Fiend (Chainsaw Man Supplement)

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Physical Description[edit]

When a devil enters a human corpse, they often retain the majority of physical features the corpse possesses such as hair colour, height, gender, and such. But with non-human features such as horns, mandibles, or strange body markings or mutations often relating to their devil’s normal form.


When a devil dies they may follow two paths. One of these paths involves possessing a human corpse, greatly reducing their power, but keeping them alive on earth and preventing a return to hell. After a devil possesses a corpse they will retain all memories that had during their current incarnation on earth, allowing them to achieve any goals they couldn’t reach as a devil.

Devil Names[edit]

Fiends have a few different naming conventions, some fiends may name themselves after their true devil (Such as Cosmo, or the Nail Fiend) or may create their own name usually consisting of one word. Alternatively, if the fiend retains some of the corpse’s memories they may take the name the corpse had in life.

Fiend Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. The soul devil inside of a fiend cannot die by natural means such as age similar to normal devils, but the body they inhibit can age and grow old eventually leaving the devil helpless. This would happen after a century.
Alignment. Fiends tend to act as they want, not caring about the destruction they cause to those around them. Their alignment tends to be any kind of chaotic, generally tending towards the evil side of things due to their devilish nature. However, some fiends are neutral, due to retaining memories of their possessed corpse.
Size. Fiends are varied in size and shape, similar to humanity's wide range in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium or large. You choose the size when you select the race.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Devilish Nature. As a devil, you are born out of the fear and negativity surrounding your name. Your creature type is Fiend.
Fallen Devil. You were once a powerful devil, but those days are now behind you. Choose a Devil Type from the devil race. Work with your GM to determine how many fear levels you would’ve had as a devil, you will have a number of Fear Levels equal to your level times 75, with your maximum being the amount you had as a devil.

If your origin devil was a horsemen, primal fear, or had a similar status you start with the 200 Fear Level feature from your devil. Additionally, you gain a number of additional fear levels equal to your level times 25.
Cling on to Life. You have died once, and will make sure that it won't happen again. Whenever you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you may choose to be reduced to 1 hit point instead. You can only do this once per long rest.
Fiendish Defences. Your devilish durability has fallen, but you’ve still managed to retain some natural armour. When calculating your armour class, you may add half your Charisma modifier to the sum.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. When a devil enters a human corpse, the mentality of the devil may change depending on the condition of the corpse. Choose one of the subraces below.

Complete Dominion[edit]

If a devil possesses a corpse that’s been dead for a long time, the fiend will fully reflect their devil’s normal personality.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Devil in Disguise. While you may look like a human at a distance, you’re still a devil through and through. You gain advantage on Intimidation on humanoids who are unaware you are a fiend.
Descended from Fear. While you may have been weakened, you’re still as prideful as you once were. You may add your proficiency bonus on saves against being frightened.

Corpse Influence[edit]

If the corpse has enough of its brain intact, or if the corpse had died recently the fiend will have a personality mixed between that of the devil and the mind of the corpse.

Ability Score Increase. You may increase one score by 2, or increase two different scores by 1.
Retained Knowledge. The human brain inside you has helped you blend in with normal society. You gain proficiency in 1 Charisma skill of your choice.
Human Compassion. Your new body has given you a new outlook on life, allowing you to see humans as friends over food. When you see a non-hostile human being killed or knocked unconscious, you may use your reaction to move up to your movement speed and make 1 attack against the attacker. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

False Hybrid[edit]

Rarely, if a devil makes a contract with a human to possess their body, both the human and devil’s minds will be put in the same vessel. These fiends are often indistinguishable from normal humans unless the devil is actively in control.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and another score of your choice increases by 1.
Unauthorised Takeover. Whenever you roll for initiative or is knocked unconscious, you must make a Wisdom saving throw against the devil’s level. On a failure, the devil gets in control of your body for a number of minutes equal to their fear level divided by 100 minus your wisdom modifier. At the beginning of the devil’s turn, you may remake the Wisdom saving throw, taking control of your body again on a success. In case the Devil possesses you, you regain all of your hit points as the Devil is in control.
Almost Human. While looking like any other person on the outside, you have a devil within you. You have advantage on Deception checks to convince others that you’re not a fiend.
Voices in your Head. While the devil isn’t in control, it may freely talk to you, appearing beside you and only visible by you. If you lose control you may talk to the devil in a similar manner, in this state you may use your action to roll a Persuasion check against the devil to give yourself advantage on your next wisdom save to regain control.

Design Note: When using the False Hybrid subrace, depending on the connection or condition between the devil and human the false hybrid may be played in the following two ways:

  • First Option: The player may only take levels in the fiend class, as the human and devil have a close bond and share the body seamlessly.
  • Second Option: The human and the devil will have their own classes, with the human having access to the Devil Hunter Classes and the Devil using the devil class. Both the human and the devil will have the same amount of levels, although the health of the body is strictly determined by the human’s classes.

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