Kin Experiment (Bloodborne Supplement)

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Kin Experiment[edit]

A being changed by eldritch experimentation, [1]

You were once human, but unnatural experimentation has irrevocably changed you. Whether by the hands of Byrgenwerth scholars, the Healing Church, or another eldritch force, your body and mind have been altered beyond recognition. Your very existence is an anomaly—no longer bound by the constraints of ordinary mortals, yet still far from the true ascension promised by those who tamper with cosmic forces.

You feel something shifting within you, as if your form is incomplete. The changes in your body grant you unique abilities, but they also distance you from humanity, making others wary of your presence.

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Medicine

Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist’s Supplies or Calligrapher’s Tools

Equipment: A vial of pale, shimmering fluid harvested from your own body, a simple white robe that clings unnaturally to your skin, a small notebook filled with indecipherable symbols, and a pouch containing 10 blood echoes.

Feature: Vestiges of the Kin[edit]

Your altered nature allows you to sense cosmic disturbances. You can instinctively detect the presence of eldritch entities, such as Great Ones or beings influenced by their power, within a one-mile radius. Though you may not always know their exact location, you can feel their influence like a whisper in the back of your mind.

Additionally, those who recognize your condition—whether scholars, occultists, or others who seek forbidden knowledge—may view you as a subject of interest rather than an ordinary traveler. Depending on the individual, this could mean guidance, exploitation, or even hostility.

Alternate Feature: Unnatural Physiology[edit]

Your body does not function like that of an ordinary person. Whether due to internal mutations or an incomplete metamorphosis, you have developed an unusual resistance to harm. You have advantage on saving throws against poison and disease, and you can survive without food or drink for twice the normal duration.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Kin Experiments are trapped between two worlds—one of humanity, and one of the eldritch. Their altered physiology and fractured minds make them outsiders, yet some cling to their remaining humanity, while others embrace the abyss of transformation.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I struggle to remember what it felt like to be human.
2 I hear voices in my dreams, whispering things I do not understand.
3 I am fascinated by knowledge others fear to even consider.
4 I react with curiosity rather than fear to the unnatural.
5 I view my condition as a gift, not a curse.
6 I keep meticulous notes on every eldritch anomaly I encounter.
7 I envy those who still experience simple human emotions.
8 I obsessively search for the one responsible for my transformation.
d6 Ideal
1 Knowledge. My suffering will not be in vain if I can uncover the truth. (Lawful)
2 Ascension. I will embrace my transformation and surpass my mortal limits. (Chaotic)
3 Survival. I must adapt to my new existence, no matter the cost. (Neutral)
4 Acceptance. I must find a way to live with what I have become. (Good)
5 Vengeance. Those who did this to me will suffer for their crimes. (Chaotic)
6 Madness. My mind is unraveling, and I no longer resist. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I keep a single object from my past life, reminding me of who I was.
2 I seek a cure, or at least an explanation, for my condition.
3 Someone I loved was lost to these experiments—I must find out what happened to them.
4 I have seen something indescribable, and I will stop at nothing to understand it.
5 There is another like me out there, and I must find them.
6 My very existence is an experiment, and I refuse to be controlled.
d6 Flaw
1 I am terrified of what I am becoming.
2 I have difficulty relating to normal humans.
3 My body is mutating further, and I do not know how to stop it.
4 My mind is breaking, and I can barely hold onto my thoughts.
5 I no longer fear death—in fact, I sometimes welcome it.
6 I distrust everyone, suspecting them of being agents of my captors.
(0 votes)

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