Medium humanoid (human), lawful good
Armor Class 17 (unarmored defense)
Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60)
Speed 55 ft.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Cha +8 Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +8, Intimidation +8, Performance +12, Persuasion +8, Stealth +7 Proficiency Bonus +4
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Challenge 23 (50,000 XP)
Cursed Energy. Takaba has 32 cursed energy that he can use to fuel his abilities. All of his cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest.
Cursed Strike. Before Takaba makes an unarmed strike, he may spend up to 4 cursed energy to empower his next strike. This enhancement lasts until he hits a creature with his unarmed strike or until a minute passes. On a hit, he deals additional necrotic damage equal to 1d8 per cursed energy spent.
Curse-Empowered Strikes. Takaba's unarmed strikes are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances, and deal 1d10 extra necrotic damage (already included).
Intuition. When Takaba is subjected to an effect that allows him to make a Wisdom saving throw to only take half damage, he instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if he fails.
Cursed Energy Recovery. Takaba regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of each of his turns. The combat must be one where his life is at risk.
Funny Cursed Energy. Takaba's cursed energy is completely crazy man! His Curse-Empowered Strikes change its damage type according to his opponents vulnerability, or to his choice in case it doesn't have a vulnerability, wouldn't it be funny if he just beat the bad guy with only one punch? In addition, whenever he hits an attack filled with cursed energy it makes a goofy sound effect of his choice.
Comedian (3 Cursed Energy). Dude, Takaba's too funny! Not even reality itself is handling how funny he is right now! As a free action Takaba can activate his comedian technique. Only when Comedian is active can Takaba use his Comedic Event and Ouch! That Hurt Man! reactions. Takaba must spend 1 Cursed Energy at the beginning of his turns to keep this active, comedy ain't cheap chief! Comedian ends if he gets frightened, becomes unconcious or if he doesn't have any cursed energy remaining to spend. Takaba may also end it at will. Comedian and features which rely on it being active do not function against effects or attacks which cause the frightened condition, nor while he is frightened. Absolute terror truly isn’t funny.
Damn Bro! You Got The Whole Squad Laughing! Whenever one of Takaba's Comedic Events happen, every ally of his choice that can see him gains a funny dice. They can hold that die until they take a long rest. That die is 1d10. They may add the die at anytime to their next attack roll, ability check or saving throw. A creature cannot have more than one funny die.
You Tryna Kill Me?! (10 Cursed Energy). Imagine how funny it would be if Takaba got one shot... But then simply came back up at full strength? Whenever Takaba is reduced to 0 hit points by another creature while he is under the effects of Comedian, he can get back up with his maximum hit points. This makes Comedian end.
In addition, any conditions that were affecting him are gone.
Actor. Takaba has advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Performance) checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person. Additionally, Takaba can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. He must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.
Lucky. Takaba has 3 luck points. Whenever he makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, he can spend one luck point to roll an additional d20. He can choose to spend one of his luck points after he rolls the die, but before the outcome is determined. He choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. Takaba can also spend one luck point when an attack roll is made against him. Roll a d20 and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker's roll or his.
Multiattack. Takaba makes 2 attacks.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage and 5 (1d10) necrotic damage.
Dramatic Pose! (10 Cursed Energy). Takaba's not only good at comedy, he's also extremely good looking! Takaba makes every hostile creature that can see him make a DC16 Wisdom saving throw as he makes a dramatic pose. On a failure, he rolls a d4 to see what condition to get until the beginning of his next turn. On a success, they lack a basic sense of humor and do not get in awe by his performance, making them not suffer any conditions.
This condition can be ended early if the creature receives any damage from an outside source, making a "bonk!" sound effect. Go to horny jail you perv!
Martial Arts. When Takaba uses the Attack action with an unarmed strike on his turn, he can make one unarmed strike or attack with a one-handed weapon.
Cursed Blast of Blows (3 Cursed Energy). Immediately after taking the Attack action on his turn, Takaba can perform two unarmed strikes.
Cursed Patient Defense (3 Cursed Energy). Takaba can take the Dodge action.
Cursed Wind Step (3 Cursed Energy). Takaba can take the Disengage or Dash action, and his jump distance is doubled until the end of his turn.
Comedic Event. Whenever a creature does any kind of hostile action against Takaba, he can negate the action (the resources used are not consumed) and make a Comedic Event happen. Roll a d20 on the Comedic Events Table to find out what lies ahead of the show. Any of these comedic moments cannot reduce a creature to 0 hit points, since killing people is not funny! They may happen only once per creature in the round, because comedy needs its timing man! Additionally, Takaba has 8 additional reactions exclusively for this feature.
Master of Humor (4 Cursed Energy). Whenever Takaba or an ally within sight range fails a saving throw, ability check, or misses an attack, he may allow them to reroll it with a +4 bonus. After all, the public adores the good guy beating the big baddie!
Ouch! That Hurt Man! (8 Cursed Energy). Man, that attack definitely hurt! But anyway, I then got back up like nothing happened. When Takaba or an ally within sight range receives damage from another creature while comedian is active, he can make the damage rolled be reduced to 0.
Takaba, using his technique in his fight against Kenjaku [1]
- Jujutsu Sorcerer
Takaba has 10 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class.
Comedic Events Table:
Number Rolled |
Description |
1. (Bad Joke) |
Takaba will tell a bad joke to the all the creatures in battle, it will feel so awkward and out of place that stones that form the phrase "bad joke" fall on his back, dealing 8d6 bludgeoning damage and forcing him to make a DC16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. |
2. (Zombie Apocalypse) |
Takaba and the creature will be teleported to another dimension, where an terrible apocalypse happened and now the two of them have each other. The creature is suspected of being infected due to its recent coughing and dizziness, and the two of them have made a choice. Takaba will cut off its arm so that the infection stops, dealing 8d12 slashing damage and removing said arm. Right after he cuts the arm though, the two of them realize the creature has never been bitten in the first place, it was just a common cold! |
3. (A Kitten On The Road!) |
Takaba sees a kitten in distress on the road, and immediately goes to its aid! When he reaches the road, he realizes the cat is actually the creature he's facing off right now! It then scratches him, dealing 8d6 slashing damage. |
4. (Always Watch Both Sides!) |
The creature will see itself in front of a road, it really needs to get to the other side. However, it does not look to the other side since they think they're way too cool for that. Suddenly, a truck with Takaba as a driver appears on the road and passes right through them, dealing 8d10 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone so that they learn to be more careful next time. |
5. (Dance Battle!) |
Both Takaba and the creature are transported to a disco ballad, where the two of them will dance to see who's the best! Both roll a Performance check, the creature with the highest roll will be considered the winner, and the loser will be under a severe depressive mood, receiving 5 levels of exhaustion until the beginning of Takaba's next turn. |
6. (Game Show!) |
Both Takaba and the creature are teleported to a questions game show, there will be three questions asked, both creatures must make a Dexterity check to see which one can press the button faster to answer. When one creature gets the majority of the questions right, it will be rewarded with huge amount of fortune in gold bars! Oh no, the fortune was so big that the gold bars fell right on top of the loser! They took 8d10 bludgeoning damage and were knocked prone because of the fortune! |
7. (Hospital Emergency!) |
Both Takaba and the creature are teleported to a hospital, he is a doctor and the creature is a nurse. They are both rushing a patient towards the medical aisle, while trying to do their best to keep him alive. Once they reach the aisle, both must roll a Medicine check, in case Takaba has the higher roll, the patient is saved and the nurse will be fired for its incompetence at work, becoming stunned until the beginning of Takaba's next turn from the shock of suddenly being fired. In case the creature has the higher roll, it picks up a defibrillator and shocks Takaba! It deals 8d10 lightning damage and makes him paralyzed until the beginning of his next turn. |
8. (Marriage) |
Both Takaba and the creature are teleported to a marriage, it is the happiest day of their lives. One of them will become the bride and the other the husband (Takaba's choice), the two will marry in a beautiful flower setting. The creature is deeply in love with Takaba, and he is in love with it as well. Both of them are charmed to each other until the beginning of Takaba's next turn, not caring about the battle at hand. |
9. (Final Exam) |
Both Takaba and the creature are teleported to a classroom, both of the, are alone with a teacher doing their final test. None of them have studied for the test, however they still need to pass school. The two must roll a DC16 Sleight of hand check, on a success the creature will pass the test, being able to avoid summer school! On a failure, they will be caught by the teacher and will be sent straight to detention, being banished until the beginning of Takaba's next turn. |
10. (Fun Beach Day!) |
Both Takaba and the creature is teleported to a beach, both of them are in the water. The two of them are enjoying a nice day at the beach, splashing water into each other's faces. The combat? Who cares, just enjoy this moment without doing a thing until the beginning of Takaba's next turn. |
11. (Drunk Test) |
Both Takaba and the creature will be transported into a highway, where Takaba's car has been stopped by a cop since he was over the speed limit. The creature is the cop, and will try to check if he's drunk. Takaba must roll a Deception check against its Insight check. If his roll is higher, he can lie his way through the test and is free to go, but not before drinking a beer in front of the cop and rushing off with his car, making the creature so pissed with him fooling it that it becomes taunted by Takaba until the beginning of his next turn. If the creature's roll is higher, he are put in handcuffs since he was driving under the influence, making him become restrained until the beginning of his next turn. |
12. (Highschool Crush) |
Both Takaba and the creature will be teleported into a school dinning hall, where the two of them are getting lunch. The creature has a crush on one of the people in the school, and Takab, as their best bud, gotta help them out. The crush will be sitting alone in one of the tables, and he see this as the perfect opportunity to get them. Takaba rolls a Charisma check to give his buddy love advice, for each 5 he scored on the test, the creature will gain a +1 in their test. Filled with confidence, the creature then goes up to its crush and makes a dc 25 Persuasion check. On a success, their crush accepts to hang out with them, making the creature extremely happy. It will gain advantage on all attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws until the beginning of his next turn. On a failure, they will be knocked prone from the rejection, and will be stunned from the news until the beginning of his next turn. Additionally, they take 8d12 psychic damage from their broken heart. |
13. (Whacking Moles) |
Both Takaba and the creature will be teleported into a place full of holes, where he has a hammer and the creature is a mole. Both Takaba and the creature must roll a d6, if he can match the creature's roll, he can whack a hammer in its head dealing 8d8 bludgeoning damage and knocking them prone until his next turn from the beat. If he rolls a different number, he misses the mole and the creature bites him, dealing 8d10 piercing damage and making Takaba scream like a little girl. |
14. (The Fraud vs the Strongest) |
Both Takaba and the creature will be teleported to a battlefield, where he will be the strongest and the creature will be the fraud. Takaba will open a domain, the creature will shrunk back in fear. He will then say "Stand proud (creature's name), you are strong", which will force the creature make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, they understand his message and cry tears of joy, becoming charmed by his greatness until the beginning of Takaba's next turn. On a failure, they will be frightened by Takaba's greatness until the beginning of his next turn. |
15. (Jan-Ken-Pon) |
Takaba and the creature will now be teleported to 5ft. from each other, since both decided to solve this in a janken dispute. They both roll a d3, 1 is for rock, 2 is for paper, 3 is for scissors. Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, paper beats rock. The winner of the dispute will then give a rock, paper or scissor attack in the opponent. It deals 8d12 bludgeoning damage on a rock, 8d12 slashing damage on paper and 8d12 piercing damage on a scissors. |
16. (Sitting on a Full Train) |
Takaba and the creature will be teleported to a train, where Takaba will be sitting down and the creature will be standing up. The creature is an old person, tired from a hard day. Takaba rolls a d2. On a 1, he does not give up your seat for the creature, making him feel bad and receive a -5 on all rolls from the shame until the beginning of his next turn. On a 2, he gives up his seat so that the older person can sit, making him feel extremely good for making a good deed. Takaba will receive a +5 on all rolls from his good actions. |
17. (Mystery Box!) |
Takaba and the creature receive a mystery box, they both open it to see what's inside. Both roll a d27, with both receiving a Cursed Tool that's in the order of the number rolled. It lasts until the end of his next turn. |
18. (Special Dinner) |
Takaba and the creature will be teleported to an apartment, the two are in a relationship and Takaba made dinner himself! It's no secret that he's bad at cooking, so he puts in extra effort this time for his beloved! The creature sees the food and thinks of how ugly it looks, but if it's for his happiness it can take it. The creature tastes the food and makes a Constitution saving throw, on a failure they puke the food from how bad it is and are poisoned until the beginning of Takaba's next turn. On a success they can gulp it all down making Takaba pleased, he cannot attack said creature until the beginning of his next turn because of his satisfaction with it. |
19. (Funny Joke) |
Takaba will tell an amazing and well thought joke, being at the right time and moment. When he tells the joke, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to not burst out laughing from his peak comedy. On a failure, they start laughing uncontrollably and say "Man, I'm dead!" and fall unconscious right after it, lasting until the beginning of Takaba's next turn. |
20. (A Partner) |
Takaba and the creature will be teleported to a stand up, both are comedians that partnered up recently. The both of them are in front of a large crowd, they have been training for this, this is the moment both of them will become legends. Both roll a dc 25 Performance check. If one of them fails, the crowd won't be pleased and the show will end up failing. That will make Takaba extremely sad and disappointed, but also angry that the creature ruined his show, he will gain the bloodlusted condition for that creature only for 1 minute. If both succeed, the crowd loves the show and the two become top stand up actors. Takaba's heart is satisfied, he feels fulfilled. He has done what he loved the most... Made people laugh, with a partner. Takaba lays down on the ground and slowly starts to sleep, falling Unconscious for 1 minute. Takaba cannot be targeted by attacks or hit by saving throws while in this state. |
- Takaba's Feats
Immense Cursed Energy.
Actor (5e Feat), Lucky (5e Feat).