Heavy Boots (5e Equipment)

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Heavy Boot

Martial Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Heavy Boot 10 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 6 lb. Heavy, glove, special

Heavy Boots are heavily reinforced and armored bludgeoning instruments, designed to crush and break whatever they are wielded against. If you step on landmine while wearing those, it's uncertain whether you'll survive - but those boots will.

Example of Glove (5e Variant Rule) used for appendages other than hands. Those boots can represent, for example, extra-heavy plate boots, or heavily fortified tactical boots.

When you are wielding a heavy boot, but not wielding a shield on your leg, you gain a +1 bonus to armor class. This bonus does not stack.

If you are wielding a heavy boot on each leg, their damage increases to 1d10 bludgeoning.

A heavy boot grants a +1 damage bonus to unarmed strikes made while wielding it. This increases to +2 if you are wielding more than one. Heavy Boots cannot be Monk Weapons.
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