Loose Limbs (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Loose limbs is a variant rule that makes critical rolls more deadly in addition to the regular critical damage. For this rule to come into effect, a player or creature must roll a natural 20 on their attack roll, and confirm a critical hit. Then the subject that is hit must make a fortitude save of 20 + the strength modifier of the attacker. This is to determine if a limb is cut off or broken. Then, the subject must make a will save DC 20. This save is for preventing the mental shock and pain penalties that follow. On a failed fortitude save from a slashing or piercing weapon, the subject takes 5 points of bleeding damage per round until stabilized. For loose limbs to be in effect the creature has to be within one size category of the attacker. (example: a medium sized creature can not cut off or break the limbs of a huge size creature)-->

Penalties of types

slashing: passed fort save -7 all action penalty failed fort save -15 all action penalty additional penalty limb is cut off

bludgeoning: passed fort save -1 all action penalty failed fort save -3 all action penalty additional penalty limb is disabled (if leg movement speed is cut in half

piercing: passed fort save -3 all action penalty failed fort save -7 all action penalty additional penalty limb is disabled (if leg movement speed cut in half

all action penalty meaning taking the penalty to any thing that requires a check such as an attack roll or skill check

limb chart roll a d100 to determine what will be getting affected humanoid

1-13 right foot

14-19 lower right leg

20-26 upper right leg

27-31 left foot

32-42 lower left leg

43-54 upper left leg

55 mid section (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

56-67 right hand

68-76 lower right arm

77-82 upper right arm

83-88 left hand

89-93 left lower arm

94-98 upper left arm

99 neck (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

100 head (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

four legged beast

1-14 front right leg

15-24 front left leg

25-32 back right leg

33-45 back left leg

46-53 tail (if applicable if not roll again)

54-64 lower front right leg

65 midsection (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

66-68 upper front right leg

69-72 left wing (if applicable if not roll again)

73-76 lower front left leg

77-79 upper front left leg

80-82 right wing (if applicable if not roll again)

83-85 lower back left leg

86-89 upper back left leg

90-94 lower back right leg

95-98 upper back right leg

99 neck (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

100 head (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

spider or spider like creatures

1-14 right front leg

15-25 left front leg

26-34 right 2nd right leg

35-45 left 2nd left leg

46-53 right 3rd right leg

54-67 midsection (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

68-78 left 3rd leg

79-85 right 4th leg

head 86-100 (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

4 armed creatures

1-14 lower right arm

15-25 upper right arm

26-34 lower left arm

35-38 upper left arm

39-41 midsection (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

42-46 lower part of the lower right arm

47-50 lower part of the upper right arm

51-57 lower part of the lower left arm

58-63 lower part of the upper left arm

64-72 left leg

73-79 lower left leg

80-88 right leg

89-98 lower right leg

98 neck (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

99-100 head (results in death instead of the regular penalties)

worm and worm like creatures

1-50 leg (if applicable if not replace leg with midsection)

51-99 midsection

100 head

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