Double Glaive (4e Equipment)

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Double Glaive

Superior Melee Weapons

Double Weapon

Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Double Glaive +2 2d4 - 50 gp 15 lb. Heavy blade, pole arm High crit, Reach
- Secondary end +2 2d4 Heavy blade, pole arm Off-Hand

the double glaive is a pole arm weapon, consisting of a single-edged blade on both ends of a pole.

As a double weapon, wielding a double glaive is like wielding a weapon in each hand. You can use either end of the double glaive to deliver an attack unless a power specifies a main or off-hand weapon attack. An enchanted double glaive receives an enhancement bonus on both ends, but weapon properties or powers conferred by the enchantment affect only the primary end of the weapon.

High critical

deals an extra 1[w] damage at 1st-10th levels, 2 [w] at 11th-20th levels, and 3 [w] damage at 21st-30th levels on a critical hit.


you can attack enemies that are 2 squares away from you as well as adjacent enemies, with no attack penalty, you can still flank and make opportunity attacks only against adjacent enemies.


The double Glaive secondary (off-hand) end is light enough that you can hold it and attack effectively with the primary end in your main hand. You can't attack with both ends in the same turn, unless you have a power that lets you do so, but you can attack with either end.

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