Ki Focused Blows (5e Feat)

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Ki Focused Blows

Prerequisites: Medium Size, Strength 16 or Dexterity 16 , Ki class feature.
Through years of intense physical training in your chosen arts, you have unlocked the ability to channel more of your inner Ki for a singular purpose in the form of maximizing the lethality of your unarmed strikes. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain 2 Ki points, all expended Ki points are lost until you finish a short or long rest to regain them.
  • your unarmed strike becomes one die size larger (d6->d8,d8->d10, etc.)

you also gain the following ability

  • By spending 2 Ki points immediately after the attack action, you gain an extra action that can only be used for your Flurry of Blows. (saving your bonus action for a different use, including another Flurry of Blows.)

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