Devilsknife (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Sickle), Very rare (Requires attunement)

The Devilsknife is a magic sickle that was originally used by the famous devilish jester, Jevil. He had the ability to polymorph his body into the blade and create magical copies of it to attack. Jevil was later defeated by the group of heroes known as The Fun Gang and returned to a century-long slumber. Mirroring the insanity of its original wielder, the Devilsknife's cuts wound the mind along with the body. On a hit, it deals 1d12 slashing damage + 5 psychic damage + Your Charisma Modifier (maximum of +3, minimum of +1). This sickle can also be used as a Spellcasting Focus.

Extra Features

Devil Warp As an action, while holding this weapon, you can teleport to any unoccupied space you can see within 250 Feet. You may not take anyone with you, and anything else you are wearing or carrying will be transported as well. If you reappear within 5 feet of an opponent, you can use a bonus action to make an attack with the Devilsknife (This attack will have advantage, as the opponent won't expect you appearing out of nowhere). You may use this equal to half your Charisma Modifier, rounded down (maximum of +3, minimum of +1).You regain 1 use every time you complete a long rest.

Devil Slicer As an action, you may swipe the Devilsknife in the air in front of you, creating a red beam in the shape of a blade in a 90 foot line. Make a Ranged Attack. This attack does 2d10 slashing damage + 8 psychic damage + your Charisma Modifier (maximum of +3, minimum of +1). You regain this attack after you complete a long rest.

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