Everfrost Ale, Variant (5e Equipment)

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Potion, common (minor)

This always-cold ale is traditionally served in a light blue tankard decorated with snowflakes. If consumed at a normal pace it's just a tasty beverage, but the ale gains a special effect when you try to chug it all down in a single bonus action. After doing so, make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you take 1d6 cold damage with no other effect. On a success, you can use your action to exhale a blizzard in a 15-foot cone in front of you.

When you use this action, each creature in this cone must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 cold damage on a failure or half as much on a success. You can use this action once before the end of your next turn. If you don't, the potion is wasted with no effect.

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