, Spider Climb, Zone Of Truth

3rd Level

Aura Of Vitality, Blinding Smite, Call Lightning, Counter Spell, Daylight, Dispel Magic, Elemental Weapon, Fast Friends, Fly, Fireball, Haste, Lighting Bolt, Mass Healing Word, Remove Curse, Revivify, Sending, Sleet Storm, Slow, Spirit Shroud, Thunder Step, Tidal wave, Tongues, Water Breathing, Water Walk,

4th Level

Aura of Life, Aura of Purity, Blight, Confusion, Control Water, Dimension Door, Elemental Bane, Fire Shield, Ice Storm, Locate Creature, Staggering Smite, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Watery Sphere

5th Level

Awaken, Banishing Smite, Cone Of Cold, Control Winds, Circle Of Power, Dawn, Destructive Wave, Dream, Flame Strike, Greater Restoration, Hold Monster, Holy Weapon, Maelstrom, Mass Cure Wounds, Modify Memory, Raise Dead, Skill Empowerment, Swift Wind Strike, Wall of Light

6th Level

Arcane Gate, Chain Lightning, Contingency, Find The Path, Gravity, Fissure, Harm, Heal, Move Earth, Tenser's Transformation, Sunbeam

7th Level

Crown Of Stars, Delayed Blast Fireball, Divine Word, Draconic Transformation, Fire Storm, Regenerate, Reverse Gravity, Resurrection, Teleport, Whirlwind

8th Level

Control Weather, Earthquake, Incendiary Cloud, Sunburst, Tsunami

9th Level

Astral Projection, Gate, Invulnerability, Mass Heal, Meteor Swarm, Power Word Heal, Ravenous Void, Storm Of Vengeance, Time Ravage, Time Stop, True Resurrection

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