Dwarves in Premius (Grisaire Supplement)
Dwarves are a very important and prominent race in Grisaire. They are particularly important in Premius, where they have long occupied the land even before Premius was even formed. Thus, it is no surprise that they have great foundations and built long-lasting culture that pervades the entire country. They are the most populous race in Premius and their vast social network is inherent in how they occupy many of the highest echelons.
The Edescrild[edit]
The Edescrild is the unified agreement between the dwarven clans of Premius within the government, formed in 9,654 AP. The Edescrild occupies the largest amount of the Iron Court seats. There are six clans of dwarves in Premius: Rotwurden, Bast'Ten, Chartdargan, Fignartdis, Polf'nyet, and Arthanator. Each clan can have as many as 30 families. For example, Redbrauch is a family within clan Rotwurden, as is Margul. Family Joylial was in clan Fignartdis, and family Frud was in clan Polf'nyet.
Known as the "Red Joviality," the clan of Rotwurden was a relatively medium sized clan originally in Morkan. It burgeoned after the creation of the Premier Force and retains the second largest number of members in Premius to date. In the Period of Unity, this clan has risen greatly in prominence, with succession of multiple Iron Crowns coming from this clan.
Rotwurden has 16 families under its clan umbrella. Among them are Redbrauch and Margul, the families of the current Iron Crown and his predecessor, respectively. A few other families are the Olbenz, Utruscamar, and Tirthfendir.
Fignartdis is known by many names in the past. These days, they are called the "Purple Boulder Clan."
The once-royal family Joylial of Tasnen is under Fignartdis' umbrella. Fignartdis also boasts other powerful families, however, a whopping 20 of them. Among them are families Saganer, Voltesi, and Sygnorum.
Polf'nyet is a proud clan now seen to be fallen on hard times. Two names used these days for them is "The Crag Clan" and the other is "Cold Hermitage." Polf'nyet refers to themselves as the "Ice Forgers," referring to their age-old secret of refining chardalyn.
Polf'nyet houses the now-disgraced family Frud, a former royal family of Eskain, among others like Inkyros and Glachnaub. In total, they have around 15 families.
The "Clan of A Mountain of Pebbles" is so-called because Arthanator boasts the largest membership of all the clans.
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