Hiramekarei (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Weapon (greatsword), Legendary (Requires attunement)

One of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist's blades, known as Hiramekarei, is a legendary blade also knowns as the "twin sword". It's said the 7 ninja who master the 7 blades could take down a nation together. Hiramekarei focuses on channeling chakra to the blade in different forms to surprise opponents.

This greatsword bears a large, flat, blade that resembles a flounder in its shape and two handles, earning the name "twin sword". This weapon has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and it counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances.

Chakra Storage

You can store any amount of chakra into the blade at will up to a maximum of 24 chakra. As an action, you may allow chakra to flow out of the two holes at the end of the blade by speaking its command word, granting you access to the stored chakra and causing it to shed bright light for 15 ft., and dim light for another 15 ft., and causing its stored chakra to decrease by 1 at the end of each of your turns until you end this effect as an action. As an action for 4 chakra while this chakra is flowing, you may transform it into one of the forms listed below, reducing the chakra stored within the blade by 1 additional chakra point at the end of each of your turns until you end this transformation as a bonus action or end Hiramekarei's chakra flow altogether.

  • Hammer

Every attack with this weapon counts as both a regular and shove attack.

  • Longsword

You gain a +1 bonus to your AC and a +5 ft. bonus to Hiramekarai's reach.

  • Twinsword

You gain a second Hiramekarei, and they both gain the light property. This does not increase chakra drain.

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