Fanmade Fullbrings (Soul Society Supplement)
Fanmade Fullbrings[edit]
This is where all the non-official Fullbrings will be listed, so you may put any kind of Fullbrings here. Most of these are not made by the original creator of the class, so don't expect for them to be constantly monitored or reviwed for balance.
Fullbring Creation Guide[edit]
This guide will aid you in creating a Fullbring that's fit for the supplement.
- Concept
Fullbrings are brought fourth when someone with powers is attached to something with all of their heart. So, when creating your Fullbring you can think of various concepts: perhaps you were attached to an object? To your own body? To a weapon? Or to something much more complex, such as the very reality you live on?
Said thing can transform itself via the Fullbring's activation, allowing its abilities to be utilized.
If your Fullbring is an item, remember to specify you receive said item in your Fullbring's first feature.
- Fullbring-Type
You must specify what is your Fullbring's type on creation. This part is rather simple, as all you need to do is put it on the category it fits the most.
Look at other Fullbrings for guidance.
- Attachment Gain Methods
You must also put the methods your Fullbring utilizes to make the user gain attachment. Follow the examples below:
Method | Description |
Activation | Whenever you activate your (Fullbring name), you gain spiritual attachment equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down). |
Critical Wound/Successful Activation | For Clad or Weapon-Type Fullbrings, the following is reccomended: Whenever you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike benefitting from (Fullbring name) you gain attachment equal to your Wisdom modifier.
For Effect-Type Fullbrings: Whenever you activate X ability of your Fullbring, you gain attachment equal to your Wisdom modifier. |
Execution/Successful Effect | For Clad or Weapon-Type Fullbrings: whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with your (Fullbring Name), you gain 10 attachment.
For Effect-Type Fullbrings: whenever your X ability takes effect with success, you gain 10 attachment. |
- Fullbring
When you activate your Fullbring, it gives you a new ability depending on its type. All Fullbrings are activated as a bonus action, with some needing 2 reiryoku to activate. The types of things you can do with this are described below:
Clad-Type. Clad-Types surround the user with an armor of sorts, granting them general buffs. These buffs generally come to: AC increases, physical scores increases, speed increases and others.
It is reccomended that to activate a Clad-Type Fullbring, the user must spend 2 reiryoku.
Effect-Type. Effect-Types create unique effects in the exterior world. Such effects could be summoning creatures, changing terrain, creating objects, reiatsu made techniques and so on.
Effect-Types generally don't need reiryoku to activate, only utilizing it on the abilities they grant.
Weapon-Type. Weapon-Types create weapons, generally made out of objects. These weapons generally have abilities tied to them, which you must spend reiryoku to use.
Weapon-Types generally spend 2 reiryoku to activate, however their early abilities cost nothing.
- 400 Attachment Feature
The second feature of your Fullbring is an entirely new ability related to it.
This ability could be something simple like a passive boost to your base Fullbring, or something more complex like an ability that needs to be activated.
- 600 Attachment Feature
Your 600 attachment feature is a buff to your first Fullbring feature.
For Clad-Types, this would be an increase of their buffs.
For Effect-Types, this would make their abilities stronger in general.
For Weapon-Types, this would be a boost to their weapon as a whole or a boost to one of their abilities.
- 800 Attachment Feature
Your 800 attachment feature is a buff to the feature obtained at 400 attachment. It can of course change said feature, however it must keep the general concept of the feature noticeable.
- Complete Fullbring
Complete Fullbring is where your Fullbring has reached its peak, therefore reaching its mature state.
All Fullbrings that reach completion can now be activated at will, and raise the reiatsu level of the user by 1.
They also gain general buffs to their 1st or 2nd abilities (although there's no problem if both are buffed), and sometimes a new ability (although this is not a must have).
Original Fullbrings[edit]
Clad-Type Fullbrings[edit]
Effect-Type Fullbrings[edit]
Amber Death[edit]
- Fullbring Type
Amber Death is considered an Effect-Type.
- Gaining Attachment
When using Amber Death, the following methods are available to gain attachment:
Method | Description |
Activation | Whenever you activate any of Amber Death's abilities, you gain attachment equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down). |
Loss | Whenever you would steal a creature's attack, you gain attachment equal to your Wisdom modifier. |
Execution | Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with your Amber Death, you gain 10 attachment. |
- Amber Death
Your Fullbring is a small amber pendant which is hung from your middle finger, with the pendant itself resting in your palm. When activated, the chains snap and lengthen, wrapping around your hand and arm in a helix pattern, tightening the pendant against your palm. As a bonus action, you can activate your Fullbring for 1 minute. While your Fullbring is active, you may cause the chains to lash out. Make a number of ranged Reiryoku attack rolls equal to your proficiency bonus against one or more targets within 20 feet of you as an action by spending 2 Reiryoku. On a hit they take 1d12 slashing damage and must succeed a Constitution saving throw or begin bleeding. The DC to end the bleeding condition is equal to your Reiryoku DC.
You may deactivate Amber Death at will, no action required.
- What Once Was
Once you reach 400 attachment, your desire to steal back what was stolen from you echoes throughout your pendent, allowing you to steal the attacks of others.
When you succeed on a saving throw against a ranged spell attack or ranged spell-like ability (All Reiryoku based projectiles), you may activate What Once Was for 5 Reiryoku. The targeted creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Reiryoku DC. On failure, their attack is lost inside of the pendant. Creatures with a Reiatsu level 5 or lower than your own have disadvantage on this saving throw. Creatures with 10 or more Reiatsu levels above your own cannot have their attacks stolen.
As an action, you may cast the same spell or spell like ability. You may use the creature's statistics, or your own if yours are higher. You may only have a number of abilities stored equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). Stored abilities are lost when your Fullbring ends.
A creature may choose to willingly fail this saving throw.
- Versatile Chains
Once you reach 600 attachment, your chains become easier to control. Your chains now deal 2d12 slashing damage on hit, and the first creature you hit on your turn has disadvantage on their saving throw to avoid bleeding.
- Captured Memories
Once you reach 800 attachment, your pendant can return even the attacks it would fail to protect you from. When you would fail a saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability, you store half of the damage you take (rounded up). You may immediately return this damage as a reaction. If you would choose not to, the stored attack is immediately lost. Creatures targeted by this effect take an additional Xd12 damage of the corresponding type (with X being your Wisdom modifier added four times).
The additional damage dealt by your pendant ignores resistances, immunities, damage reductions or threshold.
You cannot benefit from this feature if you would be at the maximum number of stored abilities with What Once Was.
- Complete Fullbring
Once you reach 1000 attachment, you complete your Fullbring. Finally coming to terms with what you've lost, you've mastered your basic Fullbring. You gain the following benefits:
- Whenever Amber Death is active, your Reiatsu level increases by 1.
- You can now activate your Amber Death at will.
In addition to this, you have mastered your ability to store and return attacks. You may store a number of abilities equal to your full proficiency bonus, and these abilities are not lost when Amber Death is dismissed. You may store abilities stolen by Stray Shot instead of returning them.
Weapon-Type Fullbrings[edit]
Fullbrings Inspired on Other Content[edit]
Clad-Type Fullbrings[edit]
- Fullbring Type
Cross is considered a Clad-Type Fullbring.
- Gaining Attachment
When using the Cross Fullbring, the following methods are available to gain attachment:
Method | Description |
Activation | Whenever you activate any of your Cross' abilities, you gain attachment equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down). |
Reishi Collection | For every two times you collect reishi, you gain attachment equal to your Wisdom modifier. |
Execution | Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with your Cross, you gain 10 attachment. |
- Cross
You once were a proud Quincy, fighting for your own reasons. After a tragic event however, you've lost your powers. However, you've found out about your deep ties to the Hollows; those you swore to destroy, and unlocked the power that was sealed in you since a very young age.
Your Fullbring is an old Quincy Cross, which counts as a mundane object for any creature but you. You can activate your Fullbring as a bonus action for 2 reiryoku, turning the cross into a small black bow with blue details made out of pure reishi for 1 minute.
Reishi Absorption. Like you once did, your Fullbring allows you to manipulate reishi, however not to the point it was before. You gain the Reishi Manipulation feature, however the amount of reishi you gain is halved (rounded up). Also, you cannot create Heilig Bogens.
However, your black bow counts as a Small Heilig Bogen and can fire Heilig Pfeils like one would.
- Reishi Techniques
Once you reach 400 attachment, you regain part of the techniques you could perform as a Quincy. You gain an amount of Seiren Techniques equal to your proficiency bonus.
You can only pick Reishi Manipulation and Heilig Pfeil techniques.
At the end of a long rest, you may change one of the techniques chosen for another.
- Reishi Cloak
Once you reach 600 attachment, your Fullbring now envelops your whole body, creating a white cloak made out of reishi. You now have a blue Quincy Cross shaped reishi shield located at the arm where you hold your bow.
Whenever you activate Fullbring, you gain the following additional benefits:
- Your AC receives a +1 bonus.
- Your Wisdom score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20.
- Your Black Bow now counts as a Medium Heilig Bogen for the purposes of damage calculation.
- You shred bright light in 5 feet, and dim light in 10 feet.
Additionally, you now gain the normal amount of Reishi from the Reishi Absorption feature.
- Saint's Training
Once you reach 800 attachment, you have never been so close to regaining your roots. You can now learn any Seiren Techniques that you meet the prerequisites of.
Additionally, you may unlearn a number of them equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) per long rest, and one on a short rest.
- Complete Fullbring
Once you reach 1000 attachment, you complete your Fullbring, finally discovering the secrets Cross had to offer. With this discovery, you've mastered your basic Fullbring. You receive the following benefits:
- Whenever Cross is active, your reiatsu level is increased by +1.
- You can now activate Cross at will.
Your Reishi Cloak suffers drastic changes, becoming something much more refined and divine. Once you activate Fullbring, the cloak now covers your body, with it being a soft fabric that fits just right. You gain body sized blue reishi wings that extend out of your back, and a halo-like reishi item on the top of your head. The additional benefits you received in Fullbring are changed to the following:
- Your AC receives a +2 bonus.
- Your Wisdom score increases by 2, including its maximum.
- Your Black Bow now counts as a Large heilig bogen for the purposes of damage calculation.
- You shred bright light in 5 feet, and dim light in 10 feet.
- You gain flying speed equal to your walking speed times 1,5 (rounded to the nearest 5).
Effect-Type Fullbrings[edit]
Weapon-Type Fullbrings[edit]
Fullbrings Based on Existing Fiction[edit]
Clad-Type Fullbrings[edit]
Boosted Gear[edit]
Source, [1] |
- Fullbring Type
When using Boosted Gear, the following methods are available to gain attachment:
- Gaining Attachment
When using the Boosted Gear Fullbring, the following methods are available to gain attachment:
Method | Description |
Activation | Whenever you activate any of your Boosted Gear’s abilities, you gain attachment equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down). |
Critical Wound | Whenever you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike benefiting from Boosted Gear, you gain attachment equal to your Wisdom modifier. |
Execution | Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with an unarmed strike benefitting from Boosted Gear, you gain 10 attachment. |
- Dragon Booster (200 Attachement)
Your fullbring manifests upon your arm as a red claw-shaped gauntlet with a green jewel embedded in the center and two golden spikes extending from its wrist. When you activate it, the green jewel and the green inscriptions seem to glow a vibrant green light.
As a free action, you may manifest your fullbring upon your arm. You are considered proficient with this gauntlet even if you wouldn’t normally and it counts as a magical weapon for the sake of overcoming resistances and immunities. It has the following benefits:
- Dragon Strike. Your unarmed strike die goes up by one tier if the strike is made with your gauntlet. If your unarmed strike damage is 1, it is considered a d4 for the increase.
- Boost. As a bonus action for 2 reiryoku, you can boost yourself by increasing the damage dice of your attacks by 1 (Your unarmed strike or weapon damage can only be boosted in this way once) and increase your movement speed by 10ft once per round. This can be used repeatedly, stacking its power further with each boost lasting for 1 minute (Each Boost Resets the Timer). However, upon reaching an amount of boost stacks equal to your constitution modifier. You must make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC = 10 + Total Amount of Boost Stacks) or Suffer 1 level of exhaustion and lose all stacked boosts. If you exceed the amount of boost stacks you can do and fail the exhaustion save, you cannot use boost again until you complete a short or long rest.
If you have the endurance feature, you do not need to make this save.
- Dragon Shot (400 Attachment)
Once you’ve reached 400 Attachment, you gain the ability to concentrate your reiatsu into a single, concentrated burst capable of piercing through anything within its path. You gain the ability to use dragon shot. As an action, you can expand 5 reiryoku to fire a powerful energy projectile in a 60-foot long, 5-foot wide directly in front of you. All creatures in the line must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take Xd10 force damage (Where X equals your wisdom modifier added twice) and are knocked prone. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not knocked prone.
Dragon Shot’s effectiveness and power is increased based on the amount of boost stacks you have currently stacked. Every boost grants you an additional 10ft to the energy projectile and makes it 5ft wider. This feature deals double damage to objects and structures. if you use this feature while boosted, you lose all current stacks of boosts.
- Dragon Booster Second Liberation (600 Attachment)
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Source, [2] |
Once you’ve reached 600 Attachment, you’ve learned to draw out more of the Boosted Gear’s Power. Upon activation, the gauntlet now extends further up your arm - a second jewel embedded within it. The gauntlet’s red surface gleams with an almost vibrant red, like the raw might of a dragon. The gauntlet covers the entire hand and a significant portion of the wielder’s arm. Its armor plating resembles dragon scales. A total of ten golden spikes emerge along its length, causing the gauntlet to look heavier with this. Your abilities have seemingly improved, it now has the following benefits:
- Dragon's Might Your Strength score increases by 2, including its maximum. You also gain advantage on Strength saving throws.
- Dragon Strike. Dragon Strike. Your unarmed strike die goes up by one damage die if the strike is made with your gauntlet. Also, you deal additional force damage when making an unarmed strike equal to reiatsu die.
- Boost Limit Raised. You can now boost an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier + half your Constitution modifier (rounded up).
- Transfer. You’ve gained the ability to harness the boosted energy within you and transfer the accumulated power to another being or object, temporarily granting them enhanced strength and speed. As a bonus action for 2 reiryoku per boost stack, you can transfer all your boost stacks to a willing creature or object within 30 feet.
If you transfer to a creature, the recipient receives an amount of additional damage die equal (Unarmed Strikes and Weapon damage can only be boosted in this way once) to the amount of boost stacks and movement speed increase equal to the amount that you would’ve got if you used it upon yourself. When you transfer it to another creature, this boost in power lasts for 1 minute.
If you transfer the power to an object, the object temporarily becomes reinforced by your boosted power, gaining a +1 enhancement per 2 boost stacks (maximum +3). This enhancement can improve a weapon’s attack and damage rolls, fortify armor or even empower mundane objects with supernatural durability. As before, this boost in power lasts for 1 minute.
- Overboost. You’ve gained the ability to push your boosts past your physical limitations albeit only slightly. You can boost yourself an additional amount of times past your normal limit equal to half your constitution modifier (rounded down). If you try to push past this limit. The gauntlet burst’s the energy out of you for trying to extend past your physical limit. You lose all your boost stacks and take damage equal to xd12 (where x equals twice the amount of boost stacks you over boosted by.)
- Storage (800 Attachment)
Once you’ve reached 800 Attachment, your mastery over the boosted gear has allowed you to learn a new secret of its power. you now have the power to store weapons and items into your boosted gear to harness their power.
When you store certain items into your boosted gear. Your boosted gear can now gain the items or weapon’s damage properties, Your boosted gear also gains its own version of an ability or one effect that these items or weapons possess if they have an ability or effect of their own. (This can be made with your GM).
You may only place an amount of items or weapons into your boosted gear equal to your proficiency bonus
- Complete Fullbring (1000 Attachment)
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Source, [3] |
Once you’ve reached 1000 Attachment, you’ve completed your fullbring. You’ve finally discovered the secrets and the power stored deep within your fullbring, with this discovery. You’ve mastered your basic fullbring, you receive the following benefits when you activate your fullbring:
- Your Boost Stacks have increased to their maximum. You now have a limit of boost stacks equal to twice your constitution modifier.
- Whenever Boosted Gear is active, your reiatsu level is increased by 1.
- You can now activate Boosted Gear at will.
- When you fail the Constitution saving throw, you do not have to wait for a short or long rest to use it again. You still gain one level of exhaustion on failure.
- You may now boost unarmed strikes and weapon damage by 2 damage dice instead of one.
With the completion of your fullbring, you’ve finally figured out the remaining ability within it.
Boosted Gear: Scale Mail. As a bonus action, you can activate Boosted Gear: Scale Mail for 10 Reiryoku for 1 minute. This armor manifests as Red-Dragon armor adorned with emerald green jewels embedded along its plating, this armor is paired with a pair of rocket thrusters designed to provide an explosive burst of speed in conjunction with dragon wings.
- Dragon Strike. Your unarmed strike damage die is now increased by two. You also deal additional force damage equal to your reiatsu die when making an unarmed strike.
- Draconic Enhancement. Your Strength and Constitution score increase by 2, including their maximums. You also gain advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws. You also gain a +2 to AC.
- Dragon Wings. You gain flying speed equal to your movement speed.
- Rocket Thrusters. As a reaction, you can double your movement speed until the start of your next turn and move out of the way of an attack. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
- Instant Boost. You can now boost at will up to your limit (no action required).
Dividing Gear[edit]
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Source, [4], a Dividing Gear user with the Dividing Gear activated |
- Fullbring Type
When using Dividing Gear, the following methods are available to gain attachment:
- Gaining Attachment
When using the Dividing Gear Fullbring, the following methods are available to gain attachment:
Method | Description |
Activation | Whenever you activate any of your Dividing Gear’s abilities, you gain attachment equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down). |
Critical Wound | Whenever you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike while benefiting from the Dividing Gear, you gain attachment equal to your Wisdom modifier. |
Execution | Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with an unarmed strike while benefiting from the Dividing Gear or you reduce a creature to 0 using any of its abilities, you gain 10 attachment. |
- Divine Dividing
At 200 attachment, your fullbring manifests on your back as a pair of majestic white dragon wings, each adorned with eight luminous blue energy "feathers" that pulse with a soft, ethereal glow. When activated, the energy feathers radiate a brilliant blue light, and the wings emit a faint azure aura.
As a free action, you may manifest your fullbring upon your back. While manifested, these wings grant you a flying speed equal to twice your walking speed. Additionally, they count as a magical source for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities when using abilities tied to them. They provide the following benefits:
Divide! As a reaction to successfully hitting a melee attack or being hit by a melee attack or coming into physical contact with a target, you may spend 2 reiryoku to decrease the dice of all attacks it has by 2 and decrease their movement speed by 5ft once per round and for every 2 damage dice decreased, you deal one additional damage and gain 5ft to your movement speed for 1 minute. Divide may be used repeatedly, with each Divide stacking and each Divide resets the timer. You may have a number of Divide stacks up to your Constitution modifier at once. You may gain an additional amount of damage up to your Wisdom modifier times your proficiency bonus.
If you happen to exceed that limit, your wings expel the stacks over the limit, allowing you to always stay at optimum fighting capacity. You gain an additional amount of reactions for Divide equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Divine Divide: Defense! You're able to divide the potency of an attack targeted at you. As a reaction to being targeted by an attack of any kind, you may spend a reaction for 3 reiryoku to decrease the damage dice of the attack by 2 and if it doesn't deal damage dice and instead deals flat damage, you may decrease the damage by 4 instead. You may use the additional reactions from Divide for this feature.
- Reflect
At 400 attachment levels, you draw more out of your fullbring, now allowing you to take your divine defense further and reflect attacks thrown at you.
Whenever your targeted by an attack that's melee, ranged or an area of effect, you may spend 5 reiryoku to make an Arcana check using your Wisdom modifier instead of intelligence against the attacker's DC. On a failure, nothing happens and you take the damage as normal. On a success, you reflect the attack towards the attacker, making them a new target of the attack. If it's an attack roll, the attacker must use their attack roll against their own AC and if it's a save, they must roll against your DC. You may use the additional reactions from Divide for this feature.
- Divine Dividing: Dragon Driven Supremacy
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Source, [5], a Dividing Gear user having activated Scale Mail |
At 600 attachment levels, you've unlocked more of your fullbring's power and drawn out even more of its ability to reduce your opponents power. You gain the following benefits:
Divine Expansion. The amount of Divides you can now sustain has increased. You can now Divide an amount of times equal to your Constitution modifier + half your Constitution modifier (rounded up).
Divine Dividing: Scale Mail. You're able to activate the Scale Mail, which creates a White Dragon Armor with blue jewels that covers your body and strengthens your powers and abilities. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you may gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
- Dragon Strike. Your unarmed strike damage die is now increased by two. You also deal additional force damage equal to your reiatsu die when making an unarmed strike.
- Draconic Enhancement. Your Strength,Dexterity and Constitution scores increase by 2, including their maximums. You also gain advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
- Instantaneous Division. You can now Divide at will up to your limit (no action required). Additionally, the maximum amount of damage you can gain is increased by 5.
- Half Dimension! As an action for 10 reiryoku while in Scale Mail, you may force creatures within your reiatsu radius to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, however, their creature size is reduced by 2 sizes to a minimum of tiny for 1 minute. This also reduces their speed by 5ft for every 1 size above their original size they are reduced to. This also targets objects who count as automatically failing the saving throw.
- This additionally applies the effects of Divide! which each Half Dimension counting as 2 Divides used for the purposes of your Divide limit.
- Creatures who have failed the saving throw may repeat it at the beginning of their turns to end their size reduction.
- Divine Divide: Soul Division
At 800 Attachment Levels, you unlock a power you never thought was possible to do with Divide, the ability to halve negative emotions.
Half Emotion! You're able to halve the negative emotions a creature may have. As a reaction to hitting a melee attack, being hit by a melee attack or otherwise considered to be physically in contact with a creature, you may spend 5 reiryoku to make them reroll the save that caused them to be suffering from a non-physical condition with advantage. (Such as Frightened, Charmed, etc.)
Dragonic Lightspeed Blitz. Your wings give you the ability to reach near lightspeed. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, including its maximum. You also gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
- Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive
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Source, [6], a Dividing Gear user in their Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive |
At 1000 attachment levels, you've unlocked the true power of your Dividing Gear, allowing you to reach its ultimate state, Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive.
Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive. You're able to activate the Scale Mail, which creates a Silver Dragon Armor with blue jewels that covers your body and strengthens your powers and abilities. As a bonus action for 20 reiryoku, you may gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
Dragon Strike. Your unarmed strike damage die is now increased by three. You also deal additional force damage equal to your reiatsu die added twice when making an unarmed strike.
- Draconic Enhancement. Your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores increases by 4, including their maximums. You also gain advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
- Instantaneous Division. You can now Divide at will up to your limit (no action required). Additionally, the maximum amount of additional damage you may gain increased by 10.
- Compression Divider! As an action for 15 reiryoku while in Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive, you may force creatures within your reiatsu radius to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, they take half damage and aren't affected by any additional effects. On a failure, however, they take Xd12 necrotic damage (X is your wisdom modifier added four times) and their creature size is reduced by 2 sizes to a minimum of tiny for 1 minute. This also reduces their speed by 10ft for every 1 size above their original size they are reduced to. This also targets objects who count as automatically failing the saving throw.
- This additionally applies the effects of Divide! which each Compression Driver counting as 4 Divides used for the purposes of your Divide limit.
- Creatures who have failed the saving throw may repeat it at the beginning of their turns to end their size reduction.
Additionally you gain the following benefits outside Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive:
- Your Divide Stacks have increased to their maximum. You now have a limit of Divide stacks equal to twice your constitution modifier.
- Whenever the Dividing Gear is active, your reiatsu level is increased by 1.
- You can now activate the Dividing Gear at will.
- You may now use Half Dimension outside your balance breaker.
- You now have a flying speed equal to triple your movement speed.
- You may now gain an additional amount of damage up to your Wisdom added twice times your proficiency bonus.
Effect-Type Fullbrings[edit]
Weapon-Type Fullbrings[edit]
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