Discussion:Paladins of different alignments?

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Cirzahc (talk21:09, 16 October 2017 (MDT)[edit]

So a long time ago I was making a paladin but I ran into a problem. I didn't want to make the same old holy knight who gives to the poor, fights the utmost evil, and follows the rules. If I were a paladin and I brought back the most vile villain and the court said I had no right to take prisoner and need to free them right then I couldn't. It would not be a GOOD thing to do. Who needs a law that protects the scum of the world thus endangering the lives of the innocent. I wanted to be chaotic good, a force of god and the people who didn't care what old men in castles thought should happen but cared about how the heat of his battles would win the war against evil and keep the people safe and free. Cut to now when I found this [1] exactly what the next expansion should be. I want to hear thoughts on this and more ideas for paladins who aren't goody goody two shoes or people who steal candy from babies for Satan.

Geodude671 (talk | contribs | email)‎ . . 21:10, 16 October 2017 (MDT)[edit]

I don't know what edition you're talking about, but 3.5's Unearthed Arcana had variant paladins of different alignments, and 4e and 5e don't have alignment restrictions on paladins any more.

Red Leg Leo (talk10:56, 14 February 2020 (MST)[edit]

like geo said, although I think paladin should have restrictions. The word invokes a sense of good and morality.