Magic (Darenfell Supplement)

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Work In Progress

The nature of Magic on Darenfell is largely unexplored, and upon the continent, uses of magic are sparse, and frowned upon by most. Although, according to scholars, magic flows through the very earth in the planet itself, most have not figured out how to harness this arcane energy, and instead are in the beginnings of using technology to try and replicate certain magical abilities. The single documented use of magic was a large explosion, caused by an unidentified source, in the seas far the west of Athelaran, in a place that is now called Soaring Rock, named after the shards of earth and ice that now fly high up in the air, seemingly suspended by some unseen force. There has been no way to explore Soaring Rock since the islands began flying, and as such, it is assumed they are barren.

Magic is rare enough that most people abhor it's use, and openly shun users of this mysterious arcane force.

Force of Nature[edit]

Magic itself is understood to be a force of Nature. However, where the arcane energy itself comes from, and how it keeps the world alive, is largely undocumented and unexplored. Magic is so confounding, even, that the high Mages of the Eastern Court all have nearly no idea how to teach others to actual use magic. It is all a grand mystery, even to the most knowledgeable in the field.

As time goes on, it is hoped that more will be discovered about this arcane force of destructive energy, and how it quantifies what our world is.

Magic in the World[edit]

Magic is not a common thing in Darenfell for humans to use. They have no natural aptitude for it, so they generally find it hard to detect and use the arcane energy. There are a mighty few, though, who have tapped into the arcane powers through means of other... More ancient sources. Those are called Warlocks, and they have tapped into a power unseen by others, and undetected by even the mighty few who have discovered natural means of using magic.

Magic is rare to a point that anyone who can cast even the most trivial of spells is viewed as a largely powerful, inhuman being who should be shunned and feared. This leads to the hatred of society by magic users, and many of them turn to a life of crime- either to survive, or spite those that shunned them.

Contrary to people, magical places are frequently found in the world, and oftentimes, they are studied by scholars of the East Athelar High Academy. In an effort to discover natural ways to harness magic, many of these scholars and proffesors run series of experiments on themselves and others in these spots.

Magic Items[edit]

Most of the time, magic is incidentally used, but there are those many artifacts leftover from the time of the gods- powerful items and weapons left behind by ancient craftsmen that forged and created for the gods themselves, in their endless war against boredom and each other. Magic Items are one of the few ways that Humans can utilize magic not their own, and even sometimes be granted access to different ways of harnessing magic.

Many times, though, the magic requires much time to attune to the user, and become used to the energy of it's holder.

Resurrection and Revival[edit]

The magics of resurrection are a very secret, and largely untapped form of art. If one of your comrades dies, you must try your hardest to keep their body in fine condition- otherwise, you may never see them again.

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