Kasumi Miwa, Shinjuku Showdown (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Kasumi Miwa[edit]

Medium humanoid (human), lawful good

Armor Class 18 (unarmored defense, classical swordplay)
Hit Points 130 (20d8+40)
Speed 50 ft.

11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Cha +8
Skills Acrobatics +7, Perception +5, Sleight of Hand +7
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Cursed Energy. Miwa has 24 cursed energy which she can use to fuel her abilities. All of her cursed energy is regained at the end of a long rest.

Stronger Cursed Strikes. When making an Unarmed Strike, Miwa may spend up to 4 Cursed Energy, adding 4 (1d8) Necrotic damage to its damage. This may also be used when Miwa hits a Nat 20. This energy persists until she hits a target or 1 minute has passed. Creatures of her choice within 5 feet of the impact take a number of d12 of the same damage type equal to half of the cursed energy spent (rounded down). Objects take twice the damage from this effect.

Cursed Armor. Miwa can spend up to 4 cursed energy to give herself temporary hit points equal to the cursed energy spent times 5 for 1 minute (no action required). Miwa can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having its temporary hit points reduced to 0. Her armor also reduces damage taken by 8.

Kyoto Jujutsu High Learnings. Thanks to Kyoto Jujutsu High, Miwa has enhancements to some of her abilities such as Curse Blast of Blows, Cursed Patient Defense and Cursed Wind Step, Stronger Cursed Strikes, Durable Cursed Armor and Precise Cursed Weapon Enhancement all already included in their descriptions.

Curse-Empowered Strikes. Miwa's Cursed Scimitar is considered magical and she adds 1d10 necrotic damage to it (already included).

Evasion. When Miwa makes a Dexterity saving throw, she takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on success.

Cursed Energy Recovery. While in combat, Miwa regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of her turns, up to her maximum. The combat must be one where her life is at risk.

Weapon Specialist. Whenever Miwa uses her Cursed Weapon Enhancement, it will count as if she had spent twice as much cursed energy than she actually spent, however she still won’t count as spending more than 3.

Classical Swordplay. While wielding a finesse weapon and no other weapons, Miwa gains a +1 bonus to her attack rolls and AC (already included) so long as she's not using Heavy Armour or a Shield.

Ascending Strike (1 Cursed Energy). Once per turn when Miwa is prone, as part of standing up she can make one melee weapon attack with a weapon she is holding against a creature within her reach.

Disarming Attack (2 Cursed Energy). When Miwa hits a creature with an attack with a weapon, she can force them to make an Athletics or Acrobatics (target's choice) check against her attack roll. On a failure, she can disarm them of one object they are holding.

Simple Domain Imbuement. Attacks from Miwa's Scimitar will ignore all defenses which come from features from a cursed technique such as Infinity as an example.


Multiattack. Miwa makes 2 attacks.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Cursed Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage and 13 (1d6 + 1d10 + 4) necrotic damage.

Clean Cut (1 Cursed Energy). While Miwa is wielding the melee weapon, she can go in a straight line of 10ft. and cut through all targets within that line. She makes a single weapon attack roll against all creatures within the line, with her Charisma modifier adding to the attack roll. She ends in an unoccupied space within 5 feet from the end of the line. This movement generates no opportunity attacks.

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (5 Cursed Energy). Miwa surrounds herself with a 15 ft. barrier for 1 minute. The circle has 400 hitpoints. Any cursed techniques or spells that target her or targets an area that overlaps with her simple domain, will now target the barrier instead, reducing it's hit points by the damage it would cause. To use this technique, Miwa must maintain concentration as if she was concentrating on a spell. If she is in a Domain Expansion then she negates it's sure-hit effect on herself and any other people inside the area, as it only affects the barrier.

Her simple domain has a damage threshold of 100. If the simple domain takes more damage than this threshold, the damage over said threshold hurts Miwa. However, it is dampened so she only takes 1/8 of the damage over the threshold (rounded down). The damage that leaks over the threshold still affects the simple domain's health. Sure-hit damage is not subject to the threshold and will only be able to affect the barrier of the simple domain. If a spell or cursed technique was used by a creature with a level or CR less than 10, Miwa's simple domain will treat all damage from it as if it was resistant to it. This does not include domain expansions.

Miwa's refinement for her Simple Domain is 100.

Batto Sword Drawing (4 Cursed Energy). While her simple domain is active Miwa may enter the Batto Sword Drawing stance. Additionally, she may open her simple domain and pay its cost as a part of this action. Once she is in the stance, she covers her weapon with cursed energy and will automatically attack any projectile or creature that enters her simple domain range. Miwa can automatically make 3 attacks per round. If she is targeted by a projectile, she may make an attack roll against it. If her attack roll is higher or equal to that of the projectile, it misses. If it was lower, the projectile would still hit. If a creature enters her simple domain, she can automatically try to hit it. On a hit, she deals her weapon’s damage and an additional 3 (1d6) necrotic damage. She may make multiple attacks against the same creature. This lasts for 1 minute as long as she spend an action on her turn for the minute to maintain the stance or until her simple domain ends.

This technique can only be used while she's wielding a martial melee weapon with the finesse property.

Improved Batto Sword Drawing (5 Cursed Energy). While wielding a martial finesse weapon, Miwa can activate Batto Sword Drawing without a simple domain. Every time a creature enters her reach, on her turn, she may make one weapon attack roll against said creature. She may attack 3 creatures. On a hit, she deals her weapon’s damage and an additional 3 (1d6) necrotic damage. She may use her movement speed on her turn to approach creatures so that they are in her reach and this movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Evening Moon Sword Drawing (8 Cursed Energy). Miwa may enter the Evening Moon Sword drawing stance as part of casting her simple domain or as an action while within it and while wielding a martial melee weapon with the finesse property. Both methods of activation lasts for 1 minute or until her simple domain ends. While in this stance any cursed energy feature from a creature other than herself that originates in the simple domain, targets a creature in the simple domain (including her), or targets the simple domain has its damage dice tier decreased by one or if it does not roll dice has it's damage reduced by your 7. Additionally, any cursed energy feature she uses while in this stance has its damage dice tier increased by one or if it does not roll dice its damage is increased by 4.

Additionally, this can be used offensively. If any creature is in the range of her simple domain, Miwa can use an action to move up to her movement speed towards them and attack them 6 times. On a hit, she deals her weapon’s damage and an additional amount of 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.

Basic Barrier (1-4 Cursed Energy). Miwa can create a dome starting from herself with a 5ft. radius and a 10ft. height. For each cursed energy spent, the barrier’s maximum radius and height both increase by 10ft, but Miwa may choose to make it smaller if they wish. This barrier has 10 hit points times the amount of cursed energy spent, it has resistance to all damage from the inside, is vulnerable to all damage from the outside and is immune to Poison and Psychic damage. This barrier has an AC of 16 and automatically fails saving throws. This barrier lasts for 5 minutes, and Miwa can deactivate her basic barrier as will (no action required).

Curtain (5 Cursed Energy). Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure.

Miwa covers the sky and the ground within a 2165-foot radius with a sphere of darkness. Upon activation, a dark, almost liquid-like matter drips down from the sky to form the outer barrier wall in the shape of a sphere that extends underground, appearing as a dome from the surface. The curtain changes the sky becomes dark despite the time of day, provoking any cursed spirits out of hiding. Those without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class cannot see anything inside the barrier, merely seeing as if nothing but the vegetation was there. Creatures who can see into the ethereal plane or have levels in the jujutsu sorcerer path can see the black sphere.

Miwa's curtain lasts for 40 minutes, and the curtain has 20 Hit Points. This barrier has an AC of 16 and automatically fails saving throws. It is also immune to Poison and Psychic damage.

Miwa may choose to make their curtain smaller in radius, however it cannot be smaller than a 100-foot radius.


Martial Arts. After using the attack action, Miwa can make an unarmed strike or an one-handed weapon attack with a bonus action.

Precise Cursed Weapon Enhancement. Miwa can spend up to 3 Cursed Energy to add to her melee weapon damage rolls for 1 minute. Whenever she hits a target with her weapon, it deals extra necrotic damage equal to twice the amount spent. Half of the amount of cursed energy spent (rounded down) will add to the weapon's attack rolls. In addition, when hitting another creature, Miwa may choose to treat any immunity that creature has to her Cursed Weapon Enhancement damage type as resistance. She may only treat immunities as resistances 3 times before she needs to take a long rest.

Cursed Blast of Blows (1 Cursed Energy). After Miwa uses the Attack action, she perform three unarmed strikes or weapon attacks.

Cursed Patient Defense (1 Cursed Energy). Miwa can spend to take the Dodge action, and she gains advantage in Strength and Constitution saving throws when she uses the dodge action granted by this feature, as long as she benefit from the dodge.

Cursed Wind Step (1 Cursed Energy). Miwa can take the Disengage or Dash action, and her jump distance is doubled until the end of her turn. When Miwa takes the Dash action granted by this feature her movement speed triples for that turn, and when she takes the Disengage action granted by this feature her movement speed doubles for that turn.

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (5 Cursed Energy). Miwa uses her Simple Domain.


Energy Defense (2 Cursed Energy). When targeted by a melee or ranged attack, Miwa can block it with her weapon and add 3 to her AC against that attack.

Cursed Counter (1 Cursed Energy). When a creature misses a melee attack against her, Miwa can make a melee weapon attack against them.

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (5 Cursed Energy). As a reaction against a cursed energy attack roll or saving throw, spell or domain expansion opening, Miwa uses her Simple Domain.

Evening Moon Sword Drawing. Whenever a creature makes a ranged attack roll targeting her simple domain or any creature within it (including her) while she is in the Evening Moon Sword stance, Miwa may use a reaction to attempt to intercept it, rolling a melee weapon attack roll with a bonus equal to 4. If her attack roll is equal to or greater than the attack she is intercepting it misses.

Kasumi Miwa, protecting Maki Zenin with her Simple Domain
Kasumi is a kind hearted, hard-working girl who isn't as jaded as some of her classmates. She's much more restrained, down to earth, and behaves otherwise normally. [2] She constantly calls herself useless and genuinely fears that her weakness causes trouble for others trying to protect her. Kasumi admits to gripping her sword tightly out of fear of dying; however, with the right motivation, she is willing to risk her life against a stronger enemy. [3]

Miwa is an apprentice in the New Shadow Style, which is a fighting style that combines the use of different fighting styles (swordsmanship in particular) and the use of anti-domain techniques (Simple Domain in particular) to create a way for the "weak" sorcerers to fight back against the strong, particularly devised as a method to counter their Domain Expansions. [4]

Jujutsu Sorcerer.

Miwa has 10 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class.

Favorite Weapon

Miwa's Scimitar is the one she is most comfortable with and excels when using it. While she is wielding it, it gains the following benefits:

  • It now adds her ability modifier twice for its damage rolls (already included).
  • Once per turn Miwa can add her proficiency bonus to an attack roll with it again.
  • She has advantage on any checks against being disarmed of this weapon, and creatures have disadvantage on trying to disarm her of it.
  • When a feature that uses said weapon allows her to spend up to a certain amount of cursed energy on it, the amount she can spend increases by 2.

Binding Vow: Never to Swing a Katana Again.

During the Shibuya Incident, Miwa traded her ability to use a Katana for empowering a strike, meaning she can at no point hold a Katana ever again.

Feats. Miwa's feats are:

Basic Barrier, Simple Domain, Vowless Simple Domain, Simple Domain Imbuement

Improved Durability.

This creature uses the Improved Durability rule.

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