Heat Genoratorium (Mundus Dipathis Mechabutzia Supplement)

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The Heat Genoratorium[edit]

Surrounding the central power station known as The Heat Genoratorium, which once radiated wondrous iridescent light, but which ceased its mad operations some years prior, it is possible to navigate the elliptical porticals of the Ductite Laboratoriums and flow along the rapidly twisting monofrance structures of the canal centroids. Mekonic men are known to reside in close proximity of to the Heat Genoratorium


  • Belltiumarium - a protected area where grow primordial forms that do nothing and give forth life rapidly and intensely.
  • Central Heat Station Failure - long suspected that the miraculous power station had failed and that the portal to multi-dimensional space had closed.
  • Paranixa Portiel - resides in gargantuan womb and issues forth utterances from a position of absolute predaration.
  • Heating Rock Fields - workers in the heating Rock Fields work day and night to fuel Electro-Mechanic Eel Station and the Paranixa Portiel.
  • Surannuel - a place where travelers enthralled by literature, brilliant outer galleries of ceramic paintings and liturgy.
  • Pond of the Graxon, part of the last stand of the invasive Black Damber, deep amorously inclined substance is a place of treasures found from nearby, as well as awe and danger.
  • Carpus Totemam - a low slung matriarch of geomantical perspective, nature and light.
  • Electro-Mechanic Eel Station - A secret occultic meeting station used for sacrifices to unkown beings. During the Phthuff occurance, the Harbingers developed a secret underground arsenal in the substations.

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