Izou (5e Creature)

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Those who does not value their lives, step forward!


Medium humainiod, lawful good

Armor Class 17 (Studded Armor)
Hit Points 82 (4d10+3)
Speed 30

13 (+1) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex Yes, Cha Yes
Skills Acrobatics +6, Investigation +4, Perception +4, Persuasion +6, Religion +4, Survival +4
Damage Immunities Bludgeoning, slashing and piercing from non-magical attacks
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages — common
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Haki Izou has stage 4 observation haki witch has four dodges. Izou can see all of the enemies hit points and a half of their level. If within 25ft.and stage 3 of armament haki gives you a +2 to Izou's armor class and you gain an additional +5 bonus to your damage rolls.

Slicing Rounds As an action in a 30/70 ft range Izou can shoot his imbue more haki than normal into his rounds, he shoots both to one or two targets, the bullet then creates a sharp wind, any targets in a 15 ft wide range of the bullet then, the bullet must beat the targets AC, using Izou's modifier, if the bullet beats a targets AC they take 2d6 slashing damage and then, the original target must also beat the bullet's AC or take 3d8 piercing damage. This can be used once every 3 turns.

Twirling Bullet As an action Izou can spin while shooting, any creature in a 30 ft radius must make a DC 18, on a fail the target takes 2d8 piercing damage, on a success they take half as much. This can be used once every 2 turns.


Dual Flintlock Pistol Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 30/70 ft., one or two targets. Hit: 2 (2d9 + 4) piercing damage. Izou does not need to reload.

(Pre-ending Kaido's regin) A charming mid-aged, black haired and brownish-black eyed fellow wearing traditional Japanese clothing, being one of the Scabbards, unlike the other Scabbards he is not in the country of Wano, he is a whitebeard pirate division commander, only because Kozuki Oden one day snuck on white beards ship, so Izou followed and became a crew member and is waiting for the planned rebellion to start.

(Post-ending Kaido's regin) A charming mid-aged, black haired and brownish-black eyed fellow wearing traditional Japanese clothing, being one of the Scabbards and a brother to Kikunojo, unlike the other Scabbards he is not in the country of Wano, he is a former whitebeard pirate division commander, only because Kozuki Oden one day snuck on white beards ship, so Izou followed and became a crew member and joined the fight for freedom dying in the process by sacrificing his life for the freedom of Wano, being killed by Guernica but not before defeating guernica's partner Maha.

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