Dark Spear (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (spear), legendary (requires attunement)

Dark Spear was created when it was discovered that a powerful magic weapon could be made through the loss of human life. Numerous souls lost in plagues, wars, and mass genocide were channeled into this weapon to create Dark Spear. It appears to be made entirely out of pure black energy. While the weapon itself emanates an evil aura, it is inhabited by the soul of a fourteen-year-old girl who also happened to be the daughter of the creator of the weapon.

Whenever the user of Dark Spear attacks a creature, the Hit Points percentage the creature has remaining determines how high the difficulty is. While below 50% of the creatures Hit Point Maximum, the creature takes an additional 1d6 slashing damage. If the user drops a creature to 0 Hit Points, the creature needs to make a DC 15 Constitution save or have their soul taken by Dark Spear.

The Dark Spear at base level deals 1d6 slashing damage and 1d4 necrotic damage. Every 4 souls consumed by the Dark Spear empowers it, increasing the damage die of the necrotic source. For example, the first 4 consumed souls would make the necrotic damage go from 1d4 to 1d6 then to 1d8 then to 2d6. If Dark Spear consumes a particularly powerful soul based on GM's decision it may count as more than 1 soul. The necrotic damage die can be increased to a maximum of 2d6.

After the user attunes to Dark Spear they may put it into another dimension (similar to that of a pact of the blade warlock) which the user can then use a Bonus Action to call forth Dark Spear. Whenever the user falls unconscious they need to make a Constitution save DC 14 or their soul is sucked into the weapon as well. The wielder of Dark Spear can as an action release an aura of dark energy around them in a 30 ft radius. All creatures in the area must make a DC 15 Wisdom save or be paralyzed with fear at the overload of dark energy that has filled the area until the start of their next turn. This can be used twice a day.
Sentience. Dark Spear is a sentient weapon she has an Intelligence of 16 a Charisma of 18 and a Wisdom of 14 and knows every language its user speaks and communicates with the user telepathically.
Personality. She had a larger than life personality which could be why dark spear wanted her as it's first soul. Due to her nature, she ended up becoming the essence of the spear.

Picture of Dark Spear being wielded by Frankenstein in the Manwha Noblesse

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