Digimon (Digimon Supplement)
Digimon--short for Digital Monster--are mysterious lifeforms with the vast majority of Digimon residing within the Digital World; a region of pseudo-cyberspace that was created on the Network and originated from the Net Ocean, the birthplace of life within the Digital World. There are many different species of Digimon, some of which have their own subspecies, as well as unconfirmed and new generations that have yet to be revealed.
Digimon comes in all shapes and sizes, starting off from typically a large egg known as a Digi-Tama, or Digi-Egg. They can be different colors, have different features, and more, often turning into different creatures as time progresses, thus changing their physiology. As Digimon evolves, they take on different appearances or may even become invisible, depending on what kind of Digimon they become. Each Digimon goes through at the bare minimal 3 stages, though there is 6 total. 6 Natural Stages, at least. These stages mean that Digimon of stronger and higher levels are exceedingly rare to find, let alone become. The following are the stages:
- Baby I - A stage that occurs after you hatch from a Digi-Tama. These are the weakest Digimon typically, even if they're natural carriers of things that enhance them such as the X-Antibody.
- Baby II - An evolved state of the Baby I Digimon. While stronger than Baby I Digimon, it's not by much and typically even Baby I Digimon could beat these.
- Child - The most common form of Digimon found. They evolve from Baby II Digimon, and the difference in strength between this level and the previous two is so drastic that it's almost impossible to find a Baby II or Baby II Digimon stronger than them. These Digimon also have a variety of strengths and weaknesses.
- Adult - An Adult Digimon is a next stage, each also varying in terms of strength though almost always superseding the Child form in every way. This is a rare sight to behold in any Digimon, as gathering the data necessarily requires a lot of time and effort.
- Perfect - The second-rarest stage of a Digimon, their Perfect Level. These are shave strength that outclasses every state before and is typically a Digimon's "ultimate" state, if they're not in Adult, they'd be in Perfect form or Child form. And these are almost mystical entities, with few in each location of the Digital World and even fewer occurring naturally.
- Ultimate - The final natural form of a Digimon, and also the rarest and most powerful variant. This is so rare that outside of specific Digital Groups such as the Royal Knights, Olympus XII, or even VII Demon Lords, no one has ever heard of a Digimon attaining this power, considering it a special case.
Digimon typically doesn't reproduce, instead, as more data is formed within the Digital World, a new Digimon comes into existence as Digi-Tama. Though when a Digimon is killed, unless all of their data is completely absorbed, they return to a Digi-Tama/Digi-Egg to be reborn again. reproduce asexually by producing eggs, which for most of them is an act they can perform willingly but sparsely. A Digimon born from its egg can have varying degrees of mentality, mannerisms, and intelligence, albeit with their Digital Traits. Interestingly, there is no data on how Digimon gets older, instead just being old due to the way they evolved. Outside of being killed, death through age typically is not even a thought.
Similar to humans, Digimon must still eat, drink, breathe, and rest else they risk getting sick and dying, starving to death, or suffocating. Interestingly, Digimon doesn't have any sex but can identify as whatever they choose, from Male, Female, to Other. They have no sex organs due to being data.
Digimon first appeared after a virus possessing artificial intelligence spread onto computers throughout the real world, that virus evolved similarly to living life forms, changing in appearance and power on the network, becoming these Digimon. Several Digital Worlds exist, each with its own history for Digimon. However, a great war resulted in the merging and collision of every Digital World and Human World variant, becoming what's known as "U.D.W." and "T.H.W.". The U.D.W. stands for Unified Digital World, and T.H.W. stands for True Human World. With no longer any other variants of Digital or Human worlds, Digimon was seemingly wiped out by this catastrophe. However, when the network appeared once more in the True Human World, Digimon was seemingly brought back. Only those of the highest order such as Yggdrasil and The Royal Knights or Olympus XII know of this war, even fewer having memories of partaking in it. As of now, Digimon does similar things to what they did in previous incarnations; fighting, brawling, or getting into chaos and requiring Human Children to arise and handle things. But in recent times, they've been able to traverse to the Human World, and cause unknowingly amounts of trouble, thus resulting in D.A.T.S. and Hypnos merging to protect the public from Digimon.
Digimon's society isn't incredibly complex, often getting into bashing heads with others over turf wars or just to grow their power and evolve. The few who aren't like this setup villages and live in peace and harmony, often having a guardian Digimon protecting them in some capacity. Some incredibly rare and lucky Digimon are selected by a higher order to become the Chosen Digimon to certain human partners, thus granting them power that normal Digimon may not actually have.
Digimon Names[edit]
For reasons unknown, all Digimon's names typically end in 'mon', with no real reason for any of the front parts of the name. Sometimes these names describe the Digimon, such as 'Shoutmon' or 'Tailmon(Gatomon)'.
Digimon Traits[edit]
These Digital Entities are known for their programming and other extensive capabilities. There are several smaller groupings and classifications that you can go under to obtain more specific traits, but the following are generic traits for all Digimon.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1, and your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Age. Digimon mature over time, usually through the process of evolution, but there is no specific set age maximum before they get reincarnated into a Digi-Tama/Digi-Egg.
Alignment. Digimon can be whatever alignment, typically falling under Chaotic Neutral, however. Certain Digimon within certain digital groupings naturally acclimates toward different alignments, such as Digimon in the Royal Knights being Lawful Neutral.
Size. Your size to start, as you'd be in the Baby I form, is tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 15 feet.
Digital Creatures. Digimon, being made up of data, are able to sense variations in other digital structures specific to the digital world. While in the Digital World, you are proficient in the Arcana, History, and Nature skills.
Digital Hearing. Digimon have heightened senses typically to that of human beings, with their abilities reflecting that. You can hear sounds from your position up to double your movement speed. Additionally, you have Darkvision.
Limited Digi-Core. Ability Score Improvements can only raise each Ability Score up to 20 while you are at Child Level. At the Adult Level, Ability Score Improvements can raise each Ability Score up to 30. At Perfect Level, each Ability Score Improvement can raise each Ability Score up to 40. At Ultimate Level, each Ability Score Improvement can raise each Ability Score up to 50.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write both Common and Digi-Code. Rarely, if ever, is a creature not of the Digimon race able to understand anything from the Digi-Code tongue.
Subrace. X-Antibody Digimon
X-Antibody Digimon[edit]
The subrace of the Digimon species is a much more powerful variant of their normal forms. However, not every Digimon can become an X-Antibody Digimon. Some are natural carriers of this property, while others are given the power of the X-Antibody. Typically, to have all X-Antibody Digimon within the same realm of power, their forms are usually relevant to a tier higher than what they would normally be. So a Baby I X-Antibody Digimon would be relative to a Baby II Digimon. A Baby II X-Antibody Digimon would be relevant to a Child Digimon. A Child X-Antibody Digimon would be relative to an Adult Digimon. An Adult X-Antibody Digimon would be relative to a Perfect Digimon. A Perfect X-Antibody Digimon would be relative to an Ultimate Digimon. And an Ultimate X-Antibody Digimon is usually outclassing even regular Ultimate Digimon.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
X Digi-Core. Ability Score Improvements can only raise each Ability Score up to 30 while you are at Child Level. At the Adult Level, Ability Score Improvements can raise each Ability Score up to 40. At Perfect Level, each Ability Score Improvement can raise each Ability Score up to 50. At Ultimate Level, each Ability Score Improvement can raise each Ability Score up to 60.
Evolved Digital Creature. Your base walking speed is 20 feet instead of 15 feet.
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