Hunter of the Workshop (Bloodborne Supplement)

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Hunter of the Workshop[edit]

A seasoned hunter of the old Workshop, [1]

Before the Healing Church’s influence spread and twisted the art of hunting into a faith-based war, the Workshop stood as the last bastion of true hunters. You were trained in its old techniques, wielding trick weapons and firearms with precision, embracing skill over brute strength or fanatical devotion. Perhaps you trained under Gehrman himself, or maybe you found remnants of the Workshop’s knowledge in forgotten tomes and the whispers of old hunters.

The old Workshop has long since been abandoned, but its legacy endures through those who still fight the horrors of the night with discipline rather than blind fervor. You are one such hunter, carrying the burden of its traditions.

Skill Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in Perception and Survival.

Tool Proficiencies: You gain proficiency with Tinker's Tools or Smith's Tools.

Equipment: A set of well-maintained hunter’s attire, a Tinker's Kit or Smith's Tools, a hunting journal filled with notes on beasts and eldritch creatures, and a pouch containing 10 blood vials (potions that restore a small amount of health).

Feature: Legacy of the First Hunters[edit]

Your understanding of the Workshop’s methods grants you an edge in combat and tracking. You have advantage on Intelligence (History) checks to recall information about trick weapons, old hunter techniques, and pre-Church hunting methods. Additionally, when tracking a beast, eldritch creature, or unnatural abomination, you can determine one of the following details after one minute of observation:

  • Its most recent feeding grounds or lair.
  • Whether it was previously wounded and how recently.
  • If it is corrupted by blood or eldritch influence.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

d8 Personality Trait
1 I meticulously clean and maintain my weapons every night before resting.
2 I am slow to trust new hunters, believing many are blind to the real horrors of the Hunt.
3 I refuse to let another hunter die in vain—I will always try to save them.
4 I keep a detailed bestiary of every creature I have encountered.
5 I respect strength, but I despise reckless fools who charge into battle without a plan.
6 I am fascinated by the old ways of the Hunt and will go to great lengths to recover lost knowledge.
7 I believe the Church has corrupted the Hunt, and I despise those who blindly follow it.
8 I have seen too much to be afraid anymore. Nothing truly unsettles me.
d6 Ideal
1 Tradition. The Hunt should be conducted with skill, not mindless slaughter. (Lawful)
2 Vengeance. The beasts and eldritch horrors must be eradicated at all costs. (Chaotic)
3 Survival. To hunt is to survive, nothing more. (Neutral)
4 Knowledge. Understanding the Hunt’s origins is the key to ending it. (Good)
5 Power. Only the strong survive the Hunt, and I intend to be the strongest. (Evil)
6 Duty. Someone must carry on the old ways, even if no one remembers them. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I was trained by an old hunter who disappeared without a trace. I will find out what happened to them.
2 The Workshop was my home, and I still seek remnants of its past.
3 A fellow hunter once saved my life, and I owe them everything.
4 I lost someone to the Hunt. I swore I would never let another innocent fall to the same fate.
5 My weapon is an heirloom, passed down from a long line of hunters.
6 I keep a memento from my time at the Workshop, a reminder of what I fight for.
d6 Flaw
1 I cannot let go of the past. I refuse to trust the modern hunters of the Healing Church.
2 My obsession with perfecting my skills often blinds me to greater threats.
3 I struggle to form attachments, fearing that I will lose everyone I care about.
4 I take unnecessary risks, believing I am more skilled than I actually am.
5 I am tormented by nightmares of the Hunt and often struggle with exhaustion.
6 I despise those who use blood ministration to enhance their abilities, seeing them as weak.
(0 votes)

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