DC Universe (D20 Modern Campaign Setting)

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Things used to be so simple, so clear … so black and white. When did the world become so gray?
—Dick Grayson, Nightwing
This page is part of the

DC Universe
Campaign Setting

This material is maintained by Hooper
DC logo.png
Rating: 3 / 5
This has some, but often sparse, information in most categories. Please help improve this.

What are the rating guidelines in more detail?
Why is DC Universe (D20 Modern Campaign Setting) rated how it is?
What is the correct campaign setting formatting?
If you feel this campaign setting does not deserve the current rating, start a discussion and the rating will be discussed

Player Information

Player's Handbook
Advice on Creating Characters
The many races of the DC Universe.
Equipment Compendium
Player's guide to DC items and equipment
The magic of DC
Super powers & abilities
Gods and other Immortals

World Reference

The history of DC.

About the Earth

This is the who's who of DC

Running DC

About this Project
Basic info about the project
Adding to DC Universe
About helping out.
Running a DC Universe Campaign
Advice for implementing a campaign
Rogue's Gallery
The villains and bad guys of DC
Other Factions, notable Groups, Companies, and Organizations in the DC Universe.
Things To Do

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