Grave Titan Shikigami (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Grave Titan[edit]
large monstrosity (shikigami), unaligned Armor Class 22 (natural armor, Iron Barbs)
Saving Throws Str +15, Con +14 Cursed Energy. The Grave Titan Shikigamihas 84 cursed energy that it can use to fuel it's abilities. All of it's cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest. Cursed Energy Recovery. The Grave Titan Shikigami regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of it's turns. Invisible Force. Creatures without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class or who cannot see into the ethereal plane cannot see the Grave Titan Shikigami, if these creatures were in a life and death situation (less than half their maximum hit points), they gain the ability to see the Grave Titan Shikigami. Iron Barbs When the shihigami is above half health (437) it gains a small AC buff of +2. poison damage ( This is applied in the sheet) will also be resisted. When the shikigami takes the attack action it may choose to lose Iron Barbs until the start of it next turn, for in return to be quicker and faster, gaining +4 to hit and 10 (1d6+7) Bludgeoning damage. Hunters Blade Once per turn when the shikigami makes a melee weapon attack on a creature, it may change the necrotic damage that it will do to another damage type, depending on a saving throw the Mark have given that creature disadvange in. ( This also works on the Cursed Strike Damage) Saving Throw To Damage Table
Blade Of The Graves The shikigami posses a cursed sword named Soul Binder Upon the shikigami landing a melee weapon attack on a creature, it may then use Cursed Energy equal to half of their Constitution or Charisma score rounded up (Whichever that is higher), if the shikigami does, then a mark appears on the head of the creature. The creature gains more and more defects as long as it has the mark. All the defects stack and when it reaches the 5th turn, the marked creature will need to make a DC16 Constitution saving throw if they fail the mark will evolve to the next level. All the defects from the earlier levels of the marks will still be in active. Every time after the first Constitution save for the mark to evolve, will have a DC lowered by one. The shikigami can only have two creatures marked at a time. Mark Table
Monstrosity Once per turn when the shikigami does an attack that does Slashing damage, it then may get advantage on the target, if the shikigami is a size larger. If the shikigami is 2 or more sizes larger it then gain +2 to the attack. roll. Tajitsu Sorcery
Hard Bones Twice per tun when an enemy makes an melee attack towards the shikigami, the shikigami may make a Strength check towards the targets Dexterity score. If it rolles higher it then braces itself and only takes 3/4 rounded up. When it starts its turn after having used Hard Bones it will have a reduced movement speed by 15ft. If this is the second time Hard Bones has been activated it will also gain -3 on Dexterity checks and saving throows until its next turn. Colossal Physique. The Grave Titan can add it's proficiency bonus to all Strength checks even if it was already adding it before. When the shikigami lands a successful melee attack, it can force the target to make a DC22 Strength saving throw . On a failure, the target is knocked back a distance of 70ft. If they hit an object, structure, or creature, both take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet traveled. If the target is another creature, both take half its damage roll. On a critical hit, the target automatically fails and is knocked back twice the distance. Brawn/Endurance. Whenever the Grave Titan Shikigami makes a Strength or Constitution saving throw, it takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success. Cursed Strikes(1-6 Cursed Energy). Before making a Slash, Sweep or Punch attack, the Grave Titan Shikigami may spend Cursed Energy, adding 1d8 Necrotic damage to it's damage per Cursed Energy spent. This may also be used as a response to the curse hitting a Nat 20. This energy persists until the Grave Titan Shikigami hits a target or 1 minute passes. Strong Body. The Shikigami reduces all non-magical damage except psychic or thunder by 8. ACTIONSMulti Attack The shikigami makes three attacks, two Slash's and one Sweep. It may swap one attack out with a Soul Binder Cut. Slash Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 45 (5d10 + 18) Slashing damage + 15 (3d8+2) Necrotic damage. Bane Light Slash(4 Cursed Energy) the shikigami uses Slash if the shikigami hits the target, the target will then take double Necrotic damage and make a DC16 Wisdom saving throw not to be frightened for 1 minute. If the shikigami misses, it will take all the necrotic damage that Slash does. Sweep Melee Weapon Attack: the Shikigami swing its Sword in a 15ft cone in front of itself, every creature makes a DC22 Dexterity fail: 37 (8d6 + 9) Slashing damage + 20 (4d8+2) Necrotic damage. If they succeed they take half. Punch Melee Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (3d12 + 9) Bludgeoning damage. Soul Binder Cut(6 Cursed Energy) The Grave Titan Shikigami carrys it sword in two hands, taking it over its head and cuts down. A slash shoots out in a 25ft line, every creature in the line makes a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw not to hit directly. If they fail they will take 41 (5d12+9) Slashing damage + 6 (1d8+2) necrotic damage per level of mark on the creature. If they succeed they take half. Cursed Prince(10 Cursed Energy) The Shikigami places its sword down and a black fog shoots out. Every creature in a 25ft radius around the shikigami makes a DC16 Charisma saving throw. If they fail they take 45 (6d10+12) Necrotic damage. And if a creature inside the radius takes damage from this and has a mark, then the mark will skip a turn. After that the shikigami will pick up the sword. The Black fog will stay for a number of round equal to the number of creatures in it when it was first released. When a creature (excluding the shikigami) starts its turn inside the fog, it will take 19 (3d8+6) Necrotic damage, and make a DC16 Charisma saving throw, if they fail by 5 or more and they have a mark then their mark will skip a turn. If they succeeds or doesn't fail by 5 or more, then nothing happens. Doomsday Hexagon (6-36 Cursed Energy) The shikigami takes it sword and readys a flurry of attacks. Everything in a 60ft radius around the shikigami, for every 6 Cursed Energy the shikigami used all creatures makes a DC22 Dexterity saving throw.If they fail they will take 44 (4d12+18) Slashing damage + 17 (2d12+4) Necrotic damage. After the shikigami uses this move it will fall prone for 3 turns. BONUS ACTIONSCursed Prince(12 Cursed Energy) The Shikigami places its sword down and a black fog shoots out. Every creature in a 25ft radius around the shikigami makes a DC16 Charisma saving throw. If they fail they take 45 (6d10+12) Necrotic damage. And if a creature inside the radius takes damage from this and has a mark, then the mark will skip a turn. After that the shikigami will pick up the sword. The Black fog will stay for a number of round equal to the number of creatures in it when it was first released. When a creature (excluding the shikigami) starts its turn inside the fog, it will take 19 (3d8+6) Necrotic damage, and make a DC16 Charisma saving throw, if they fail by 5 or more and they have a mark then their mark will skip a turn. If they succeeds or doesn't fail by 5 or more, then nothing happens. Second Charge(1-3 Cursed Energy) The shikigami fueled by cursed energy begins to feel ready for battle again. Making one Punch per Cursed Energy. If it uses all 3 Cursed Energy's, it makes two Slash instead. REACTIONSHollow Moon(15 Cursed Energy) When a creature with a Mark dies, or two creatures reaching a level 3 Mark or greater then the blue moon on the shikigami's back begins to glow with an evil energy becoming fully black. The shikigami's attacks become powered and very different. Adn for 1 minute the shikigami will undergo a change, that will have an effect on its weapon Soul Binder, becoming a darker tone of purple and having an effect on the shikigami's battle power. The attacks the shikigami can make change, and every instant that mentions the original one will be replaced by the new one. (E.g. Cursed Strike will now work with Full Moon and Curved Moon.). It may nly use Hollow Moon once per long rest, after it have used Hollow Moon, it will lose half of its hit points and become petrified for 5 minutes. Dark Moon Style Combat
This shikigami uses marks of evil to put on enemys to make them weaker, and at the same time making itself stronger. When a Marked creature dies the shikigami will reach its full potential, becomming a hard working killing machine for a while. After that the shikigami will return to normal and work its way back up again. It carrys a blade of chaos named Soul Binder, that binders the targets soul to the blade. It uses that with its good hunting to kill targets more quickly. Feats The grave Titans feats. Athlete History,Colossal Physique, Resilient, Very Resistant |
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