Genie Geuse (5e Equipment)

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Potion, uncommon

The potion inside this bottle seems composed of a combination of blue liquid, purple gas, red plasma, green dirt, and a bit of golden magic in portions that seem constantly in flux. One draft of this elxir will destabilize the elemental composition of any mortal, then reform it towards the Elemental Plane they wish to grow closer too.

When you drink this potion, you become a genasi. You replace the racial traits of your original species with the traits of an air, earth, fire, or water genasi (choose 1). Your size remains unchanged and you can keep any skill proficiencies you gained from your previous species. If you are already a genasi, you can change your element or learn the Elementalism cantrip. Your spellcasting ability for it is same as your racial feature’s.

If you are not a humanoid, this potion has no effect beyond turning your skin a random shade of blue, green, purple, or red for 1 hour.

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